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Author Topic: How many wanderers are lost?  (Read 2777 times)

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Online 2tallbill

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How many wanderers are lost?
« on: January 21, 2024, 10:23:54 AM »
Sometime I'm going to start a topic for this sort of discussion, though I don't want to hijack this guy's thread... just pointing out that not all who are wandering are lost.

Please, expand on that in this newly created thread.

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

Online Lord of the Dance

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2024, 07:40:35 PM »
When I was a kid messing around in the garage, I partially severed my right index finger at the base of the proximal phalange and needed surgery. My mom introduced me to a friend of hers who is a well-practiced plastic surgeon (mostly doing breast augmentations), but he was willing to look at my finger injury and did an incredible job of fixing / sewing it up. You can barely see the scar left by my injury. Anyhoo, I was in his office one day for a follow-up appointment and he told me this joke: Jesus Christ himself appears in front of this guy and says, "You've been a good person all your life and I will reward you with one miracle of your request - just name it." The man says, "Well, I've always wanted to visit Hawaii but I'm afraid of both planes and ships. I want a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive there in my car." Jesus says, "Woah, that's a tall order, maybe something more reasonable?" The man says, "Okay then, can you help me understand women?" Jesus replies, "How many lanes do you want on that bridge?" I looked at Dave with a blank stare and asked him to explain the joke to me. He says, "Never mind, I'll have one of the girls come in and give you a blowjob." I looked at him very seriously and said, "Oh, I thought you told me my finger was fine? Will this procedure hurt?"

Point is, I grew up as a naive only-child with (truly wonderful) parents who were usually too busy to spend time with me. Of course they were there for me when I did stupid stuff like partially severing my finger, but in terms of finding my identity, I've had to do that without much aid of contemporaries (brothers or friends). So for example I don't feel particularly feminine when I cook, clean or do laundry, and I don't feel particularly masculine when I'm out at the range with my Sig Sauer SSB 3000 or off-roading with my Argo 8X8. It's just "me" you know?

I was talking to a buddy out at the airport who is a very staunch conservative. The weather was positively shit and the field was dead. I made a comment about going home to curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea, and he started to josh me about be a 'snowflake.' To him, I am 'wandering.'

I engaged with a pretty young lady at a fundraising gala just last month and the conversation turned to a recent shooting that had been prominent in the news cycle that day. I knew I was in trouble the moment I suggested that gun owners across the country are just as appalled by the loss of innocent life as anyone else, and her face turned to one of absolute horror. She was a liberal of the first degree! To her, I am 'wandering.'

And if that's the way these people are going to view me, I'm fine with that. But just because I am 'wandering' doesn't mean that I'm lost. I'm constantly learning and growing, improving and changing. It's a purely positive experience to enjoy good literature and hot tea. And so to is  :censored: ing dominating at 350 yds.

Taking the time to wander is fun. It's who I am. Will this fun come to an end when I get married? Will I become a 'yes dear' 'no dear' drone until my last breath? No. Because I will wander until I find my wanderer.
"My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait." - Canticle of the Turning

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2024, 07:54:39 PM »
As noted upthread there is an expression that states ‘Not all who wander are lost.’
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2024, 09:43:48 PM »
When I was a kid messing around in the garage, I partially severed my right index finger at the base of the proximal phalange and needed surgery. My mom introduced me to a friend of hers who is a well-practiced plastic surgeon (mostly doing breast augmentations), but he was willing to look at my finger injury and did an incredible job of fixing / sewing it up. You can barely see the scar left by my injury. Anyhoo, I was in his office one day for a follow-up appointment and he told me this joke: Jesus Christ himself appears in front of this guy and says, "You've been a good person all your life and I will reward you with one miracle of your request - just name it." The man says, "Well, I've always wanted to visit Hawaii but I'm afraid of both planes and ships. I want a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive there in my car." Jesus says, "Woah, that's a tall order, maybe something more reasonable?" The man says, "Okay then, can you help me understand women?" Jesus replies, "How many lanes do you want on that bridge?" I looked at Dave with a blank stare and asked him to explain the joke to me. He says, "Never mind, I'll have one of the girls come in and give you a blowjob." I looked at him very seriously and said, "Oh, I thought you told me my finger was fine? Will this procedure hurt?"

Point is, I grew up as a naive only-child with (truly wonderful) parents who were usually too busy to spend time with me. Of course they were there for me when I did stupid stuff like partially severing my finger, but in terms of finding my identity, I've had to do that without much aid of contemporaries (brothers or friends). So for example I don't feel particularly feminine when I cook, clean or do laundry, and I don't feel particularly masculine when I'm out at the range with my Sig Sauer SSB 3000 or off-roading with my Argo 8X8. It's just "me" you know?

I was talking to a buddy out at the airport who is a very staunch conservative. The weather was positively shit and the field was dead. I made a comment about going home to curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea, and he started to josh me about be a 'snowflake.' To him, I am 'wandering.'

