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Can or will the swamp get drained?

It can't be done
Something else, please explain
I love the swamp, keep it in place
Trump will try but he will get killed for his efforts (doesn't mean that you want this to happen)

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« on: November 10, 2024, 01:33:18 PM »
Can or will the swamp get drained?

Note: This is in reference to the USA swamp. Every country has
one. If you are not American feel free to vote anyway, if you
think it can or will be done or not. Feel free to explain your
thinking on this 
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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2024, 01:55:17 PM »
I'm a natural cynic, usually I would say that it can't be done.
If I was 100% honest that's how I would vote, however I voted
yes, but I am adding my own caveat. That it will be mostly done.

The swamp will lash out even violently, go to the courts and fight
draining the swamp. They don't want people to know what's buried
there and they have a lot to lose.

The left and the corrupt right (there are numerous) will fight this. Mitch
McConnell is a swamp leech and he needs to get corrupt John Cornyn
elected as Majority leader to replace him. If he can get that done, my
vote might be totally wrong.

The house will have a narrow majority at best, the swamp only needs to
corrupt 6-10 of them. Maybe I am wrong as I have been countless times.
Maybe it's too hard to do in 4 years with small majorities in both houses.

A swamp thing does not fear losing an election because they have a
mega-dollar job working for the swamp the day they leave office.
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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2024, 02:04:02 PM »
I voted something else. Things will be better in the USA domestically, no doubt. It will be better if he can completely end the evil transgender agenda of mutilating children and ruining girls sports. It will be better if he can close the border and deport a few million illegals.

In foreign affairs, it's unlikely he will follow the rule by Thomas Jefferson, not to be "entangled" in relationships with other countries. That is the main problem and it has been for decades. Especially with someone like Netanyahu in charge of Israel and the usual pandering by US politicians.

Until AIPAC is required to register as foreign agents and the USA completely severs that bad relationship, there will never be a true "America First" policy and we will never have our sovereignty.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2024, 10:09:41 AM »
So apparently they are going to "fire and replace", but that just means that the the next Dem president will do the same thing.  There are 2.7M government employees in the USA so it's not going to be possible (nor would it be desirable) to replace all of them.  Nobody needs to fire the secretaries at Agriculture, etc.

But anyway, I am tres jolie that Trump won, and, while I have tried to be magnanimous about it, I have dunked on a couple of the libtard Main Offenders in my friend group.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2024, 10:24:51 AM »
"the next Dem president"... which is why we need monarchy, or a dictator for life, like Putin. ))

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2024, 06:18:54 AM »
What is the swamp? It ain't like there's a definition carved in stone. It is a moveable concept depending upon the user's particular preferences and prejudices.

On the whole though, if we take a fairly broad brush and assume it is about the entrenched bureaucracy and influence peddlers who, in general, do not follow a broadly Republican line, then, nope, It ain't gonna happen.

Within the supporters of both main parties, there is a clear understanding that there's a very nice trough and a great playpen in which one can both enrich oneself and create a 'legacy' by changing the world in some small or large way. Both sides know that American politics is cyclical and nobody really wants to change the system that they each benefit from.

DJT might have all sorts of plans, but his opponents will be within his own party as well as the opposition, and he can't do much on his own as he does not directly control the levers of power. He instructs the people who pull the levers, and, as we saw before, the lever pullers are adept at sabotaging their boss.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2024, 11:04:40 AM »
What is the swamp? It ain't like there's a definition carved in stone. It is a moveable concept depending upon the user's particular preferences and prejudices.

On the whole though, if we take a fairly broad brush and assume it is about the entrenched bureaucracy and influence peddlers who, in general, do not follow a broadly Republican line, then, nope, It ain't gonna happen.

Within the supporters of both main parties, there is a clear understanding that there's a very nice trough and a great playpen in which one can both enrich oneself and create a 'legacy' by changing the world in some small or large way. Both sides know that American politics is cyclical and nobody really wants to change the system that they each benefit from.

DJT might have all sorts of plans, but his opponents will be within his own party as well as the opposition, and he can't do much on his own as he does not directly control the levers of power. He instructs the people who pull the levers, and, as we saw before, the lever pullers are adept at sabotaging their boss.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2024, 07:35:15 PM »
What is the swamp? It ain't like there's a definition carved in stone. It is a moveable concept depending upon the user's particular preferences and prejudices.

To DJT, it is the entrenched bureaucracy and politicians who work for their own interests instead of the American people's.

