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Author Topic: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial  (Read 2433 times)

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Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« on: September 20, 2024, 10:38:49 PM »
American Pravda: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial

This morning I read the above  interesting article.

Ineresting to read  :coffeeread:  or  see the video.
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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2024, 01:21:03 PM »
Thank you for posting this.  tiphat

Indeed a long article, but early on is the statement made; “Just as I had half-expected, what I actually saw was quite different than what most of the news coverage had suggested, once again completely affirming my belief in the total incompetence of our mainstream media.” It is disheartening to realize the thought police across the spectrum are so dogmatic.

The article though has little to with the genocide of Jewish population in Europe. But more about W. Churchill. My opinion and it is eye opening is to study his earlier actions in Zuid Afrika. While now largely white washed* it was not pretty or Christian.

*No pun intended.
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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2024, 02:47:29 PM »
Do you know that the CITY OF LONDON is an intependent country? (Inside the UK)?  Do you know why?

Do you know why after so many years since its creation the Jewish state continue fighting with the Arabs and everybody else, despite its financial power and influence around the world?

Can you explain to me why all the problems started in Ukraine with the Orange revolution and why Putin despite his power does not bomb all towns and villages in Ukraine?

Do you thing he is worried about the USA reply via the unelected  (now)
JEW Selensky?

PS: Stop looking on the right of the page.........not for you....LOL
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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2024, 08:55:28 PM »

why Putin despite his power does not bomb all towns and villages in Ukraine?

He simply does not have enough ammunition to do that. You just do not understand how many rockets and artillery shells that you would take. It would take him years and he would not be able to conduct the war. Russia has been running out of ammo the way it is, so he has recently gone to North Korea and Iran to try to get more. Even then it was less than Putin would like. Now during the last few days Ukraine has hit a number of ammo dumps deep inside Russia with their own high-speed jet powered drones. Many Tens of thousands of tons of ammo has been destroyed. Likely the end of any Russian offensive for several months. When one depo was hit with 30,000 tons of ammo in it the explosion was so large it was more than 2X the nuclear bombs the US dropped on Japan. The ground shook as much as a magnitude three earthquake. That many time over would not be enough to do what you are saying. He bombs all the towns and villages as he can when he any spear drones or rockets.
3) There has been no "threat" to invade Ukraine. The US invented that and fed it to a complicit media.

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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2024, 04:42:58 AM »

why Putin despite his power does not bomb all towns and villages in Ukraine?

He simply does not have enough ammunition to do that. You just do not understand how many rockets and artillery shells that you would take. It would take him years and he would not be able to conduct the war. Russia has been running out of ammo the way it is, so he has recently gone to North Korea and Iran to try to get more. Even then it was less than Putin would like. Now during the last few days Ukraine has hit a number of ammo dumps deep inside Russia with their own high-speed jet powered drones. Many Tens of thousands of tons of ammo has been destroyed. Likely the end of any Russian offensive for several months. When one depo was hit with 30,000 tons of ammo in it the explosion was so large it was more than 2X the nuclear bombs the US dropped on Japan. The ground shook as much as a magnitude three earthquake. That many time over would not be enough to do what you are saying. He bombs all the towns and villages as he can when he any spear drones or rockets.

I can only guess that you wake up from the noice of the explosion........ :dh:
and most importantly you know exactly how much ammo Putin/Russia has in his pants........ :'(

Sorry I forgot you are in direct contact with Zelensky who phones you any time his drones hit ..a Russian target. :fighting0025:

and I just remmebered a comment at NT

“In the three years since 9/11, we’ve begun to understand that it’s possible to know what happened without knowing what happened. It’s the difference between knowledge that is both private and communal. . . and knowledge that is truly public. Some of what we need to know publicly has been provided by the report of the 9/11 commission. Other answers are lacking.”

Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2024, 06:06:19 AM »
Tex does use Yahoo and MSN as a source. Thus he sucks up every bit of US mainstream media propaganda there is.

According to him, Russia ran out of ammo two years ago.  :coffeeread:
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2024, 07:10:44 AM »
Tex does use Yahoo and MSN as a source. Thus he sucks up every bit of US mainstream media propaganda there is.

According to him, Russia ran out of ammo two years ago.  :coffeeread:

Maybe because Putin has been sypplying Zelensky and Netanyahu, lethal bombs and rockets to to destroy the Palaistinians .......  !!!
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2024, 06:29:51 AM »

The article though has little to with the genocide of Jewish population in Europe. But more about W. Churchill. My opinion and it is eye opening is to study his earlier actions in Zuid Afrika. While now largely white washed* it was not pretty or Christian.

*No pun intended.

Sadly, attitudes in the past were not the same as today. Churchill's attitudes are distasteful to me and most others and even by the time of WW2, his opinion and actions would have become outdated. I think it is true to say that if his actions and ideas had been unacceptable at the time, they would not have gained currency or been accepted.

Whitewashing, yes, of course. It happens all the time. One should not condone it, but it is a reflection of the world in which we live.

At some point in the (hopefully) not too distant future, we will look back on many examples of today's distortion of history in a similar way.

As an aside, I saw a picture of the cast of a recent historical drama called Bridgerton, filled with anachronistic characters—black and asian faces that simply did not exist at the time. Perhaps not as painful, but a clear distortion of events that will affect the way that current people perceive the past and the people living at the time.
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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2024, 04:39:20 PM »
More on Tucker...

Interesting conversation of current affairs.

An aside: Amaryllis (Fox) Kennedy is pretty sexy.

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Re: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2024, 04:49:31 PM »
More on Tucker...

Interesting conversation of current affairs.

Why is he laughing? It's not even remotely.  :sick0012: