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Author Topic: USA... The end of the superpower  (Read 2133 times)

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USA... The end of the superpower
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:13:34 AM »
USA... The end of the superpower

This is an article translated, from a Greek source, who happens to know America. very well as he lives there, since young age, and for too many years.

Every Empire-Superpower had its heyday and its decline.

The beginning of the end of superpower America (USA), the decline, is visible every day. Those of us who live in the country, we understand it, we feel it.

A lot has changed in the US in the last 20 years. And what we've been living with lately with two elderly "hawks" who are asking for our vote for the presidency, proves the mess, the impasse.

Biden turned out to be a bad president, he destroyed the economy with his "provocation" in Ukraine, which caused the invasion of Russia (and the known bad consequences for the world economy). For the failed Biden, "it's all Putin's fault". Trump, far-right arrogant self-interest, equally dangerous. And there doesn't seem to be an alternative.

The country is divided politically, the inhabitants with a "mobile phone", without human intercourse, contacts. Impressively high number of overweight, due to mutated foods and alarming immobility. The atmosphere is spoiled, due to a large number of polluting cars.

"McCarthyism" is back, Justice is no longer "blind", police brutality is high, gang murders are a frequent phenomenon, the homeless are increasing -alarmingly- every week.

The contrasts grow and this creates a huge problem, with unpredictable, dangerous developments in the future.

The future for Spanish speakers
In 20-30 years, Spanish-speaking citizens will be incomparably more, in the USA, their numerical increase, great. In the majority of them, of Mexican origin. They are the only immigrants with almost zero unemployment.

Thanks to them, the construction sector (buildings, infrastructure, etc.), the services (restaurants, etc.) operate. Especially in restaurants, 80% of the employees are Spanish-speaking. There is no business in the US without Hispanic (Mexican) workers.

Their spread in the country is impressive. They "occupy" districts, areas, buying houses. They are united, hardworking, creative. If you teased a mexican, 20 of them would gang up on you.

They create small companies, e.g. cleaning gardens, cutting trees, painting buildings. Then, bigger and spreading, in different fields, different professions.

In public schools, almost half the children are Hispanic immigrants, the majority Mexican. In the period 2000-2020, the Spanish-speaking (Mexican) population of the US increased by 79.5%, to 39 million (officially). Not including a few million "illegals" who sooner or later will be legalized. They live (by majority) in the States of California, Texas, Florida, New York, Arizona, Illinois.

Together with the rest of the Spanish speakers (from Central America and the northern part of South America), they exceed 50 million. And each couple has 2-3 children.

The country's workforce is impressive: 64% (2023) are Spanish speakers of Mexican origin. Other Hispanics (Latinos) 63.5%. White Americans 60.2%.

It is the future of the country, whatever that means. Their vote began to determine US elections.

In public Services, Spanish has been established as a second language (for now).

It is a matter of a few decades for the formerly Mexican regions (Texas, California, Arizona, etc.) to become... Mexican again.

In the middle of this century, the USA will be in a -noticeable- decline, without excluding (very likely) a civil war, because of discrimination and because the money is in the few (at the expense of the many).

There is also the rise of the extreme right (especially neo-Nazis), who sooner or later will clash - with unforeseen consequences - with the Jewish element, which controls Capitol Hill and the media.
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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2024, 11:05:00 AM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2024, 12:14:25 PM »
It's an interesting - if badly written/translated - article.

Trump, far-right arrogant self-interest, equally dangerous.

On the whole, I like Trump. Not all of it but most of it. He says/does a lot of things that need to be done/said. The fact the deep state is trying to bankrupt him tells you all you need to know. But he does have an impetuous/irresponsible steak and he is a bullshit artist, and that's not helpful in a leader. Yes, he is arrogant, because he is convinced he is right. I get that personality type. I've had the arrogant label all my life, and I don't care. And I suspect he doesn't either. Far-right? I'd call him slightly right of centre. He's better than any alternative I have seen for the US, as an outsider looking in.

of Mexican origin. They are the only immigrants with almost zero unemployment.

That's interesting, if true. Immigrants that want to work we haven't got. We get spongers.

the decline, is visible every day.

This is true. Whether it be de-dollarisation, the rise of BRICS, the lack of impact of sanctions on Russia, or losing war after war while "winning" by enriching the military supply companies, relatives of politicians and/or looting the target state. For the US, war is just business, and actual "winning" or having a good outcome is irrelevant. The money is made by weapons supply, looting, oil, rebuilding contracts, and enabling companies like Blackrock to get in there. The actual conflict itself, or what it is ostensibly about, is quite incidental.

Look at Gaza. US-backed Israel (one and the same really) is ethnically cleansing the region to get the oil off Gaza so they can pipe it to the EU via Turkey to replace the Nordstream they blew up and divert revenue that was Russia's. I expect relatives of US politicians will be directors as usual in the shiny new energy companies that will pop up once they have displaced everyone there to Europe for a bit of Kalergi.

