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Author Topic: Lenient or strict judges/court stuff  (Read 2757 times)

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Lenient or strict judges/court stuff
« on: March 12, 2024, 08:55:50 AM »
Because of this news article :

(short version: a gang of people robbing, stealing from ordinary folks have been caught and during their trial, a victim spoke up and was immediatly intimidated and physically assaulted , at least they tried to, the officers stopped them quick))

The case is now suspended and continues tomorrow.

Question here:
Do more strict judges really help against cases like that, that victims are attacked again in the court room. See a case also recently in american court where the accused tried to assault the judge presiding the case.

Here I sometimes think that the sentences are way too lenient in NL, which is why they dare to do shit like this. But in America, the leniency is definately NOT there and it still happens.

Oh well.
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Lenient or strict judges/court stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2024, 02:12:56 PM »

(short version: a gang of people robbing, stealing from ordinary folks have been caught and during their trial, a victim spoke up and was immediatly intimidated and physically assaulted , at least they tried to, the officers stopped them quick))

The case is now suspended and continues tomorrow.

Question here:
Do more strict judges really help against cases like that, that victims are attacked again in the court room. See a case also recently in american court where the accused tried to assault the judge presiding the case.

Here I sometimes think that the sentences are way too lenient in NL, which is why they dare to do shit like this. But in America, the leniency is definitely NOT there and it still happens.

Oh well.

Accused people in should not be caged in my view, unless they do
something violent in court. Being assessed the maximum penalty
allowed by law and total bias against the defendant AND having
policemen in the court is usually a pretty effective deterrent.

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Re: Lenient or strict judges/court stuff
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2024, 09:16:15 PM »
Do more strict judges really help against cases like that, that victims are attacked again in the court room. See a case also recently in american court where the accused tried to assault the judge presiding the case.

Ah, yes, the case of Deobra Redden.  He was being sentenced on a charge of attempted battery with substantial bodily harm - the first clue!  His attorney argued that he should be given probation because he was getting his life turned around and his mental health issued under control.

Spoiler Alert: This was very much NOT the case.

The judge looked at his record which include 3 felonies a home invasion, multiple DV (domestic violence) incidents and some various and assorted other issues. 

The judge decided he was going to get some jail time and as quickly as you could say "FCUK YOU B1TCH!" - which Redden did in fact say - he was raining blows down upon the judge to took some hits before Mr. Redden could be overcome by bailiffs and other court personnel. 

Probation is NOT in his future.

Here I sometimes think that the sentences are way too lenient in NL, which is why they dare to do shit like this. But in America, the leniency is definately NOT there and it still happens.

There are number of things going on, here starting with Liberalis Retardicus.  We keep telling one group of people that nothing is their fault, even though they account for 60% of the violent crime, and we don't punish them for stealing/looting etc. and we release them on no cash bail only to have them attack someone else on the way back from court.  As long as we continue to do this we are going to see bad results in those areas that allow it.  Simples.

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Online 2tallbill

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Lenient or strict judges/court stuff
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2024, 10:34:45 AM »

There are number of things going on, here starting with Liberalis Retardicus.  We keep telling one group of people that nothing is their fault, even though they account for 60% of the violent crime, and we don't punish them for stealing/looting etc. and we release them on no cash bail only to have them attack someone else on the way back from court.  As long as we continue to do this we are going to see bad results in those areas that allow it.  Simples.


Europe has been coddling criminals and terrorist's for decades before our lefty
idiots got on the bandwagon.

The EU panty's became knotted when Poland, Hungary and others wouldn't join
the idiot brigade.
FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
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Online rosco

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Re: Lenient or strict judges/court stuff
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2024, 03:23:41 PM »
The EU panty's became knotted when Poland, Hungary and others wouldn't join
the idiot brigade.

The EU then started withholding billions in due funds, until they danced to their beat. I believe that's called blackmail but the pursuit of diversity required it so they got a free pass.

Poland have just 'voted in' Donald Tusk, who's currently dismantling and clearing out all the sensible politicians and envoys. He's a pro EU stooge so I can only recommend that you pull up a front row seat and watch the fireworks, when the 3rd world migrants flood in and the rapey stabby stuff starts.

The Poles will go ape shit, they'll be having none of that.