I engaged with a pretty young lady at a fundraising gala just last month and the conversation turned to a recent shooting that had been prominent in the news cycle that day. I knew I was in trouble the moment I suggested that gun owners across the country are just as appalled by the loss of innocent life as anyone else, and her face turned to one of absolute horror. She was a liberal of the first degree! To her, I am 'wandering.'

And if that's the way these people are going to view me, I'm fine with that. But just because I am 'wandering' doesn't mean that I'm lost. I'm constantly learning and growing, improving and changing. It's a purely positive experience to enjoy good literature and hot tea. And so to is  :censored: ing dominating at 350 yds.

Taking the time to wander is fun. It's who I am. Will this fun come to an end when I get married? Will I become a 'yes dear' 'no dear' drone until my last breath? No. Because I will wander until I find my wanderer.

If you were really a "wanderer" you would have already booked a flight to eastern europe; like 5 years ago. What's your latest excuse?  :Zzzzsleep: :)

I don't recall, did Peter Pan ever get married?

PS..correct name is SSG 3000, isn't it?

Online Lord of the Dance

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2024, 10:05:35 PM »

If you were really a "wanderer" you would have already booked a flight to eastern europe; like 5 years ago. What's your latest excuse?  :Zzzzsleep: :)

I don't recall, did Peter Pan ever get married?

PS..correct name is SSG 3000, isn't it?

Good things come in time Contrarian.

Never seen Peter Pan. He's the flying leprechaun, right? 

My mistake, you're right. Are you familiar with this rifle? It's a really rugged platform, isn't it? I mated mine with a Leupold Mark 5HD scope. Kinda heavy but that's not an issue using the bi-pod prone or on a bench.
"My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait." - Canticle of the Turning

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2024, 10:57:17 PM »

If you were really a "wanderer" you would have already booked a flight to eastern europe; like 5 years ago. What's your latest excuse?  :Zzzzsleep: :)

I don't recall, did Peter Pan ever get married?

PS..correct name is SSG 3000, isn't it?

Good things come in time Contrarian.

Never seen Peter Pan. He's the flying leprechaun, right? 

My mistake, you're right. Are you familiar with this rifle? It's a really rugged platform, isn't it? I mated mine with a Leupold Mark 5HD scope. Kinda heavy but that's not an issue using the bi-pod prone or on a bench.

Procrastination is a very serious disease.

The only way to even begin to meet and understand women is to go somewhere where you can meet more attractive available women than you can in a small town like where you live. The way to get over being shy or afraid of women is practice, practice, practice. Don't take any rejection from any woman personal, in fact smile at her rejection to her face, say your loss and move on.

But you can't do that when you are instead substituting photos of attractive women as being a fantasy of sorts. Having a real GF who is into you and you're into her and the friendship and great sex that goes with that is infinitely better (like 1,000 or more times better!) then looking at photos or worse. That's no kind of life.

When you don't have any experience you've simply got to have the courage to make it happen. How is it that some of us without even a fraction of your means had GF's and opportunities when we were your age? So if you're not going to go overseas where you might have some real fun, then at least move to a bigger city or get a pad in one. Find a wingman and go out and practice talking to young women. Or start going to large church's where there might be some single women and talk to them.

Getting on an airplane and just going over there sightseeing has a lot of merit. Someone like Steveboy could really help you to plan a great trip to St. Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. No doubt with some nice young women. He and his wife could probably help line up some dates for you.

Since as you said you dress casual, that's a good thing. The type of young woman you would probably want to be with would be low key. If I were wealthy for the most part I would not dress that way. Play it by ear and if you really like a woman then you dress up for her.

Good luck.

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2024, 11:53:11 AM »
Getting on an airplane and just going over there sightseeing has a lot of merit.

I agree with this very much. Most of my adventures started one day with just going and having a look. I consider myself a wanderer. I've never been lost I don't think.

My first trip to the FSU came about when I was in a travel agent one day. I wanted a few days away with my then girlfriend somewhere interesting where regular people seldom went. We chewed over Iceland and bits of Eastern Europe. I suggested Moscow as my great-grandfather spent time in Russia and I always kinda liked the idea since my Uncle once had a Moskovitch and I had lots of CCCP stamps in my collection as a kid. But she said I needed a visa, harder and slower to get then and I didn't have one. After much keyboard tapping she suggested Estonia. I'd never heard of it, but when we looked at a map and she said it used to be Russia, I booked on the spot.

This was 1998. I went there and the first thing that hit me was "Fukk me, look at all these WOMEN!" Right down my street. I went home and told a couple of pals of this mysterious place. A few weeks later, we'd cooked up a plan to drive there in my old van, ostensibly on "business" of some kind, and I did indeed make a few quid on the trip, but I just wanted a closer look about. Talk to a few people. And get the skinny on all those nice-looking women.

I met a bunch of Russian guys who took me out in the evening. They taught me the basics of the women, and how to order drinks in Russian. One remains my friend to this day. I kept going back, and one day a few years later bought a flat there.

One of the guys suggested that if I liked these women (and we'd established by now I preferred the Russian 'look' to the Estonian one), don't clown around in satellite states. Go to the source. That prompted me to go to Russia proper. Which I did, and many times since.

