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Author Topic: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin  (Read 6210 times)

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Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« on: February 06, 2024, 05:59:12 AM »
Twitter has been buzzing with this for days, but no real solid confirmation. But yesterday I saw footage of Tucker in a hotel in Moscow so he is certainly there.

Anyway, the media have picked it up now. And Tuckers comment when asked suggested its true.

I suspect this will be a great interview!
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2024, 06:26:27 AM »
Twitter has been buzzing with this for days, but no real solid confirmation. But yesterday I saw footage of Tucker in a hotel in Moscow so he is certainly there.

Anyway, the media have picked it up now. And Tuckers comment when asked suggested its true.

I suspect this will be a great interview!

I'm genuinely excited at the prospect of Putin being interviewed, by someone who isn't looking to tailor the questions and manipulate the interview, in order to present Putin as the villain. With everything that's currently going on, the world needs to hear about it from Putin's perspective rather than an established and well trod, anti Russian, western led narrative. So far we've got a majority in the west believing that Putin is the devil and he's going to invade the UK, with his plans for world domination and nuclear destruction. Incredibly concerning but totally true....

It's understandable why the deep state/WEF/NATO/US would be incredibly nervous about everyone hearing the truth or at least the reasoning behind the conflict, from Putin himself. Why do they want to hide and censor what the Russians have to say? If they have nothing to hide, then none of this would bother them in the slightest.

Independent journalism is the biggest threat to rigging the game and I do worry a little for Tucker, if this interview comes out.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2024, 08:26:25 AM »
Here's Russell Brands take on the legacy media's reaction to Tucker Carlson in Russia.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2024, 10:36:19 AM »
<snip>...So far we've got a majority in the west believing that Putin is the devil and he's going to invade the UK, with his plans for world domination and nuclear destruction. Incredibly concerning but totally true....,snip>

I snipped this lil' segment as I just can't help but wonder if this is true. Does the western public really buy into that silliness? I mean, Putin may be anything but I just don't think he's this stupid.

Western Europe is Russia's biggest customer!! Why would he attack or nuke his/Russia's biggest source of revenue? If anyone in the western hemisphere actually buys into that ridiculous assertion I don't think they can be helped.

Do Europeans generally peg CNN as a reliable news outlet? I hate to say this but Russiagate is a fixed mentality with the majority of (idiotic) average American for years - courtesy of CNN/MSNBC. Many still believe that is actually true to this day. BC can easily attest to that.

Anyway, give Tucker some serious prop. I do hope he gets to interview him. It'll be an even bigger deal, IMO, if he can interview (freely) Biden as well without interruption or 'medication'.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2024, 01:38:13 PM »

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2024, 02:16:55 PM »
And it's happening......

Excellent explanation of why the interview should take place, and why what is happening is so important to all of us.

Thx for posting this.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2024, 02:58:57 PM »
And it's happening......

Excellent explanation of why the interview should take place, and why what is happening is so important to all of us.

Thx for posting this.

100% and anyone talking the man down after watching that, is clearly a bias brain dead stooge, scared about the truth getting out.

His point about western media interviewing Zelensky continually over 2 years, in set up rooms with pre set questions and telling the story from there whilst not once interviewing Putin, the man on the other side, speaks volumes.

If you were an honest and independent thinker, surely it would be advantageous to hear from both camps? Hell we might even find some common ground and somewhere that peace can be agreed upon.

Tucker said that they've requested to interview Zelensky but lets face it, that will never ever happen for obvious reasons and I imagine the democrats and CNN painting Tucker as some kind of traitor. He'll be getting the Trump treatment from here on in......unless the Putin interview makes Russia look terrible that is.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2024, 03:16:32 PM »
I have a feeling, despite what we may think now, the US media will undoubtedly go 'silent'. Raising a furor about it, IMO, will or might just raise unintended attention and actually carry an opposite effect.

I hope I'm wrong. But we've seen this countless times before. Simply ignoring it guarantees it to fade to black faster than a small town rumor.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2024, 03:26:22 PM »
I have a feeling, despite what we may think now, the US media will undoubtedly go 'silent'. Raising a furor about it, IMO, will or might just raise unintended attention and actually carry an opposite effect.

I hope I'm wrong. But we've seen this countless times before. Simple ignoring it guarantees it to fade to black faster than a small town rumor.

You might well be right but I suspect this will be a hot one.

Sky News have already been framing Tucker, calling him "a US journalist' to suggest he's unknown, a vocal Putin supporter and a right wing commentator who's previously been sacked and is now criticising US media.

Collectively there's a bit of truth in all of that but to anyone who doesn't know Tucker and leans to the left, they'll already discredit his work prior to the interview and label it propaganda if it goes against their programming.

I just hope that those who aren't stupid, listen to the interview in full, without editing and consider the wider picture. If public consensus swings then Ukraine are in danger of being cut off.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2024, 06:10:16 AM »
<snip>...So far we've got a majority in the west believing that Putin is the devil and he's going to invade the UK, with his plans for world domination and nuclear destruction. Incredibly concerning but totally true....,snip>

I snipped this lil' segment as I just can't help but wonder if this is true. Does the western public really buy into that silliness? I mean, Putin may be anything but I just don't think he's this stupid.

I like the cognitive dissonance that is the MSM convincing the sheep of two opposing things: Putin is a megalomaniac who is about to ride across Europe invading country after country. And um.... at the same time, *losing* in Ukraine.

On Twitter, the mainstream media journalists are all howling that Tucker is a paid shill, a Putin puppet, undemocratic, not a real journalist, blah blah. Full hatchet job in progress. Steve Rosenburg of the BBC, the Moscow correspondent, sniffily complained he had been trying to get an interview for two years and couldn't. Well diddums, he and the BBC are about as anti-Putin as you can get, so why would Putin bother? I'm actually amazed Rosenburg is still allowed to be there; in the totalitarian dictatorship that the BBC says it is.
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2024, 07:56:05 AM »
On Twitter, the mainstream media journalists are all howling that Tucker is a paid shill, a Putin puppet, undemocratic, not a real journalist, blah blah. Full hatchet job in progress. Steve Rosenburg of the BBC, the Moscow correspondent, sniffily complained he had been trying to get an interview for two years and couldn't. Well diddums, he and the BBC are about as anti-Putin as you can get, so why would Putin bother? I'm actually amazed Rosenburg is still allowed to be there; in the totalitarian dictatorship that the BBC says it is.

I saw that  :chuckle:

The other outburst came from some bint at CNN, I mean really? The BBC and CNN have been on an anti Putin/anti Russia crusade for years now. Why would Putin waste a second with them, knowing that any interview given would be edited, cut and signed off as a Russia bad segment?

Meanwhile the MSM are now sharing photo's of Tucker and Trump together, for the benefit of the illiterate. The numpty's will now assume they're one and the same. As you said, full hatchet job in progress!

There's rumours saying that the interview will be out tomorrow......

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2024, 10:57:49 AM »
On Twitter, the mainstream media journalists are all howling that Tucker is a paid shill, a Putin puppet, undemocratic, not a real journalist, blah blah. Full hatchet job in progress. Steve Rosenburg of the BBC, the Moscow correspondent, sniffily complained he had been trying to get an interview for two years and couldn't. Well diddums, he and the BBC are about as anti-Putin as you can get, so why would Putin bother? I'm actually amazed Rosenburg is still allowed to be there; in the totalitarian dictatorship that the BBC says it is.

I saw that  :chuckle:

The other outburst came from some bint at CNN, I mean really? The BBC and CNN have been on an anti Putin/anti Russia crusade for years now. Why would Putin waste a second with them, knowing that any interview given would be edited, cut and signed off as a Russia bad segment?

Meanwhile the MSM are now sharing photo's of Tucker and Trump together, for the benefit of the illiterate. The numpty's will now assume they're one and the same. As you said, full hatchet job in progress!

There's rumours saying that the interview will be out tomorrow......

Can't wait to see it. Meanwhile enjoy this Tucker Carlson statement about taboos.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2024, 11:45:47 AM »
Can't wait to see it. Meanwhile enjoy this Tucker Carlson statement about taboos.

I find it really hard to disagree with much, when Tucker talks. I often consider if he's walking us down a path but I understand the English language and I know the context of the words used, so it's hard to suggest that it's manipulation.

He literally calls out facts and in a simple and straight forward manner, points out what's going wrong with a situation. Again, facts aren't lies.

I appreciate that his straight to the point talking is often controversial and it clearly triggers those who have nominated themselves with the ideological opposition but instead of taking him to task, they just attack him....which speaks volumes.