As an example a childhood friend of mine is an ALJ and 100% a swamp creature.  He is prone to saying stupid things like how being on the "No Fly" list should prevent you from owning a firearm.  Now, there are plenty of people on the No Fly list who should not have firearms, but the problem is that RKBA is a *text based* Constitutional right.  It's Right.Fcuking.There.  For someone to have their rights stripped there has to be due process.  How do you get on the No Fly List?  Whispers and innuendo.  Tulsi Gabbard is, in  an act of political retribution, on the "Quiet Skies" list, meaning she is always selected for additional screening and is trailed by FAMs, who have complained that this is a STUPID waste of resources. 

How do you get off the No Fly List?  You don't, unless you happen to know the DHS Secretary, which is how Sen. Kennedy, who would from time to time be a "false positive" because some terrorist used a similar alias.  He would call up DHS Secretary Tom Ridge and be duly removed from the list.

For context. Lt. Col. Gabbard is a 21 year veteran of the US Military, and was deployed to Iraq.  US Military members are automatically "trusted travelers" under the various HomeSec programs.   She served as a member of Congress including on the Homeland Security Committee.  So yeah, the people behind this?  Swamp Things.  If I was Trump, Mayorkas - who is a lying POS - would be grounded, and the same for Harris, who is behind it.  Fcuk them.

On the whole though, if we take a fairly broad brush and assume it is about the entrenched bureaucracy and influence peddlers who, in general, do not follow a broadly Republican line, then, nope, It ain't gonna happen.

So Trump didn't do what presidents dating back to at least Bill Clinton did, which was: fire everybody.  I would suspect he is not going to play it that way, this time. 

DJT might have all sorts of plans, but his opponents will be within his own party as well as the opposition, and he can't do much on his own as he does not directly control the levers of power. He instructs the people who pull the levers, and, as we saw before, the lever pullers are adept at sabotaging their boss.

See, this is the thing: There are no more "Never Trumpers."  Sen. McCain died, Sen Flake retired.  Mitt Romney didn't run for re-election.  This is going to be Trump, on steroids.  The Trumpiest Trump ever.  He just picked Matt Gaetz for Atty General.  I expect there to be Heads on Pikes.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2024, 03:36:27 PM »
What is the swamp? It ain't like there's a definition carved in stone. It is a moveable concept depending upon the user's particular preferences and prejudices.

On the whole though, if we take a fairly broad brush and assume it is about the entrenched bureaucracy and influence peddlers who, in general, do not follow a broadly Republican line, then, nope, It ain't gonna happen.

Within the supporters of both main parties, there is a clear understanding that there's a very nice trough and a great playpen in which one

DJT might have all sorts of plans, but his opponents will be within his own party as well as the opposition, and he can't do much on his own as he does not directly control the levers of power. He instructs the people who pull the levers, and, as we saw before, the lever pullers are adept at sabotaging their boss.

The purpose of my question was to elicit discussion and debate rather than
nail down exactly how much swamp water gets removed on Trumps watch.
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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2024, 05:02:18 AM »
Can or will the swamp get drained?

Your question. My response was not to nail down a degree but to say it wouldn't be and why.

BB makes some good points, and it might be that there are some changes (improvements), but if I am right, and I think I am, then the machinery that enables the deep state (some might call it The Swamp) will remain. Almost all stakeholders are too interested in its continuation for things to change fundamentally.

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2024, 06:57:06 AM »
Can or will the swamp get drained?

Your question. My response was not to nail down a degree but to say it wouldn't be and why.

BB makes some good points, and it might be that there are some changes (improvements), but if I am right, and I think I am, then the machinery that enables the deep state (some might call it The Swamp) will remain. Almost all stakeholders are too interested in its continuation for things to change fundamentally.

I agree that it will be a huge fight, perhaps impossible to ever win completely.
The Musk/Vivek team are talking about cutting out deep swaths of bureaucrats
and their departments.

In my opinion, it's a fight worth having. Exposing the deep state for all to see
by itself should make their nefarious undertakings far more difficult.

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2024, 07:04:59 AM »

See, this is the thing: There are no more "Never Trumpers."  Sen. McCain died, Sen Flake retired.  Mitt Romney didn't run for re-elections.  This is going to be Trump, on steroids.  The Trumpiest Trump ever.  He just picked Matt Gaetz for Atty General.  I expect there to be Heads on Pikes.


McConnell is a swamp leech and he is determined to name a swamp leech
as his successor. Looks, like he might prevail. It does seem strange the
they will vote on his successor before the new Senate is sworn in.

I always thought that they vote for majority leaders AFTER they
became the majority.
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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2024, 08:18:46 AM »

See, this is the thing: There are no more "Never Trumpers."  Sen. McCain died, Sen Flake retired.  Mitt Romney didn't run for re-elections.  This is going to be Trump, on steroids.  The Trumpiest Trump ever.  He just picked Matt Gaetz for Atty General.  I expect there to be Heads on Pikes.


McConnell is a swamp leech and he is determined to name a swamp leech
as his successor. Looks, like he might prevail. It does seem strange the
they will vote on his successor before the new Senate is sworn in.

I always thought that they vote for majority leaders AFTER they
became the majority.

Say what you want about McConnell, but he shepherded Trump's judicial picks through like they were on an assembly line. Now, they were really my old friend Leonard Leo's judicial picks, but still.

Looks like we got Thune.  Not as good a Scott (who also has some issues) but better than Cornyn.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2024, 08:29:28 AM »

In my opinion, it's a fight worth having. Exposing the deep state for all to see
by itself should make their nefarious undertakings far more difficult.

It is a fight worth having but unless they are all brought to justice it will be all for naught. All of those currently in government specifically all of the 3 letter agencies and those attempting to leave before the Trump admin takes over should be thoroughly investigated. You can never end or get rid of the corruption unless it is rooted out and prosecuted. Even then it will reappear as if it never left just as fast as it is taken out. I'm afraid our government has been running on unchecked corruption for at least 100 years.

If one was to get the corruption out of government and wishes to keep it out they must also end the FED

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What if you could only drain the swamp down to a really stinky pond?
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2024, 11:07:47 AM »
It is a fight worth having but unless they are all brought to justice it will be all for naught. All of those currently in government specifically all of the 3 letter agencies and those attempting to leave before the Trump admin takes over should be thoroughly investigated. You can never end or get rid of the corruption unless it is rooted out and prosecuted. Even then it will reappear as if it never left just as fast as it is taken out. I'm afraid our government has been running on unchecked corruption for at least 100 years.

If one was to get the corruption out of government and wishes to keep it out they must also end the FED

You are a true believer, I am a skeptic's skeptic.

I think about the House Un-American Activities Committee. They got rid
of a lot of commies in government but they didn't get rid of them all.

I think there is a real opportunity to do some radical surgery and thin the
herd. Imagine 1 or 2 million less government workers thinking that they
are running the country. Imagine that US regulations were cut by 60-70%
in a year. Then 70% in the next year? What if thy cut a $1 trillion in federal

They could eliminate a couple hundred federal agencies or more.

What if they reduced homeland by 50%? What if the state department
was cut by 60%? Same with the IRS. What if they audited the Fed?
NSA by 70% and on and on and on.

A good fight is worth having. As my grandmother would say. They need
to be cut down to size. 

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2024, 09:25:50 PM »

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2024, 03:17:18 PM »
Nobody needs to fire the secretaries at Agriculture, etc.


I don't think they have secretaries any more. The Secretary Of Agriculture
get's into other people's business like they do everywhere else. Is there a
puddle of water near your land? Then it's a vernal pool or a wetland and
you can't let cows drink out of it. Do you have water or a spring on your
land? It's the waters of the USA and belongs to the government. You better
not collect rainwater (even if your family has done it for 150 years because
you need to follow regulations enacted when Obama was president.

The government needs to be cut at least in half maybe by half again in two

These various agencies were started by an act of congress.

Example: The US department of Interior was enacted in 1849. I sorta think
that they've outgrown their britches. Anytime a GOP president tells them to
do something they decide if it's to their liking first. They should be scaled
back to what their original charter and scope was provided by law.

Cut it down to 17 people, if you need a few extra hire a few back.

Offering them a year of severance pay/Early retirement and would be
generous. Those people could actually produce something worthwhile
instead of being a drag on the economy.

Imagine what it would be like if Virginia isn't blue in future elections.
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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2024, 05:19:49 PM »
I voted something else. Things will be better in the USA domestically, no doubt. It will be better if he can completely end the evil transgender agenda of mutilating children and ruining girls sports. It will be better if he can close the border and deport a few million illegals.

In foreign affairs, it's unlikely he will follow the rule by Thomas Jefferson, not to be "entangled" in relationships with other countries. That is the main problem and it has been for decades. Especially with someone like Netanyahu in charge of Israel and the usual pandering by US politicians.

