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Author Topic: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire  (Read 2802 times)

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The Live Free or Die State rides to Ultra MAGA America First Rescue... The Patriots Revolution of 2022 has begun.

When I left Bob Burns Campaign Victory Party after midnight last night it was quite subdued as he was 200 votes down - then when I woke up and refreshed my screen Bob Burns America First Pro-Trump Patriot won despite a literal bootstraps campaign with NO Money from the RNCC or McConnell RINO-Rats and over $10 Million in DemonCommunist Fat Cats out of state cash attack ads!

And then Steve Bannon broadcasts the MAGA Grand Slam (Gov Sununu, Brig. Gen Bolduc, Karoline Leavitt(NH1), and my America First Perfect Patriot Bob Burns NH2).

MAGA Blow Out In New Hampshire

Anyone else wants to support a true America First Patriot Bob Burns contact info below...

Bobby Burns!!! 

Great seeing you last night at Margarita's and when I left, I wished you well and then went to bed and woke up this morning and read that Bolduc, Leavitt, and Bobby Burns all won! With Sununu a MAGA Grand Slam... 

Bannon & Fredericks: RINOs and Democrats Will Remember September 13th as the Day that MAGA Took New Hampshire

Candidate Votes Pct.
Bob Burns 20,024 33.31%
George Hansel 17,782 29.58%

Then I see Steve Bannon and John Fredericks taking a victory lap - please reach out to Fredericks and Bannon now that you have won the primary so we can motivate my Bannon Warroom Battleground Ultra MAGA America First Brothers and Sisters at arms to help march you to VICTORY in November.  Remember like Trump and me you DO NOT have to be a perfect person to be a PERFECT PATRIOT!  I could tell the first time I shook your hand and heard your 2A and Border, Energy Independence and Chinese Communists Enemies opinions that you were a true America First Patriot so we have to get your story out to the Warroom Posse so they flood your campaign coffers with money and ammunition and energy to win.

Please let Patriot Boomer Boats Bill Burns (Bob's Dad) of the Coral Gable SubVets know that it was my great honor to meet him and support his MAGA Patriot Son!

On to VICTORY in November!  Let me know what I can do to help from my Home Warroom.

Nuke Boats Forever Mike,

Plankowner USS Groton SSN 694
The Old Casket Factory Mill Bldg.
Nashua America First New Hampshire


Burns For Congress Phone:



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Ohh... I thought votes after midnight were fraud...

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Ohh... I thought votes after midnight were fraud...

BC = Bloviating Communist - WTF does "Ohh... I thought votes after midnight were fraud..."  does that comment add to my thread besides your need to shite on any conservative American's posts.

I am a USA Patriot who served my Country honorably under arms as a Combat Systems expert skilled in all weapons from sidearms to torpedoes and missiles.

I took an oath to kill all Satanic Christ Hating Communists and various other sundry foreign and domestic enemies.

BC as the piece of shite arse-wipe you are you seem to fit multiple categories of my mortal enemies.

Do stupid shite win stupid prizes.

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Well, whoopie doo for you, cufflinks.

And I'm a vet who honorably served as an expert skilled in defusing, disarming, and neutralizing all munitions, domestic, foreign, and terrorist, from firecrackers to chemical, biological, and nukes, so they can't hurt folks. I cleaned up your duds, misfires, and other dangerous crap you stupidly fired, dropped, and buried all over the place. I've risked my life picking up your 'expert' body parts when you screwed up, peeling you off hot munitions, and climbing trees to fetch your entrails to get the job done before the foxes and rats came out at night to feast on your fried nuts.  And you think you have brass balls big enough to declare me as being your mortal enemy?  Lead is more likely, dragging in the muck.  I took the same oath you did.  Guess what... it did not include anything about Satanic Christ Hating Communists. 

So furking what? All your bluff and bluster don't mean squat to me, and doubt anyone else for that matter. 

The only thing that matters is that my vote counts just as much as yours, so shove that up your puckered poop chute.

Offline Contrarian

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Well, whoopie doo for you, cufflinks.

And I'm a vet who honorably served as an expert skilled in defusing, disarming, and neutralizing all munitions, domestic, foreign, and terrorist, from firecrackers to chemical, biological, and nukes, so they can't hurt folks. I cleaned up your duds, misfires, and other dangerous crap you stupidly fired, dropped, and buried all over the place. I've risked my life picking up your 'expert' body parts when you screwed up, peeling you off hot munitions, and climbing trees to fetch your entrails to get the job done before the foxes and rats came out at night to feast on your fried nuts.  And you think you have brass balls big enough to declare me as being your mortal enemy?  Lead is more likely, dragging in the muck.  I took the same oath you did.  Guess what... it did not include anything about Satanic Christ Hating Communists. 