I decided that I didn't like him when he first popped up on my radar, I think it was his face  :chuckle: But quite quickly I warmed to his content after listening carefully to what he was telling us.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2024, 12:27:19 PM »
An interesting point to note, having watched a number of the Tucker Carlson interviews from his website, is his manner and technique. He almost always keeps it civil, asks interesting questions, lets them answer in full without interruption and then digs a little deeper if there's anything notable to investigate further.

MSM journalists are often quite hostile and aggressive to those they've decided are bad and are for ever interrupting them and cutting them off if they answer a question well or if the interview is accidentally portraying the person in a positive light.

For example, watch the difference between Tuckers interview with Andrew Tate and that of the BBC. Literally night and day. I think that's why the BBC are on ignore with Putin.  ;D

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2024, 01:33:59 PM »
An interesting point to note, having watched a number of the Tucker Carlson interviews from his website, is his manner and technique. He almost always keeps it civil, asks interesting questions, lets them answer in full without interruption and then digs a little deeper if there's anything notable to investigate further.

MSM journalists are often quite hostile and aggressive to those they've decided are bad and are for ever interrupting them and cutting them off if they answer a question well or if the interview is accidentally portraying the person in a positive light.

For example, watch the difference between Tuckers interview with Andrew Tate and that of the BBC. Literally night and day. I think that's why the BBC are on ignore with Putin.  ;D

Indeed, I like his mellow way of interviewing people.

Here's an interesting interview about Ozempic, which Andrew and others may wish to see.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2024, 04:30:37 AM »
Looks like the interview airs this evening 11pm UK time and 6pm ET.

Meanwhile our western democracy is in full flow with the EU considering to impose a travel ban on Tucker, calls for his arrest in the US and the lovely Ukraine putting him on a literal kill list.

Let's hope the interview lives up to its billing, let's hear the truth.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2024, 06:56:41 AM »
Discrediting of Tucker Carlson here has already started too.

Constantly namedropping 'conspiracy-theorists' , Trump, maga 6-januari insurrection etc.

They aren't saying HE is , but guilty-by-association means the sheeple will accept Tucker is in bed with all of that.
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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2024, 08:27:06 AM »
Remember this idiot with her ‘The Great Reset’v

The very idiot involved in RussiaGate.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2024, 10:59:31 AM »
Clinton's a real nasty piece of sh!t.

It drives me mad watching old hags like her, telling barefaced lies, pretending like she's never done or said anything terrible and generally behaving like a complete hypocrite without flinching. Is she a psychopath and doesn't realise what she's saying or does she generally believe that everyone else is stupid and we have gold fish memories?

I'll quote her from that interview;

"He says things that are not true"
"He parrots lies about Ukraine"
"He's unable to correlate his reporting with the truth"
"There's a yearning for leaders to kill and imprison their political opponents"
"Destroy the press"
"Lead a life of impunity unbound by any laws"

She's literally talking about herself and other Warhawk Democrats and bizarrely, she's unable to see the irony in her own words. Literally gobsmacked and that person interviewing her was so far up her arse.

Like really??  :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:

I smell fear given how they've all had to react. The interview might be underwhelming but it may also put the microscope on the west, should Putin throw the cat amongst the pigeons. But already they're doing their best to talk it all down as Russian propaganda and reduce Tucker Carlson's credibility as best they can, before a single word has been aired. I bet there's a room somewhere filled with the establishment, scurrying around holding bits of paper, creating exit strategies justifying some scandal that might come to light this evening, ready to be downplayed.

Oh to be a fly on the wall.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2024, 01:55:27 PM »
I have been told I have a high tolerance for pain (dentists might disagree) but I felt ill from the interview with H. Clinton. She is simultaneously psychopathic and purposefully evil. As for the interviewer either she is brain dead or Hilary’s carpet muncher.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2024, 03:07:22 PM »
As for the interviewer either she is brain dead or Hilary’s carpet muncher.


What a thought  :chuckle:

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2024, 03:43:19 PM »

How dare the EU want to sanction and (travel) ban Tucker Carlson because of this interview!!

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2024, 04:16:43 PM »
Ah, its here. Time to watch. (2 hours long!)
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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2024, 08:22:15 PM »
Ah, its here. Time to watch. (2 hours long!)

That was an excellent interview. Very thorough to say the least.

Not sure if there is any other Western journalist who would have allowed Mr. Putin to go on for so long without numerous interruptions and pushing the typical western illusion that the west is moral, which is a crock of cow manure.

