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Site Down Last Night/Today Information.


Late last night in the US and early morning in the UK today the site went down for about an hour. It would appear our hosting company repaired it by restoring a back up from what I can gather.

The result was that some members lost a couple of PMs and a handful of posts were lost. All has been well today it seems. If you had a post vanish; now you know why.

Just an FYI as a few people have been PMing us today asking where their posts/PM's went during that time.

Indeed noticed a glitch in the morning and couldn't reach the forum for a while. Afterward some posts disappeared, but it wasn't more then 5 in the regular groups I guess. I didn't check the Dogpile though.

It turns out they were upgrading our database version.


I made a post about driving in Moscow, which disappeared.

... and the threads I've read have been marked as unread again...


--- Quote from: Olga_Mouse on March 18, 2009, 04:43:29 AM ---Aha...

I made a post about driving in Moscow, which disappeared.

... and the threads I've read have been marked as unread again...

--- End quote ---

Yes that happened to me also yesterday.


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