Information & Chat > Russian & Ukrainian Language. The Cyrillic Alphabet.

RW Anatomy for Big Dummies (like me)

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RW anatomy for big dummies (like me) Please feel free to add your own body
parts and Russian words also please feel free to correct me if get something
wrong, Mods feel free to move this to wherever is appropriate

Also please remember the best way to learn Russian anatomy is in a darkened room
with an RW and a flashlight  :reading: ;D :reading:

глаза  =    glaza      =eyes

###### need help here      =  Popka  = common slang for cute butt

###### need help here      =  Popa = butt 

ноги       = nogi =    legs

груди      =  grudi   =     breasts

пупок      =     pupok     =     belly button

плечи          plechi            shoulders


--- Quote from: 2tallbill on April 23, 2009, 02:53:08 PM ---
RW anatomy for big dummies (like me) Please feel free to add your own body
parts and Russian words also please feel free to correct me if get something
--- End quote ---

I know some Russian names for body parts but Manny says the google tos doesn't allow me to post the pictures   :evilgrin0002:

Shake - you have a one track mind - but - something to be said for consistency :nod:

Beel, I think you're onto something here, Flashcards For Dummies.   :party0031:


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