Of course now the usual suspects in the US media as well as the UK media will be doing everything they can to smear Tucker. I say Bravo to Tucker, both for his questions and for his immense patience when he allowed Putin to go into such a comprehensive history, at least per the Russian mindset.

I thought Tucker should have pushed back against the "deNazification" stuff with the truths about Holodomor and other Communist atrocities, such as the bolshevik murder of Polish officers at Katyn.

The first step though will be when the fools in WA DC realize their chance of beating the Russians is extremely slim. More importantly as Putin said, don't we have our own problems over here such as the invasion of illegals at our southern border?

So many Americans on the left are too stupid to realize that overseas conflicts are intended to deceive the sheeple not to pay attention to what is happening in our own country, right here right now.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2024, 05:29:15 AM »
Well, I’ve watched it all now. I believe Putin was very clear in demonstrating that the US instigated the conflict (acting as the hand that rocks Zelensky’s cradle). Boris Johnson torpedoed the Istanbul peace settlement, and, having realised they’re not going to win, the ball is now in the US’ court.

An erudite chap I follow on Twitter gave a very good synopsis.

Quote from: Robin Redmile-Gordon
Well, if you haven’t watched it already, you absolutely must. Carlson/Putin. This is the most important political interview I’ve watched in 70 years, more important than Frost/Nixon.

I’ll block any “Putin-Apologist” accusers. I’ve never been described as naive and I’m confident that my innate skepticism is intact. Putin is a politician, none of whom I ever believe at face value and, to be fair, I can’t imagine how in this world a government can function if it tells the truth, much as it sounds like a lovely idea. But one gets a sense of a person and I have a sense that I understand some basic characteristics of Putin.

He’s ruthless, sure, how else is he going to retain power over such a vast land with so many disparate components. I don’t actually want anyone who’s not ruthless in charge of the world’s largest stockpile on nuclear weapons. But he’s clearly not insane. Interesting juxtaposition, given the demented crook on the other side of the pond.

He’s angry, one could even sense hurt, he’s offended. Not just to his personal pride but that too. I can’t help feeling that is justified.

He clearly has a deep patriotic love for his country, his “motherland”. I too am a believer (I changed my mind about 40 yrs ago) in the nation state. I’m not blind to my nation’s foibles/fallibilities/errors/injustices etc, but I love my country just as I loved my brothers, despite the choices they made. I believe the nation state is simply the best, honest, most recognisable way to create a manageable tribe with essentially shared values such that we can hope to live a reasonably stable and secure life in peace. There may be a better way but we haven’t found it, yet.

I remember so well the “Falklands Conflict”.  We went to war, a full on, no holds barred hot war with a country on the other side of the world over a tiny scrap of land we call the Falkland Islands, a place no one in the U.K. had ever heard of. We did that, ostensibly, because the people that lived there claimed to be British, they were British. That conflict turned the popularity rating of the, then, Prime Minister from the lowest in British history to the most popular in British history. So, it seems my country greatly supports the idea of protecting those claiming affinity with their “motherland”.  This action followed an incursion/invasion by a foreign power, one that had claimed sovereignty over these islands for centuries.

In the current case, I see little difference. The most marked difference being that every Russian knows where Crimea is, where Donbas is, Ukraine, etc. those people also claimed Russia as their motherland. Those people were also attacked by bombing and shelling, not just by a foreign power claiming sovereignty but by those claiming to be their own government.

It is an indisputable, documented fact that the West has first brokered, and then broken, a succession of agreements that all threaten (or are seen to be threatening by the Russian people) the territorial sovereignty and security of Russia.

We all witnessed the coup d’etat in Ukraine, the Maidan revolution. We know that this is model behaviour of the US for my entire life. I’m hardly stating anything contentious here.

Essentially, I’m saying, as far as those matters at issue, I believe Putin’s motivations. I also don’t believe he poses any existential threat to us, at the moment. I hardly think Boris Johnson’s play at legacy has helped matters in that regard but I think that will pass, with time, once an agreement is concluded between Russia and Ukraine as it will inevitably be - an entire generation of Ukrainians having been wasted.

Everything Putin had to say about the end of the US Empire and the rise of the East, is established wisdom in every sentient body across the globe. Only the armchair warrior warmongers in the US refuse to acknowledge this publicly - and of course some dimwit former soldiers in our own government.
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.