Until AIPAC is required to register as foreign agents and the USA completely severs that bad relationship, there will never be a true "America First" policy and we will never have our sovereignty.

Personally, I don't think that Israel is in the top 10 problems that we
need to deal with. I realize that it's super important to you, but seriously

The border, the economy, inflation, crime, taxes, threats from China,
China stealing our tech, Russia/Ukraine, the Swamp, the warmongers,
Trans crap, primary education, higher education, the neighbor not watching
their dog when he Sh!ts in my yard. All those things are more important than 
What ever the Fook Israel is doing or not doing. You've let them rent out a
huge section of your brain for free. 

Now try not to lose your mind because you have a different view.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2024, 10:55:49 AM »
I voted something else. Things will be better in the USA domestically, no doubt. It will be better if he can completely end the evil transgender agenda of mutilating children and ruining girls sports. It will be better if he can close the border and deport a few million illegals.

In foreign affairs, it's unlikely he will follow the rule by Thomas Jefferson, not to be "entangled" in relationships with other countries. That is the main problem and it has been for decades. Especially with someone like Netanyahu in charge of Israel and the usual pandering by US politicians.

Until AIPAC is required to register as foreign agents and the USA completely severs that bad relationship, there will never be a true "America First" policy and we will never have our sovereignty.

Personally, I don't think that Israel is in the top 10 problems that we
need to deal with. I realize that it's super important to you, but seriously

The border, the economy, inflation, crime, taxes, threats from China,
China stealing our tech, Russia/Ukraine, the Swamp, the warmongers,
Trans crap, primary education, higher education, the neighbor not watching
their dog when he Sh!ts in my yard. All those things are more important than 
What ever the Fook Israel is doing or not doing. You've let them rent out a
huge section of your brain for free. 

Now try not to lose your mind because you have a different view.

With all due respect to you since your posts about finding a wife are certainly on point, you must have your head buried up your rear-end pretty far.

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

It is the lunatic Netanyahu, who is attacking UN peacekeepers in Lebanan, attacking apartment buildings in Lebanon, and causing death and destruction everywhere they are. It is Israel under Netanyahu, who is trying to ensnare the USA into a war with Iran; a war which would likely lead to a Nuclear armageddon.

I'm glad that you are so clueless, that this is not crystal clear to you. Ignorance is indeed bliss, in your world. Some others who are prominent, are indeed aware of the menace to the entire World, that Israel is.

How many Billions of dollars have we given to Israel, and what kind of thanks do we get for that, except for having our reputation for "democracy" smeared by them and their ongoing genocide in Gaza?

China stealing our tech? You mean like Israel stealing it, and selling it to China? Warmongers? You mean like Zionist Jews, trying to start WWIII? The border crisis? You mean like the "hebrew immigration aid society" giving our tax dollars, to those who break our laws getting into this country? Trans crap? The trans agenda is 100% funded and pushed by Jews. Woke stuff in elementary, junior high, high schools and colleges? Inflation caused by needless unconstitutional wars?

The Jews pushing open borders, trans crap, overseas wars, etc. are the exact same cloth as the Jews in Israel. They only care about themselves, and they are willing to destroy the entire world to get their "new world order".

Again sorry that you are so clueless. Overall I don't worry about it too much, because I know with so many completely clueless Americans like you, there isn't much to be done, except to watch events unfold.

Allegedly you are a Conservative, how about you go back to the beginning and read what our Founding Fathers had to say about this?

“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliances with none.” - Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural address

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” - George Washington’s Farewell Address

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Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2024, 11:48:11 AM »
Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

I realize that this is very important to you. It's not important to me. I am in
total agreement that we should not give them anything that they don't pay
for. The USA has plenty of our own problems. Sending money to that region
of the world is insanity.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2024, 11:50:05 AM »
“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” - George Washington’s Farewell Address

Now you've found a theory that I believe in.
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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2024, 01:01:57 PM »

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

Contrarian a while back you asked if I was Jewish. I stated I am not a Jew, I'm a devote atheist. I asked if you were a Muslim. You never answered. Now I take from you rabid hatred of Jews, you are a Muslim.

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World? Not even close. In the Middle East alone the Syrian Civil War has been going on for over a dozen years and killed 600,000+ people and injured a million plus people.

Over 1,000+ years Islam has killed and enslaved millions more people than the trans Atlantic slave trade. Islamic terrorism occurs around the globe. Say something negative about Islam in the UK and there's a riot or maybe someone is killed. Say something negative about Jews and nothing happens.