The world is waking up to that now, and despite the death throes of legacy mainstream media continually spouting made-up stuff (Russia having "killed" Navalny is a good example - no evidence or motive at all yet, but political and MSM talking heads were judge and jury within 24 hours).

The Russian saying, "sunset on America" has never been as true as it is now. Russia is now the 5th biggest economy, the first, China is at their elbow. The US has $33 trillion debt and is igniting as many wars as it can.

I've written here for 15 years the US will go down kicking, screaming, and lashing out. We are seeing that now.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2024, 02:43:52 PM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:
Shows what you know about human history.

Greece was huge way back when they called it 'ancient greek'

You know, where Socrates, Aristoteles, Aegis, Agamemnon, Ajax, lived.

But even if you never heard of them, perhaps you did know 'Alexander the Great' , whose exploits are well-known:

My first trip to my wife: To Evpatoria!
My road trip to Crimea: Roadtrip to Evpatoria

Online Guile

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2024, 03:22:35 PM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:
Shows what you know about human history.

Greece was huge way back when they called it 'ancient greek'

If you are talking about 2000 years ago then sure.  Same with the Roman empire which fell. 

The last big crisis they had to be bailed out by the IMF.  I'll still go visit Mykonos and Santorini though.  Good souvlaki and kalamari there!  Love my greek food.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2024, 04:10:13 PM »
It's an interesting - if badly written/translated - article.

Trump, far-right arrogant self-interest, equally dangerous.

On the whole, I like Trump. Not all of it but most of it. He says/does a lot of things that need to be done/said. The fact the deep state is trying to bankrupt him tells you all you need to know. But he does have an impetuous/irresponsible steak and he is a bullshit artist, and that's not helpful in a leader. Yes, he is arrogant, because he is convinced he is right. I get that personality type. I've had the arrogant label all my life, and I don't care. And I suspect he doesn't either. Far-right? I'd call him slightly right of centre. He's better than any alternative I have seen for the US, as an outsider looking in.

of Mexican origin. They are the only immigrants with almost zero unemployment.

That's interesting, if true. Immigrants that want to work we haven't got. We get spongers.

the decline, is visible every day.

This is true. Whether it be de-dollarisation, the rise of BRICS, the lack of impact of sanctions on Russia, or losing war after war while "winning" by enriching the military supply companies, relatives of politicians and/or looting the target state. For the US, war is just business, and actual "winning" or having a good outcome is irrelevant. The money is made by weapons supply, looting, oil, rebuilding contracts, and enabling companies like Blackrock to get in there. The actual conflict itself, or what it is ostensibly about, is quite incidental.

Look at Gaza. US-backed Israel (one and the same really) is ethnically cleansing the region to get the oil off Gaza so they can pipe it to the EU via Turkey to replace the Nordstream they blew up and divert revenue that was Russia's. I expect relatives of US politicians will be directors as usual in the shiny new energy companies that will pop up once they have displaced everyone there to Europe for a bit of Kalergi.

The world is waking up to that now, and despite the death throes of legacy mainstream media continually spouting made-up stuff (Russia having "killed" Navalny is a good example - no evidence or motive at all yet, but political and MSM talking heads were judge and jury within 24 hours).

The Russian saying, "sunset on America" has never been as true as it is now. Russia is now the 5th biggest economy, the first, China is at their elbow. The US has $33 trillion debt and is igniting as many wars as it can.

I've written here for 15 years the US will go down kicking, screaming, and lashing out. We are seeing that now.

Please correct spelling on an important word.

"Ethnically cleansing"

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2024, 05:38:54 PM »
<snip>...The US has $33 trillion debt....,snip>

US Debt.  :reading:

In the end of fiscal year 2000, the US debt was at 5.6 trillion. It is now at 34.31 trillion.

How did we get there? Here's the accounting.

Two important things to remember:

Obama was forced to spend/borrow $831 billion for the ARRA Stimulus package, which at the time was an unimaginable sum and unduly added to 'his' administration.

Trump was forced to spend/borrow $2.2 trillion for the CARES Act, the Covid-19 Stimulus Bill and was unduly added to 'his' administration. Added to this is the Tax Cuts costing $1.9 trillion over 10 years, 190 billion/yr.

So far, Biden, to be fair, has to spend/borrow an additional $1.9 trillion in March 2021 to continue with the COVID-19 stimulus.

As with the two presidents before him (and the many before those), the U.S. national debt has grown to a tremendous degree while President Biden has been in office. During his first two and half years as president, the national debt under Biden increased by over $4.8 trillion. To be exact, between January 20, 2021 and July 20, 2023, the total national debt under Biden rose from $27,751,896,236,415 to $32,592,226,328,901.[1]

During President Donald Trump’s four-year presidency, by comparison, the national debt of the United States rose by $8.18 trillion—a 40.43% increase. Meanwhile, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.3 trillion during President Barack Obama’s eight-year term in office.

Surprisingly, even with 911 and the ensuing excursions we did in the Middle-East, Bush jr. relatively didn't cause as much uptrend in the US debt.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2024, 01:49:52 AM »
Please correct spelling on an important word.

"Ethnically cleansing"

Good catch.

Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2024, 05:22:23 AM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:
Shows what you know about human history.

Greece was huge way back when they called it 'ancient greek'

You know, where Socrates, Aristoteles, Aegis, Agamemnon, Ajax, lived.

But even if you never heard of them, perhaps you did know 'Alexander the Great' , whose exploits are well-known:

Thank you for saving me the hasle, typing with my left hand!  tiphat

Manny: You can blame Google for the translation....... from Greek.
The person who wrote the article lives in USA!
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2024, 11:55:58 AM »
Please correct spelling on an important word.

"Ethnically cleansing"

Good catch.


Been there - the wrong spelling can make a difference. We all do it when we're tired.

And your analysis is really quite accurate. It's truly a shame our country has fallen far from grace compared to the original intentions of our Founding Fathers. If they were to come back today they would not recognize many parts of the country. They would be very sad. Our foreign policy is a disgrace and our domestic policy doesn't protect the working class who are getting crushed.

The USA needs a miracle, to say the least.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2024, 12:02:12 PM »
Greece...blah blah blah.

As Mark pointed out your comment was off.

Where do you think the founding principles for Western civilization came from?

And I'm not talking about the mess we are witnessing today.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2024, 10:03:30 AM »
It's an interesting - if badly written/translated - article.
That's interesting, if true. Immigrants that want to work we haven't got. We get spongers.

Mexicans show up, work, and then go home.  They are a low-crime community compared to most everyone except Asians, although part of that is that the subject group is here illegally.  They sometimes refer to America as the "golden cage," but hey, it is how it is. 

The world is waking up to that now, and despite the death throes of legacy mainstream media continually spouting made-up stuff (Russia having "killed" Navalny is a good example - no evidence or motive at all yet, but political and MSM talking heads were judge and jury within 24 hours).

Stop.  Unless/until you can demonstrate otherwise, this is the safest bet.

The Russian saying, "sunset on America" has never been as true as it is now.

That's more aspirational than factual, despite the best efforts of Democrats.

Russia is now the 5th biggest economy, the first, China is at their elbow.

I've got some bad news for you; China is #2.  And Russia is more at China's elbow than the other way around.  In fact, due to their population fcuk-up, China is going to be #2 for a while.  They have to figure out if they want to be Japan or Thailand.

The US has $33 trillion debt and is igniting as many wars as it can.

Substantially more than that, actually.  Officially it's $34T, but a trillion here a trillon there...who is counting?  :chuckle:

I've written here for 15 years the US will go down kicking, screaming, and lashing out. We are seeing that now.

We're still waiting for the Great Pumpkin, Linus.  And you will be in 15 years, also.

One thing Europeans never seem to get is Hard Power.  We have it, nobody else does.  Not even China (although they are working on it.)  When push comes to shove, nothing matters more.

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2024, 10:05:15 AM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:
Shows what you know about human history.

Greece was huge way back when they called it 'ancient greek'

You know, where Socrates, Aristoteles, Aegis, Agamemnon, Ajax, lived.

But even if you never heard of them, perhaps you did know 'Alexander the Great' , whose exploits are well-known:

I generally never bother reading Wiz' posts but that was too much even for me.   :chuckle:  It had me thinking, "The Spartans would like a word...."

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2024, 01:04:17 PM »
The world is waking up to that now, and despite the death throes of legacy mainstream media continually spouting made-up stuff (Russia having "killed" Navalny is a good example - no evidence or motive at all yet, but political and MSM talking heads were judge and jury within 24 hours).

Stop.  Unless/until you can demonstrate otherwise, this is the safest bet.

Well that's you just been proven wrong. Looking forward to not reading the media backtracking and the western pro war politicians rescinding their accusations and sanctions......,30428.msg552319/topicseen.html#new

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Re: USA... The end of the superpower
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2024, 02:06:58 PM »
Greece...never a superpower :ROFL: :ROFL:
Shows what you know about human history.

Greece was huge way back when they called it 'ancient greek'

You know, where Socrates, Aristoteles, Aegis, Agamemnon, Ajax, lived.

But even if you never heard of them, perhaps you did know 'Alexander the Great' , whose exploits are well-known:

I generally never bother reading Wiz' posts but that was too much even for me.   :chuckle:  It had me thinking, "The Spartans would like a word...."


Not surprised of your ignorance and  may I suggest you to read a bit more.....Like the poem of "Iliad", which I was tought at scool, while you were dreaming about, cowboys and Indians..... and not forget the Italian gangsters and God Fathers......

Read and maybe you Learn something interesting:

BTW while reading, take a look at this history too:

and all of the above, from a small little country, where I was born, that make me very proud! tiphat

You may enjoy reading this article too:

Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!