Why I went to North Korea? Just to have a look and a poke about. Not many people go there. Same with China, Hong Kong, and South Korea recently.

So yes, Lord of the Dance, go. You've got a few quid, you're single and there's nothing to stop you. Just book a trip as a tourist, go to Moscow or St Pete for a week and have a poke about. Be a tourist (but leave the white trainers and fanny pack at home - try not to look American). You may well find yourself making a second booking before long. And from small acorns.............
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2024, 08:44:29 AM »

If you were really a "wanderer" you would have already booked a flight to eastern europe; like 5 years ago. What's your latest excuse?  :Zzzzsleep: :)

I don't recall, did Peter Pan ever get married?

PS..correct name is SSG 3000, isn't it?

Good things come in time Contrarian.

Never seen Peter Pan. He's the flying leprechaun, right? 

My mistake, you're right. Are you familiar with this rifle? It's a really rugged platform, isn't it? I mated mine with a Leupold Mark 5HD scope. Kinda heavy but that's not an issue using the bi-pod prone or on a bench.

I was referring to Peter Pan syndrome. Perhaps there's a possibility you have it. I had it for awhile. 

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2024, 09:41:11 AM »
Getting on an airplane and just going over there sightseeing has a lot of merit.

I agree with this very much. Most of my adventures started one day with just going and having a look. I consider myself a wanderer. I've never been lost I don't think.

I completely agree with this and given your finical situation LotD, you're in a fantastic position to travel the world, meet new people and possibly find yourself and what it is that you want. I'd not bother going on a trip to find a woman initially but if you're anything like I am, you'll find plenty women en route.

The best education you'll have, starts with a passport and fun tokens in the bank.

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How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2024, 01:46:01 PM »
Never seen Peter Pan. He's the flying leprechaun, right? 

There are many at the forum who've had trepidation taking the plunge into
pursuing FSUW. It's not for everyone, especially if you just want to dip your
toe into the water.

If you want to do it but have apprehension getting started. Here is my advice.

1. Buy Pimsleur language
Use the Pimsleur mobile app, lessons can be downloaded for offline use within the app. Lessons can be conveniently played in the car using the hands-free driving mode, and the built-in Carplay or Google Play feature.

2. Get on a stairmaster for minimum 30 minutes per day every day until your wedding day. Listen to the lesson and when they say blah-blah-blah you repeat blah-blah-blah right back. If you need to build up to 30 minutes that's fine. Put the app on anytime you are in a car and keep up doing the blah-blah-blah

3. Contact Stirlitz, have him recommend a place to visit and have him guide you
from the airport and back to the airport. Try to find girls with some English. If
they know zero, they are not smart or educated enough for you.

4. If you have any questions, need any help or want to just talk send me a PM.

5. Don't tell the peanut gallery here what you are up to. If you want to write
about your adventures after the fact, by all means do it. My advice is don't
do it on the ground as things are happening. I know I did it, but I didn't do
it until my 5th trip. 

6. If you have one or two cyberpals here, talk to them privately.

7. I have two prices for help with this. $1 million or free. You can decide which. 

8. Almost everyone fails the first time. So think of it as practice for your second
trip. The first girl I kissed was never going to be the last girl I kissed, so I was
not too concerned with mucking it up.



PS. All others can choose option the $1 million dollar option only.

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

Offline Contrarian

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Re: How many wanderers are lost?
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2024, 05:11:53 PM »
Never seen Peter Pan. He's the flying leprechaun, right? 

There are many at the forum who've had trepidation taking the plunge into
pursuing FSUW. It's not for everyone, especially if you just want to dip your
toe into the water.

If you want to do it but have apprehension getting started. Here is my advice.

1. Buy Pimsleur language
Use the Pimsleur mobile app, lessons can be downloaded for offline use within the app. Lessons can be conveniently played in the car using the hands-free driving mode, and the built-in Carplay or Google Play feature.

2. Get on a stairmaster for minimum 30 minutes per day every day until your wedding day. Listen to the lesson and when they say blah-blah-blah you repeat blah-blah-blah right back. If you need to build up to 30 minutes that's fine. Put the app on anytime you are in a car and keep up doing the blah-blah-blah

3. Contact Stirlitz, have him recommend a place to visit and have him guide you
from the airport and back to the airport. Try to find girls with some English. If
they know zero, they are not smart or educated enough for you.

4. If you have any questions, need any help or want to just talk send me a PM.

5. Don't tell the peanut gallery here what you are up to. If you want to write
about your adventures after the fact, by all means do it. My advice is don't
do it on the ground as things are happening. I know I did it, but I didn't do
it until my 5th trip. 

6. If you have one or two cyberpals here, talk to them privately.

7. I have two prices for help with this. $1 million or free. You can decide which. 

8. Almost everyone fails the first time. So think of it as practice for your second
trip. The first girl I kissed was never going to be the last girl I kissed, so I was
not too concerned with mucking it up.



PS. All others can choose option the $1 million dollar option only.

The check is in the mail.    :ROFL: