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Author Topic: Afghanistan  (Read 2300 times)

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« on: May 03, 2021, 10:28:43 AM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Offline Manny

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2021, 11:03:32 AM »
Pal of mine works there doing spare parts logistics for US Army vehicles. They all live in an army compound with high walls, in converted shipping containers. It's a grim place to live I gather. Even for a bloke who has worked in African war zones, Iraq and other places nobody would want to go.

They're closing down and all shipping out next month so no job there now. He is planning on going to Saudi or Libya next.

They're paying him 6 months' salary though. And they're on big bucks to work there. I suppose you'd need big money to live in a shipping container in a place with no alcohol or women, listening to bombs going off in the distance.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2021, 10:35:52 AM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Problem is who is going to do anything about it? Today's leaders are still wearing nappies..

The thing is it is very easy to fix if people got together and fixed it! Just get 30 world leaders to say they had enough of it.. And if the US does not take no notice sanction them..

Can you imagine the US with no customers or friends? Its easy to do really ..Problem is they have brain washed people into thinking they are needed .. no one needs them :laugh:

I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2021, 12:16:16 PM »
Pal of mine works there doing spare parts logistics for US Army vehicles. They all live in an army compound with high walls, in converted shipping containers. It's a grim place to live I gather. Even for a bloke who has worked in African war zones, Iraq and other places nobody would want to go.

They're closing down and all shipping out next month so no job there now. He is planning on going to Saudi or Libya next.

They're paying him 6 months' salary though. And they're on big bucks to work there. I suppose you'd need big money to live in a shipping container in a place with no alcohol or women, listening to bombs going off in the distance.
There is alcohol......

Offline Manny

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2021, 01:06:54 PM »
Pal of mine works there doing spare parts logistics for US Army vehicles. They all live in an army compound with high walls, in converted shipping containers. It's a grim place to live I gather. Even for a bloke who has worked in African war zones, Iraq and other places nobody would want to go.

They're closing down and all shipping out next month so no job there now. He is planning on going to Saudi or Libya next.

They're paying him 6 months' salary though. And they're on big bucks to work there. I suppose you'd need big money to live in a shipping container in a place with no alcohol or women, listening to bombs going off in the distance.
There is alcohol......

Where he is is dry. There was some fighting and incidents with drunk soldiers or something, so they made the whole camp dry.

As with women, there are some US Army women there, but he tells me "they are not what we might consider to be women":chuckle:

Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2021, 06:27:07 PM »
Pal of mine works there doing spare parts logistics for US Army vehicles. They all live in an army compound with high walls, in converted shipping containers. It's a grim place to live I gather. Even for a bloke who has worked in African war zones, Iraq and other places nobody would want to go.

They're closing down and all shipping out next month so no job there now. He is planning on going to Saudi or Libya next.

They're paying him 6 months' salary though. And they're on big bucks to work there. I suppose you'd need big money to live in a shipping container in a place with no alcohol or women, listening to bombs going off in the distance.
There is alcohol......

Where he is is dry. There was some fighting and incidents with drunk soldiers or something, so they made the whole camp dry.

As with women, there are some US Army women there, but he tells me "they are not what we might consider to be women":chuckle:

They are mostly pretty awful.

30 to 40 years ago at least some civilian women were available who were beautiful (stateside that is).

But now it’s slim pickings there as well.  :laugh:

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2021, 06:28:16 PM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Problem is who is going to do anything about it? Today's leaders are still wearing nappies..

The thing is it is very easy to fix if people got together and fixed it! Just get 30 world leaders to say they had enough of it.. And if the US does not take no notice sanction them..

Can you imagine the US with no customers or friends? Its easy to do really ..Problem is they have brain washed people into thinking they are needed .. no one needs them :laugh:

You tell em Steve!!

Will you be writing a letter?

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2021, 04:18:07 AM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Problem is who is going to do anything about it? Today's leaders are still wearing nappies..

The thing is it is very easy to fix if people got together and fixed it! Just get 30 world leaders to say they had enough of it.. And if the US does not take no notice sanction them..

Can you imagine the US with no customers or friends? Its easy to do really ..Problem is they have brain washed people into thinking they are needed .. no one needs them :laugh:

You tell em Steve!!

Will you be writing a letter?

No need for a letter.. If I was a world leader it would be done and dusted.. first person I would get on board is Vlad..  :smokin:
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2021, 06:55:19 AM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Problem is who is going to do anything about it? Today's leaders are still wearing nappies..

The thing is it is very easy to fix if people got together and fixed it! Just get 30 world leaders to say they had enough of it.. And if the US does not take no notice sanction them..

Can you imagine the US with no customers or friends? Its easy to do really ..Problem is they have brain washed people into thinking they are needed .. no one needs them :laugh:

You tell em Steve!!

Will you be writing a letter?

No need for a letter.. If I was a world leader it would be done and dusted.. first person I would get on board is Vlad..  :smokin:

Vlad the Impaler  :-X 
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2021, 09:54:12 AM »
from Ron Paul


"Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected special interests. In fact, the worst news possible for the Beltway military contractor/think tank complex would be that the United States actually won a war. That would signal the end of the welfare-for-the-rich gravy train.

In contrast to the end of declared wars, like World War II when the entire country rejoiced at the return home of soldiers where they belonged, an end to any of Washington’s global military deployments would result in wailing and gnashing of the teeth among the military-industrial complex which gets rich from other people’s misery and sacrifice."

Problem is who is going to do anything about it? Today's leaders are still wearing nappies..

The thing is it is very easy to fix if people got together and fixed it! Just get 30 world leaders to say they had enough of it.. And if the US does not take no notice sanction them..

Can you imagine the US with no customers or friends? Its easy to do really ..Problem is they have brain washed people into thinking they are needed .. no one needs them :laugh:

You tell em Steve!!

Will you be writing a letter?

No need for a letter.. If I was a world leader it would be done and dusted.. first person I would get on board is Vlad..  :smokin:

Vlad the Impaler  :-X 

Whatever works.  :sick0012:

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2021, 12:02:50 PM »
Quote from: AvHdB link=topic=29417.msg522859#msg522859
Vlad the Impaler  :-X 

Whatever works.  :sick0012:

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Offline Steveboy

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2021, 02:24:05 PM »
Quote from: AvHdB link=topic=29417.msg522859#msg522859
Vlad the Impaler  :-X 

Whatever works.  :sick0012:

Better known as Dracula

been learning a little about the count..  :laugh:
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2021, 04:08:28 PM »
Quote from: AvHdB link=topic=29417.msg522859#msg522859
Vlad the Impaler  :-X 

Whatever works.  :sick0012:

Better known as Dracula

No, he was a porn star  ;D
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Re: Afghanistan
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2021, 07:13:01 AM »
The wars that the USA conducts are possibly the world's largest job creation program.

Imagine the state of the USAian economy if all the forces that the USA has overseas were returned home. What about the support staff, administrators, logisticians, caterers, maintenance people.

How many US based jobs would go from the military and support services?

What about the US based manufacturing sector - what would happen there?

The US economy cannot withstand having an national defence force that is suitable to protect the borders of the USA from external attack.

War is a great way to 'recycle' manufactured goods. A bullet that is not fired has a shelf life of many years, as does the equipment used to fire and transport the man who fires the bullet. How would munitions factories manage in a situation where they were only replacing outdated materiel?

The USA cannot afford to turn swords into ploughs!
...everything ends always well; if it’s still bad, then it’s not the end!