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Author Topic: forum international? Pourquoi faire?  (Read 4222 times)

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Offline basilik

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forum international? Pourquoi faire?
« on: July 29, 2010, 12:14:03 PM »
Quelle est donc l'utilité de cette partie du forum?
Peu de messages, pas de sujet intéressant ou en doublon avec les rubriques en langue anglaise. faut il vraiment la conserver?
Deux options nouvelles me semblent possibles:

1) melting pot
permettre l'usage de toutes les langues dans le forum principal. Mélange vivant et réaliste du monde actuel (Chacun répondant dans la langue qui lui semble la plus appropriée). j'estime que la langue russe au moins devrait être dans les rubriques en anglais pour ouvrir le forum aux femmes russes qui maîtrisent peu la langue anglaise. A nous de traduire avec promt ou toutes autres traducteurs.
c'est un forum anglo-russe mais au déséquilibre flagrant entre les locuteurs anglais et russes. Une information sur des forums russes et ukrainiens pourrait susciter des vocations de participantes et des échanges moins unilatéraux. Des rapprochements avec des sites russes existants sont peut-être envisageables...

2) forums nationaux
des sites complets à l'image de ruadventures indépendants et monolingues. Il en existe trois, je crois en France, mais peu structurés et parfois non indépendants car politisés.


Offline WestCoast

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Re: forum international? Pourquoi faire?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 01:25:58 PM »
basilik for most members of this forum English is their first language or is a second language that they use frequently.  Using your method of a forum member responding in any language means that most members will have to use Google Translate or some similar online translation site to understand the post in a foreign language.  These online translation sites are not that accurate especially when colloquial speech is used. 

basilik as this thread shows,9927.0.html very few of the men on this forum understand enough Russian to easily read and respond in Russian.

Google translate of Basilik's post:

What is the usefulness of this part of the forum?
Few messages, no duplicate or interesting topic with headings in English. should really keep it?
Two new options seem possible:

1) melting pot
allow the use of all languages in the main forum. Realistic and lively mix of the modern world (Each respondent in the language that seems most appropriate). I believe that the Russian language should be at least in the headings in English to open the forum to Russian women who know little English. Let's translate promt or other translators.
is an Anglo-Russian forum but imbalance between English and Russian speakers. Information on Russian and Ukrainian forums could lead to vocations of participants and exchanges less unilateral. Comparisons with existing Russian sites may be possible ...

2) National Forums
sites to complete the image of ruadventures independent monolingual. There are three, I believe in France, but unstructured and sometimes not independent because politicized.
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

Offline basilik

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Re: forum international? Pourquoi faire?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 02:51:56 PM »
The main question was: should we keep the international language room if nobody uses it.
I was just wondering about two alternatives.


1) You answered in english in the international room and my text was in french so you are mixing languages...
2) You translated my text with google ...

Two things you have just written it was not possible..:)

I am using promt software (good in russian) to translate russian forum about marriage or relationship with foreigners  and it works!. this is quite interesting to read what it is said about us there....and it adds a new dimension in knowing ru women (less international minded as the ones usually writing in this forum.)
Just thinking about ways to  improve things and enlarge audience....