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Author Topic: Economic Migrants Rather Than Refugees?  (Read 2352 times)

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Economic Migrants Rather Than Refugees?
« on: August 02, 2022, 12:54:32 AM »
The truth is out. Around half of those Ukrainian people claiming to be refugees  who crossed the EU borders have already returned.

Flows of new 'refugees' are now at pre-covid levels.

Hmm... What has happened?
Well, to find out read this article:

However, I think we can safely say that none of the people returning to a significantly less vibrant Ukraine were refugees. They were economic migrants taking advantage of the open doors of the EU. They had been granted the access that they thought they would get when Ukraine signed the sham EU Association Agreement after the 2014 coup.

Now, even with protected access for years to come, they trot back home, back to where life is better for people unqualified to work in the EU as anything more than carers for the aged or as cleaners of toilets.

If things were so bad in the places they left, surely having a living income, housing, and social benefits from Germany and elsewhere would be better?

Are there genuine refugees? Sure! They can be found among those who are staying.

Of course, among those staying are the rich kids like the couple I saw the other day at an upmarket beach bar on the Costa Blanca. Young lad with his very hot Ukrainian girlfriend, driving his dad's Ukrainian registered Tesla Model S.

No refugee he and they're going nowhere until Ukraine settles the conflict and he can go home without recriminations about not defending his country.

But, yeah, for sure there are genuine refugees not draft dodgers on an extended vaykay in Daddy's villa. Some, and I have met a few, have started building new lives, new businesses in a new country. Some are baking bread for low wages in rural factories. But when I see that around 3 million people have chosen to go back to a better life in Ukraine then I know they were not refugees.
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Re: Economic Migrants Rather Than Refugees?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2022, 08:18:17 AM »
Much may depend which part they are from. Most of the west of Ukraine is untouched. Many who fled might feel safe going back now they see the picture unfolding.

Language might be another thing. Many of those who left won't speak anything else than Russian or Ukrainian. When they find out that the further away you get, the fewer people they can communicate with, reality may bite.

I gather the welcome they had in Poland initially is now less welcoming. I recall reading something about lots of hookers and increased crime going down like a lead balloon in Poland.

Also, perhaps some just realised that the EU isn't the land of milk and honey they expected, and everything costs twice what it does at home.
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Re: Economic Migrants Rather Than Refugees?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2022, 09:12:29 AM »
For sure many, many, people are finding that gimme gimme gimme is going down as well as a warm vomit cocktail.

Many countries are finding that they need to reduce the amount of milk and honey previously offered to these migrants.

However, I find it hard to believe that genuine refugees would return to their war torn homeland if their war torn homeland offered a worse experience than their refuge locations.

I believe that many moved to the EU in the expectation of endless milk and honey. In that case they were economic migrants not refugees.

I do not suggest that there are no genuine refugees. I am sure that there are many of them. I do not expect that genuine refugees are returning to Ukraine in any great numbers. Although I expect that some might soon choose to return to homes in areas that are now being taken care of by the Russians.
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