And when you read the article, it reads he "was relieved", not "fired". 
Is the person still drawing their previous full pay, etc? Yes they are. 
I did read the article and I noticed that, however I made the decision to post what the link headline said, which is that he was fired.
So the Navy later decided to make it sound better than the original headline, so what.
Is he still commanding the Nuclear Submarine Scranton? No he is not.
being relieved of duty means that he is no longer the captain of his submarine. If they want to get rid of him he will just retire from the Navy. if they want to "fire" him they must court marshal him.
I have a really good idea for the peanut gallery.
Write to the person who wrote the headline and to the website which apparently mistakenly published the headline.
"The commanding officer of the fast-attack submarine Scranton
was fired Wednesday, after eight months on the job, for reasons the Navy has not disclosed.
In a brief statement Friday, the Navy said Cmdr. Seth Rumler was relieved “due to loss of confidence in his ability to command.” Register your complaint HERE:
And then GO UP THE CHAIN OF COMMAND at the Military Times HERE: the meantime, get a life!