And you have squandered your oath to the Constitution of the United States by supporting an evil old pervert who is attempting to destroy the country. There's the diary of his daughter and there's his crackhead son caught on video dropped by 4chan (no need to pay for such, Cufflinks, it's available for free if you know where to look for it).

Stop supporting lawlessness, destruction and every other evil this regime supports. In Los Angeles because of a Soros funded prosecutor the Police are quiting in droves and now they do not even have people to investigate animal cruelty much less wanton criminal activity. In New Orleans and Chicago and other cities it can take up to two hours for the Police to respond to an emergency call, if they even respond at all. 

Marx stated that he sold his soul to the Devil and so have you by foolishly following along with the agenda to destroy the USA from the inside out by an evil man who wasn't even elected.

Get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness or if you're Buddhist or whatever you are get your spiritual self cleaned up.

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Aww... get over yourself, Contrarian.  The Constitution ain't a bible, so don't try to preach it as religion.  Maybe try to read and comprehend both instead of spouting bile.

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Aww... get over yourself, Contrarian.  The Constitution ain't a bible, so don't try to preach it as religion.  Maybe try to read and comprehend both instead of spouting bile.

The only one consistently spouting bile here is the poster known as BC.

Not a Bible thumper here, in fact it's a huge problem as I see it that those who are shirk their duty and give it off to a "sky god".

You are an apologist for a crooked wicked old man who has been in Congress and now the VP and then the P for over 40 years, turned the economy and law and order into a dumpster fire, approves exposing children to drag queens, approves of ruining women's sports and approves of performing irreversible medical experiments on helpless children -- definitely an Evil agenda.

You apologize for and support a creeping totalitarian Marxism blended with a disgusting form of Fascism.

If the worst Nazi's and Stalin had a hot weekend in Paris the Biden administration would be the basturd child.

You are a man who should not mention an oath, a man whose actions will result in his children and grandchildren growing up in a hostile hateful dystopian future.

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.... I'm a vet who honorably served as an expert skilled in defusing, disarming, and neutralizing all munitions, domestic, foreign, and terrorist, from firecrackers to chemical, biological, and nukes, so they can't hurt folks. I cleaned up your duds, misfires, and other dangerous crap you stupidly fired, dropped, and buried all over the place. I've risked my life picking up your 'expert' body parts when you screwed up, peeling you off hot munitions, and climbing trees to fetch your entrails to get the job done before the foxes and rats came out at night to feast on your fried nuts. 

No doubt your job took a lot of courage, skill and intelligence.

Back in the 1960's the Democrats were the party to "question everything" and they adhered to certain ideals.

Now the party to question everything, who adheres to ideals, are the Republicans.

Join the party of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Join the party of Lincoln.  :)

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Oh wow... Contrarian has an opinion.

And? Are you suggesting a discussion that deals with substantive arguments or just a simple bashing of opinion and insult that leads nowhere?

If the latter, I'm not that interested. 

Back in the 1960's the Democrats were the party to "question everything" and they adhered to certain ideals.

Now the party to question everything, who adheres to ideals, are the Republicans.

Join the party of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Join the party of Lincoln.  :)

Since you mentioned it, a good starting point might be the Democratic party in the 60's and their ideals.  What were they, and how do they differ from today. 

Interesting source:

As far as ideals go, I don't see that awful much that has changed.  Do you?

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blah blah blah blah...I'm not that interested.

You were never interested, you just play your sick games.
You'e an unrepentant Marxist totalitarian who thinks that the ends justifies the means.
Nothing to talk about...those who support terroristic methods to achieve tyranny are not reachable.

As before I only briefly attempted to have discourse for the benefit of others reading the thread.

Here's an interesting article about the West and it's tyranny by none other than a transgender individual.  :chuckle:


"The trouble with “western values” is that westerners don’t value them. They think they value them, but all that reverence for free expression and holding power to account with the light of truth goes right out the window the second they see someone saying something that sharply differs from what their rulers and their propagandists have told them to think. Then they want that person silenced and shut down.

In truth, the most forceful critics of the western empire actually embody these western values infinitely more than empire apologists do. It is the critics of empire who value free speech and holding the powerful to account. It’s the brainwashed bootlickers of the US-centralized empire who are calling for censorship and shouting down anyone who directs fierce oppositional scrutiny toward the most powerful people in the world."

And, Ron Paul's son Rand plays words of Fauci back to him in front of Congress.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2022, 12:17:50 PM »
Astounding how well you make my point, Contrarian.

Oh well, it seems your intentions are clear, so see ya 'round.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2022, 05:10:55 PM »
Well, whoopie doo for you, cufflinks.

