Come on 2tallBill and others, how about some analysis about this major political event in the USA?
When truths get ignored we all lose an opportunity. This is a major opportunity!!
The wackos birds have ruled the roost over at the DNC
for quite some time. They have raced so far to the left
that they left the vast majority of regular Dem's behind.
They went from being the left of center party to full
bAtSh!T cRaZy when they adopted their
trans lunacy. Men can't get preggers, ovulate or
compete in women's sports, regardless of their
mental self perceptions.
Tulsi's own words cover all the bases. Bill Maher and
Joe Rogan have several videos on the same topic.
Left of center independents are NOT going to be voting
for people who want to defund the police, while ending
the prosecution criminals in the face of rising violent
In the old days the left lied about their true beliefs because
they knew that their beliefs couldn't be successfully debated
in the arena of political discourse. Now they brazenly state
their beliefs and attempt to forcibly silence all political
discourse that disagrees with any aspect of those beliefs.
They are going to lose and they are going to lose big, leftist
polling companies and the far left media advocates notwithstanding.