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Author Topic: Living or Retiring Abroad  (Read 2771 times)

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Offline Manny

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Living or Retiring Abroad
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:52:32 AM »
This topic was born from chat on another and I thought it deserved its own thread.

Many Russians like to go to Thailand as they don't need a visa there.   I just never found as much appeal to live in Asia.  I like the south of France, Nice, Monaco but it's very expensive there.  Spain is a popular expat place for many Brits. lots of sunny, ever thought of living there?

With Brexit now it's made things more difficult. would UK passport holders need a visa to live in EU countries?

Brits need residence I think in the EU now if they want to live there. I don't think it's too onerous, Andrewfi did it in Estonia.

I agree with you about the South of France, but yes, it's expensive.

Spain has a certain reputation for a certain type of expat. I'd not be inclined to stay in the EU I think. The immigration problems are pretty much everywhere, and it's only going to get worse when 2.5m Gazans are thrown into the mix.

Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 07:31:12 AM »
Yeah, I did it. My application for permanent residence is now in hand.

I just have to wait 30 days for approval; I do not anticipate any issues along the way.

A bonus of having permanent residence in one country in the EU is that it can be exchanged for residence in any other EU country with minimal fuss.

The rules for residence vary across the EU; however, Britons would have several routes that would lead to residency. For example, in Estonia, one can obtain residence on the basis of existing income (which is not too high).

A visa is required if a person from outside the EU wants to spend an extended period in the EU. There are all sorts of these, and they vary from country to country. But it isn't too difficult to get one, as long as one is solvent and not from a 'troublesome' country.

Once one has EU residence, one can spend extended periods in all the countries of the EU. So, Spain is a nice destination; it is where I spend a chunk of time. I obtained an NIE which is a non-resident bit of paper that registers one as a person in Spain, enabling one to have bank accounts, buy property, interact with officialdom, etc.
...everything ends always well; if it’s still bad, then it’s not the end!

Offline Manny

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2024, 11:00:31 AM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I’ve opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Online Wiz

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2024, 12:08:24 PM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I’ve opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.

That is what happens to VERY Patriotic people, of any country,  who are not used to pay their full taxes in their birth or permanent Residence country ......when their favourite party is not in power. Most of them travel and live in tax heavens places where they do not like paying a penny for taxes and of cource they do like to use the public services for FREE if they are good, in their view, and it is possible with their time requirements ..

If on the other hand they prefer to use and pay for various servives then it is their prerogative to do so.
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

Offline Contrarian

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2024, 01:36:28 PM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I've opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.

That is what happens to VERY Patriotic people, of any country,  who are not used to pay their full taxes in their birth or permanent Residence country ......when their favourite party is not in power. Most of them travel and live in tax heavens places where they do not like paying a penny for taxes and of cource they do like to use the public services for FREE if they are good, in their view, and it is possible with their time requirements ..

If on the other hand they prefer to use and pay for various servives then it is their prerogative to do so.

What an Asshole post, you are just jealous you cannot leave, give it a rest.  :dh:

Offline Contrarian

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2024, 01:40:48 PM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I’ve opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.

Thailand sounds like fun, I think I would be more inlined to check out the part of Spain in Basque country.

If you are going to go all the way to Texas, you should also consider Idaho, although not sure I would want you as a neighbor.  :laugh:

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2024, 05:25:00 AM »
Southern Portugal appears to have a large US/English expat population.  tiphat
Dobra David

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2024, 05:39:15 AM »
Southern Portugal appears to have a large US/English expat population.  tiphat

I believe so. The more I read, the more Portugal keeps popping up. And they have various incentives now for those choosing to relocate there. I've been to Madeira lots of times, but not mainland Portugal.

A lot of people clearing off to Dubai, UAE, etc. too, but I don't think that's my vibe.

I doubt Greece is on the cards looking at the Greek on this thread. They might all be like him. :chuckle:
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Online Faux Pas

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2024, 05:47:16 AM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I’ve opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.

I expect you'll like it just about anywhere in Texas in February. But, if you want the real feel of Texas you should probably check it out in July/August

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2024, 01:22:59 PM »
Southern Portugal appears to have a large US/English expat population.  tiphat

I believe so. The more I read, the more Portugal keeps popping up. And they have various incentives now for those choosing to relocate there. I've been to Madeira lots of times, but not mainland Portugal.

A lot of people clearing off to Dubai, UAE, etc. too, but I don't think that's my vibe.

I doubt Greece is on the cards looking at the Greek on this thread. They might all be like him. :chuckle:

I doubt it. He's rather unique.  :chuckle:

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2024, 05:06:59 PM »
We've been discussing spending more time abroad in the coming years. Especially due to the way the UK is going under Starmer. I thought we had discussed this here, but it was tucked away on a topic about the US.

I'm spending a significant amount of time in Hong Kong now. I've opened a company there and set up local phone numbers, banking, and everything else that comes with being in a place more frequently. There's a learning curve. I also hold a long-term multi-entry Chinese visa, allowing me to enter the mainland whenever I wish.

I am scouting around for locations, perhaps to snowbird in at first. We discussed this a bit on this topic. HK/China is likely as I'm familiar with both, as are the southern US, Portugal, and one or two other spots. It may be I don't settle on just one and float about a bit.

But the Islamification of the UK, while an issue, is less of an urgent threat than the Labour Party itself, now in government, who also enable it. They are doing huge damage to the country, and if they get another term in 4-5 years, there will be little choice other than to leave altogether I expect.

I'm still fairly open to locations and haven't ruled out the US. I'm scouting around. I'm checking out Texas in February, so in conjunction with this idea, we're clearing off to Thailand over Christmas to get a feel for it. I have a pal who has retired there, so we're meeting him, too. After Christmas, we're hopping up to Hong Kong for New Year again, as you do.  :plane:

I'm liking this snowbird idea though at the moment. Clearing off from the British winter, maybe December-January at first, is an idea I'm getting to grips with.

Next on my list to check out after Texas is Portugal. A lot of people fleeing there from Starmer's Britain it seems.

That is what happens to VERY Patriotic people, of any country,  who are not used to pay their full taxes in their birth or permanent Residence country ......when their favourite party is not in power. Most of them travel and live in tax heavens places where they do not like paying a penny for taxes and of cource they do like to use the public services for FREE if they are good, in their view, and it is possible with their time requirements ..

If on the other hand they prefer to use and pay for various servives then it is their prerogative to do so.

What an Asshole post, you are just jealous you cannot leave, give it a rest.  :dh:

My dear Contrarian you have no idea to whom you are expresing such titles and polite words...... I can only guess  that living alone must drive you you are forgiven.!

For your information since I married my Russian wife, in June  2008, dispite I have been a pensioner,  we have travelled at least 2-3 times  a year and have visited almost all european countries. Previously I have travelled several times to your country, mostly to east site and Florida and later my family in LA and San Franscisco.

Having been in the travel business for around 30 years, I happen to know when to travel to europe and also when to pay cheap prices, to my contacts, unlike other travellers.

I have met Manny and his lovely wife and know how to tease him. No he is not an angel as you might think.....

If you ask him politely he may sell you the board so you can keep your self bussy. watching the women advertised on the right!

BY the way Manny ... Greece is not going to be your cuppa if you don't alrady know it and I do not think you can compete with them after all the high taxes etc.

I suggessted you to visit Corfu... but you missed the time when everything where excellent for the British Tourists.
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2024, 05:45:14 AM »
Southern Portugal appears to have a large US/English expat population.  tiphat

I doubt Greece is on the cards looking at the Greek on this thread. They might all be like him. :chuckle:

Dobra David

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Re: Living or Retiring Abroad
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2024, 11:52:57 AM »
Southern Portugal appears to have a large US/English expat population.  tiphat

I guess your only interest on this site is to take a look at the ladies photo and satisfy yourself .........
I doubt Greece is on the cards looking at the Greek on this thread. They might all be like him. :chuckle:



How many tourists visit Greece in 2024?
A total of 24.89 million foreign tourists visited Greece from January to August 2024, generating travel receipts of 15.179 billion euros, according to the latest data from the Bank of Greece (BoG)

I guess that you are Not very bright like all those people that visited my birth country! and you may wonder why?

Obviously you visist this board just to look at the girls photos on the right and satisfy your needs......
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!