And I'm a vet who honorably served as an expert skilled in defusing, disarming, and neutralizing all munitions, domestic, foreign, and terrorist, from firecrackers to chemical, biological, and nukes, so they can't hurt folks. I cleaned up your duds, misfires, and other dangerous crap you stupidly fired, dropped, and buried all over the place. I've risked my life picking up your 'expert' body parts when you screwed up, peeling you off hot munitions, and climbing trees to fetch your entrails to get the job done before the foxes and rats came out at night to feast on your fried nuts.  And you think you have brass balls big enough to declare me as being your mortal enemy?  Lead is more likely, dragging in the muck.  I took the same oath you did.  Guess what... it did not include anything about Satanic Christ Hating Communists. 

So furking what? All your bluff and bluster don't mean squat to me, and doubt anyone else for that matter. 

The only thing that matters is that my vote counts just as much as yours, so shove that up your puckered poop chute.

BC you Blind Communist - This is why you are hiding incognito in Italy...  Soused on Italian Reds.

Any arse-wipe Marxist like you talked to me face to face mano-e-mano like that it would not end well for them.

So now go drink yourself to death and shite on someone else's street corner.

Nice thing about RUA it flushes out the wrinkled-neck trouts and Marxist shites quite quickly.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2022, 09:05:45 PM »
Well, whoopie doo for you, cufflinks.

And I'm a vet who honorably served as an expert skilled in defusing, disarming, and neutralizing all munitions, domestic, foreign, and terrorist, from firecrackers to chemical, biological, and nukes, so they can't hurt folks. I cleaned up your duds, misfires, and other dangerous crap you stupidly fired, dropped, and buried all over the place. I've risked my life picking up your 'expert' body parts when you screwed up, peeling you off hot munitions, and climbing trees to fetch your entrails to get the job done before the foxes and rats came out at night to feast on your fried nuts.  And you think you have brass balls big enough to declare me as being your mortal enemy?  Lead is more likely, dragging in the muck.  I took the same oath you did.  Guess what... it did not include anything about Satanic Christ Hating Communists. 

So furking what? All your bluff and bluster don't mean squat to me, and doubt anyone else for that matter. 

The only thing that matters is that my vote counts just as much as yours, so shove that up your puckered poop chute.

BC you Blind Communist - This is why you are hiding incognito in Italy...  Soused on Italian Reds.

Any arse-wipe Marxist like you talked to me face to face mano-e-mano like that it would not end well for them.

So now go drink yourself to death and shite on someone else's street corner.

Nice thing about RUA it flushes out the wrinkled-neck trouts and Marxist shites quite quickly.

Careful Cuffy, Beyond Confused might work for the Feds. Seems just the type to me.  :chuckle:

Meanwhile the demo rats promise to cut your wages by 100% should you become unemployed and by 60% should you remain employed.

The demo rats promise to get the USA into yet another fruitless overseas War which we are guaranteed to lose.

The demo rats want a murderer and two rapists living on every city block of America, minimum.

The demo rats are the Party of hatred towards white people in general and white men in particular, unless you're a Fed weasel like those who manipulated into existence the alleged kidnapping plot of Gretchen Witchmore, or the alleged group of "white supremacists" all dressed in the same FBI tan khaki outfit who were allegedly going to attack the "gay and transgender pride" event in northern Idaho recently.

In fact no other President in history has heaped more hatred towards white people in particular and Conservatives in general who believe in Freedom of Speech and 2nd Amendment rights than dementia Joe.

The Satanic Democrat Platform of 2022


These are the promises all Democrats running for office in 2022 are making unless they have made a video I never saw.

I promise to cut your wages 60%, 100% if you lose your job.

I promise to make your life a living hell of crime and violence.

I promise to get you into a war and make darn sure that America loses.

I promise to destroy your health and to make you die an agonizing death.

I promise to reduce the value of your paycheck, your pension and your savings to zero.

I promise to give you a digital cash card that tracks your every move and will forbid you to buy or sell anything more than 5 miles from your house if you say anything any one of 100,000 minders from the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the IRS, Silicon Valley or anywhere else in Washington DC does not like. A veritable “Mark of the Beast.”

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2022, 11:45:54 PM »

BC you Blind Communist - This is why you are hiding incognito in Italy...  Soused on Italian Reds.

Why hide?  I enjoy living here. I don't drink.

Any arse-wipe Marxist like you talked to me face to face mano-e-mano like that it would not end well for them.

Is this a specific threat or just your typical bla bla bla bravado?

So now go drink yourself to death and shite on someone else's street corner.

Again, I don't drink and certainly don't shit on street corners.

Nice thing about RUA it flushes out the wrinkled-neck trouts and Marxist shites quite quickly.