You and Wiz should get together and form an antisemitism club.   
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2024, 06:50:23 PM »

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

Contrarian a while back you asked if I was Jewish. I stated I am not a Jew, I'm a devote atheist. I asked if you were a Muslim. You never answered. Now I take from you rabid hatred of Jews, you are a Muslim.

No, I am not Muslim. I was born and raised Christian and unlike a large percentage of American Christians I do not second-guess the words of Jesus Christ. Christ's condemnation of Pharisaic Jews is crystal clear. The New Testament is crystal clear that they are the anti-Christ. Unlike the heretic who started this thread, I don't carry water for the anti-Christ.

Speaking the truth about Jews is not "rabid hatred", it is simply the truth as to who they really are. In fact I believe that not telling Jews the truth, that what they are doing is horribly wrong, is a real form of anti-semitism. Pretending everything is A okay, is a form of antisemitism. People need to hear the truth.

Anyone who would actively try to start a war against Iran, who is backed by Nuclear powers Russia and China, is clearly not rational and is an enemy to all of humanity, as such a war could end in a Nuclear armageddon. Anyone committing an active mass killing of citizens, is an enemy to all mankind.

I don't hate Jews, however I do feel sorry for the ones who are committing horrible crimes against the Palestinians, as their minds and hearts are mutilated by what they've been doing. 

You being a "devout atheist" likely don't know the New Testament very well, if at all. Which begs the question, why are so many American "christians" heretics in bed with the people who tortured and murdered Jesus Christ, and think that they know better than the son of God himself? Obviously they are fools, who've been deceived by man-made doctrines, and bribed by bad people.

Since you mentioned Muslims, you should know that Islam actually honors Jesus, by calling him a prophet. A majority of Muslims actually respect Christians. Muslims are not the ones pushing the trans gender agenda for example, but Jews are. Muslims are not the ones pushing open borders via the HIAS, Jews are.

Just to show how screwed up Jews are in Europe, there was a Rabbi who said that Muslims would be "the broom, to push Christians out of Europe". Then when the Muslims started attacking Jews, what do the screw-ups do? They whine about Muslims. Like they've been doing now, when Muslims condemned the genocide in Gaza, on American College campuses.

Jews on the other hand say horrible things about Jesus in the Talmud, and horrible things about Christians in general. The Talmud calls upon Jews, to kill all Christians. Characters like Bill and company, don't seem to mind.  :scared0005:

What you've said about Jews in the UK is false, there are laws which discourage UK citizens from saying anything wrong about Jews. Ask politicians Jeremy Corbyn about that.

In the USA, anyone who says anything bad about Jews, can lose their job and be ostracized. For alleged victims, they have enormous power and wealth.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2024, 12:20:49 AM »

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

Contrarian a while back you asked if I was Jewish. I stated I am not a Jew, I'm a devote atheist. I asked if you were a Muslim. You never answered. Now I take from you rabid hatred of Jews, you are a Muslim.

No, I am not Muslim. I was born and raised Christian and unlike a large percentage of American Christians I do not second-guess the words of Jesus Christ. Christ's condemnation of Pharisaic Jews is crystal clear. The New Testament is crystal clear that they are the anti-Christ. Unlike the heretic who started this thread, I don't carry water for the anti-Christ.

Speaking the truth about Jews is not "rabid hatred", it is simply the truth as to who they really are. In fact I believe that not telling Jews the truth, that what they are doing is horribly wrong, is a real form of anti-semitism. Pretending everything is A okay, is a form of antisemitism. People need to hear the truth.

Anyone who would actively try to start a war against Iran, who is backed by Nuclear powers Russia and China, is clearly not rational and is an enemy to all of humanity, as such a war could end in a Nuclear armageddon. Anyone committing an active mass killing of citizens, is an enemy to all mankind.

I don't hate Jews, however I do feel sorry for the ones who are committing horrible crimes against the Palestinians, as their minds and hearts are mutilated by what they've been doing. 

You being a "devout atheist" likely don't know the New Testament very well, if at all. Which begs the question, why are so many American "christians" heretics in bed with the people who tortured and murdered Jesus Christ, and think that they know better than the son of God himself? Obviously they are fools, who've been deceived by man-made doctrines, and bribed by bad people.

Since you mentioned Muslims, you should know that Islam actually honors Jesus, by calling him a prophet. A majority of Muslims actually respect Christians. Muslims are not the ones pushing the trans gender agenda for example, but Jews are. Muslims are not the ones pushing open borders via the HIAS, Jews are.

Just to show how screwed up Jews are in Europe, there was a Rabbi who said that Muslims would be "the broom, to push Christians out of Europe". Then when the Muslims started attacking Jews, what do the screw-ups do? They whine about Muslims. Like they've been doing now, when Muslims condemned the genocide in Gaza, on American College campuses.

Jews on the other hand say horrible things about Jesus in the Talmud, and horrible things about Christians in general. The Talmud calls upon Jews, to kill all Christians. Characters like Bill and company, don't seem to mind.  :scared0005:

What you've said about Jews in the UK is false, there are laws which discourage UK citizens from saying anything wrong about Jews. Ask politicians Jeremy Corbyn about that.

In the USA, anyone who says anything bad about Jews, can lose their job and be ostracized. For alleged victims, they have enormous power and wealth.

IMO religion has been the cause of many problems over the centuries. Even today religion is still causing problems. Many people are saying the UK is doomed to become an Islamic state. Same for Ireland if the Irish government keeps allowing in so many Muslims. If both countries become Islamic states I doubt Islam will be kind to the Christians in the UK or Ireland.
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

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Re: Can or will the swamp get drained?
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2024, 02:48:45 AM »

Israel is the number one source of terrorism in the World, not the others in the region who are constantly menaced by that pariah state. They are therefore the number one cause for a lack of Peace in the World.

Contrarian a while back you asked if I was Jewish. I stated I am not a Jew, I'm a devote atheist. I asked if you were a Muslim. You never answered. Now I take from you rabid hatred of Jews, you are a Muslim.

No, I am not Muslim. I was born and raised Christian and unlike a large percentage of American Christians I do not second-guess the words of Jesus Christ. Christ's condemnation of Pharisaic Jews is crystal clear. The New Testament is crystal clear that they are the anti-Christ. Unlike the heretic who started this thread, I don't carry water for the anti-Christ.

Speaking the truth about Jews is not "rabid hatred", it is simply the truth as to who they really are. In fact I believe that not telling Jews the truth, that what they are doing is horribly wrong, is a real form of anti-semitism. Pretending everything is A okay, is a form of antisemitism. People need to hear the truth.

Anyone who would actively try to start a war against Iran, who is backed by Nuclear powers Russia and China, is clearly not rational and is an enemy to all of humanity, as such a war could end in a Nuclear armageddon. Anyone committing an active mass killing of citizens, is an enemy to all mankind.

I don't hate Jews, however I do feel sorry for the ones who are committing horrible crimes against the Palestinians, as their minds and hearts are mutilated by what they've been doing. 

You being a "devout atheist" likely don't know the New Testament very well, if at all. Which begs the question, why are so many American "christians" heretics in bed with the people who tortured and murdered Jesus Christ, and think that they know better than the son of God himself? Obviously they are fools, who've been deceived by man-made doctrines, and bribed by bad people.

Since you mentioned Muslims, you should know that Islam actually honors Jesus, by calling him a prophet. A majority of Muslims actually respect Christians. Muslims are not the ones pushing the trans gender agenda for example, but Jews are. Muslims are not the ones pushing open borders via the HIAS, Jews are.

Just to show how screwed up Jews are in Europe, there was a Rabbi who said that Muslims would be "the broom, to push Christians out of Europe". Then when the Muslims started attacking Jews, what do the screw-ups do? They whine about Muslims. Like they've been doing now, when Muslims condemned the genocide in Gaza, on American College campuses.

Jews on the other hand say horrible things about Jesus in the Talmud, and horrible things about Christians in general. The Talmud calls upon Jews, to kill all Christians. Characters like Bill and company, don't seem to mind.  :scared0005:

What you've said about Jews in the UK is false, there are laws which discourage UK citizens from saying anything wrong about Jews. Ask politicians Jeremy Corbyn about that.

In the USA, anyone who says anything bad about Jews, can lose their job and be ostracized. For alleged victims, they have enormous power and wealth.

IMO religion has been the cause of many problems over the centuries. Even today religion is still causing problems. Many people are saying the UK is doomed to become an Islamic state. Same for Ireland if the Irish government keeps allowing in so many Muslims. If both countries become Islamic states I doubt Islam will be kind to the Christians in the UK or Ireland.

No doubt.

Islamic people never should have been invited to the UK in any real numbers, they should have been excluded. They should have been told to stay in the middle east and make the ME great. Who invited them to the UK?

No doubt religion can cause many problems. The true teachings of JC are to be found in the Gnostic gospels.