You seem to know a whole lot about other people, without any evidence to back it up.  Ok, I get it, you don't like my posts... so what?  Again, that is your problem, not mine.  Must suck to be you.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2022, 11:49:48 PM »
.double post

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2022, 11:58:47 PM »

Careful Cuffy, Beyond Confused might work for the Feds. Seems just the type to me.  :chuckle:

Nah, but you're right, Cuffy is exactly the type the Feds might be interested in.  With any luck, they'll file him away as a fruitcake, or broken tool.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2022, 12:32:01 AM »

Careful Cuffy, Beyond Confused might work for the Feds. Seems just the type to me.  :chuckle:

Nah, but you're right, Cuffy is exactly the type the Feds might be interested in.  With any luck, they'll file him away as a fruitcake, or broken tool.

With any luck, you'll become a victim of the globalist plan to destroy European countries with immigration of 3rd World types.  :-*

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2022, 01:00:16 AM »
With any luck, you'll become a victim of the globalist plan to destroy European countries with immigration of 3rd World types.  :-*

Aww.. thanks for your concern, despite being unwarranted.  All the immigrants from poorer countries I have encountered provide decent and appreciated services from the Moroccan that has a Muslim specialty store with great meats, spices, and unusual ingredients, a very good and inexpensive Arabic restaurant, and those that provide care for the elderly and infirm. Others have stands with interesting stuff at the local markets. The Chinese stores carry some useful items for a decent price. Even the polite Nigerians and others help with heavy shopping at Ikea and other grocery stores for some change.  Heck, sometimes I do need a pack of tissues, air freshener, or my windshield cleaned at stoplights. We immigrants get along just fine.  Sure, there is always a small percentage of @ssholes, but heck, that applies to any population group, including the one you may pertain to.

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Re: America First Revolution of 2022 from the Ancient and Honorable New Hampshire
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2022, 09:41:51 AM »
Mods, please move BC's Love of Murderous Migrants shite posts to its own deviant, demented degenerate thread.

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I was counting on you dragging Don Bolduc across the
finish line ahead of Maggie Hasnothing.
FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

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I voted 100% GOP Patriots... Got to give the Satanic Commie rat Devils their DUE... They know how to target effective messaging and had clips of both General Don Boldic and young Karoline Leavitt talking about privatizing Social Security and medicare and Democommies simply used their own words against them...funniest was a fat old Bad Santa looking dude say "I PAID FOR MY SOCIAL SECURITY!!! THIS DON BOLDUC HE'S  A DISASTER!!!   

We all know social sec, and Medicare are the third rail of politics - even Trump was smart enough to say he would save social security  and Medicare yet Bolduc, Leavitt and Burns jumped right on that third rail only to be election-trocuted. This while Gov Chris Sununu the best 2A gov in the USA who signed our best in the USA Constitutional Cocealed Carry law won by more than 10% while Bolduc, Leavitt and Burns all lost by 60% to 40% on average meaning retirees a huge 3rd rail block that actually votes split their tickets.  A huge learning opportunity  for the GOP.

Offline Contrarian

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I voted 100% GOP Patriots... Got to give the Satanic Commie rat Devils their DUE... They know how to target effective messaging and had clips of both General Don Boldic and young Karoline Leavitt talking about privatizing Social Security and medicare and Democommies simply used their own words against them...funniest was a fat old Bad Santa looking dude say "I PAID FOR MY SOCIAL SECURITY!!! THIS DON BOLDUC HE'S  A DISASTER!!!   

We all know social sec, and Medicare are the third rail of politics - even Trump was smart enough to say he would save social security  and Medicare yet Bolduc, Leavitt and Burns jumped right on that third rail only to be election-trocuted. This while Gov Chris Sununu the best 2A gov in the USA who signed our best in the USA Constitutional Cocealed Carry law won by more than 10% while Bolduc, Leavitt and Burns all lost by 60% to 40% on average meaning retirees a huge 3rd rail block that actually votes split their tickets.  A huge learning opportunity  for the GOP.

Perhaps the GOP should be like Ron DeSantis in regards to abortion. Don't outright ban it but a woman cannot do it after 15 weeks.

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Quote from: cufflinks link=topic=30106.msg542870#msg542870

A huge learning opportunity  for the GOP.[/b]

The GOP can't learn. They insist that they must play by the
official Marquess of Queensberry rules and follow etiquette
written by the Dem's themselves.

Obamacare robbed $700 billion from medicare and Team GOP
didn't claim that the Dem's are going to gut Medicare again!!

The GOP needs to proemptively claim that the Dem's are going
to GUT medicare again towards the end of every election
cycle,  but if you vote for honest Bob of the GOP he will not only 
fight to stop it. He will make the Dem's pay medicare back the
money they robbed from it1..

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls


