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Author Topic: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?  (Read 2223 times)

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Offline Steveboy

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Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« on: July 29, 2022, 05:00:53 AM »
Its the 21st Century so you met a girl from FSU country , Went to her country or met her for a holiday.. you decide to have a relationship.. or at least you decide this and she said yes lets..

But what about when you get home and you cannot see here again for 3/4 months will she have other lovers and men whilst hanging about for you?

I would say yes most of the time..

Or what about your chatting online to some girl and making plans to meet in a few months .. you think your in love already and think you already found your wife..

Do think she will be abstaining from sex whilst waiting for you?

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2022, 09:46:19 AM »
Bet you don't get many answers to this.  :coffeeread:
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2022, 09:54:17 AM »
Bet you don't get many answers to this.  :coffeeread:

Truth always hurts... but at the end of the day I cant see it being a problem.. its just sex and everyone has their
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Online 2tallbill

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Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2022, 10:05:56 AM »
Bet you don't get many answers to this.  :coffeeread:

There are 697 members online right now. 22 of those actually participate 
and post here on the forum. Most of the 22 are married or will never be

Is Bob from Boston going to post "My girl Sally from Sochi is a real peach and
saving herself for my next visit" then wait for the peanut gallery to claim she
is having butt sex with the entire male population of her city, so to save her
sweetest peachy parts for Bob?

Why would Bob subject himself to that?

Why doesn't somebody start a thread on how long ago was your last monkey
spanking session? It wouldn't get a ton of replies either.

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2022, 10:15:57 AM »
Truth always hurts... but at the end of the day I cant see it being a problem.. its just sex and everyone has their

A better question for the single guys would be. How long ago was your last trip?
What are you doing to keep things alive during this cRaZy time in history with
a diabolical virus and a war, etc. etc.

Then you can bring up, "hey you better go visit your girl, clean the pipes and
curl her toes so that she knows you are being true to her" or something like

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

Online 2tallbill

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FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2022, 11:33:46 AM »
Its the 21st Century so you met a girl from FSU country , Went to her country or met her for a holiday.. you decide to have a relationship.. or at least you decide this and she said yes lets..

But what about when you get home and you cannot see here again for 3/4 months will she have other lovers and men whilst hanging about for you?

I would say yes most of the time..

Or what about your chatting online to some girl and making plans to meet in a few months .. you think your in love already and think you already found your wife..

Do think she will be abstaining from sex whilst waiting for you?

Steveboy you forgot the other half of the question. Will you be having sex with other women? You run into an ex who misses you and wants to reconnect. Go out with the guys and run into women who want to party. That woman from work who you had a torrid weekend with is back working at your office.

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available? 
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2022, 12:06:37 PM »
Its the 21st Century so you met a girl from FSU country , Went to her country or met her for a holiday.. you decide to have a relationship.. or at least you decide this and she said yes lets..

But what about when you get home and you cannot see here again for 3/4 months will she have other lovers and men whilst hanging about for you?

I would say yes most of the time..

Or what about your chatting online to some girl and making plans to meet in a few months .. you think your in love already and think you already found your wife..

Do think she will be abstaining from sex whilst waiting for you?

Steveboy you forgot the other half of the question. Will you be having sex with other women? You run into an ex who misses you and wants to reconnect. Go out with the guys and run into women who want to party. That woman from work who you had a torrid weekend with is back working at your office.

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available?

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available? . That depends!! Often for example the guy maybe in his 70's and not even capable of having sex .. His Gf or imaginary gf maybe be in her 30's and needs it pretty often..

But no I think the guy in general will not be having sex with anyone else .. he is going to be serious about his intentions and for him , he will have no need and think it's his duty to stay faithful .. probably will just watch some pornos dreaming of Natasha .. whilst she is boogieing the night away with some other guy already forgot about Bob from the USA..

And of course Bob from the USA will have his mother to keep check on him at all times..cos Bob normally lives with
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Offline redroo

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2022, 01:55:39 PM »
This is the conundrum for the men who do not travel regularly of course. Or even those that do, if his girl is highly sexed.
My personal opinion is that unless you specifically talked about being "exclusive" you can have no expectation of this in the modern Slavic world. If she is having occasional protected sex for recreational/health purposes, and not proclaiming love to others, would it really hurt you if you didn't know? Would it matter more if it was another woman, or a bloke? Do you expect to be able to sleep with others, but not her? All good questions to know your personal answers to.
Beautiful women in the post War Slavic world were always being asked out locally. I am sure they still are by the men who are not currently serving on the frontlines. Especially now ..... since there is now a dearth of females left in Ukraine, and a sudden surplus of beautiful Ukrainian females in Europe.
I am about to land back in Europe, so about to clean my pipes for a month or so.
Ask no questions, expect no lies. Live like it's your last day, it's all we have...
Means all the more to me since my best mate had a fatal heart attack 3 days ago, just a day after we (for the last time unknowingly) spoke.

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2022, 03:18:21 PM »
Its the 21st Century so you met a girl from FSU country , Went to her country or met her for a holiday.. you decide to have a relationship.. or at least you decide this and she said yes lets..

But what about when you get home and you cannot see here again for 3/4 months will she have other lovers and men whilst hanging about for you?

I would say yes most of the time..

Or what about your chatting online to some girl and making plans to meet in a few months .. you think your in love already and think you already found your wife..

Do think she will be abstaining from sex whilst waiting for you?

Steveboy you forgot the other half of the question. Will you be having sex with other women? You run into an ex who misses you and wants to reconnect. Go out with the guys and run into women who want to party. That woman from work who you had a torrid weekend with is back working at your office.

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available?

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available? . That depends!! Often for example the guy maybe in his 70's and not even capable of having sex .. His Gf or imaginary gf maybe be in her 30's and needs it pretty often..

But no I think the guy in general will not be having sex with anyone else .. he is going to be serious about his intentions and for him , he will have no need and think it's his duty to stay faithful .. probably will just watch some pornos dreaming of Natasha .. whilst she is boogieing the night away with some other guy already forgot about Bob from the USA..

And of course Bob from the USA will have his mother to keep check on him at all times..cos Bob normally lives with

His duty to stay faithful? You must be meeting an entirely different class of businessmen than I meet. I've known men who were actively looking for a wife and yet when they found a potential wife had few qualms bedding a different woman when the opportunity presented itself.

Going 3 or 4 months between visits without sex simply wasn't going to happen especially if he was being hit on by other women because he was well off and tended to flash his wealth.
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2022, 03:20:21 PM »
Steveboy you forgot the other half of the question. Will you be having sex with other women? You run into an ex who misses you and wants to reconnect. Go out with the guys and run into women who want to party. That woman from work who you had a torrid weekend with is back working at your office.

Do you really think some guy's going to go 3 or 4 months without sex with so many opportunities available?

That's also a good point. When I first met my (now) wife I had several girlfriends at home. I assumed she had a boyfriend or two as well, I didn't bother asking and didn't really care as I wasn't in a position to object yet. After we'd met a few times in various countries and decided it might be going somewhere, she spent Christmas and New Year in the UK with me. A few weeks later she came back for my birthday and I decided to pop the question then. By then, we'd visited each other in person every few weeks for about seven months. When we decided to get married, she moved from one of several girlfriends to fiancée. At that point I let the others know they had come second. I must have done something right as we've been married for over 15 years now.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Offline Manny

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2022, 03:48:02 PM »
This is the conundrum for the men who do not travel regularly of course. Or even those that do, if his girl is highly sexed.
My personal opinion is that unless you specifically talked about being "exclusive" you can have no expectation of this in the modern Slavic world. If she is having occasional protected sex for recreational/health purposes, and not proclaiming love to others, would it really hurt you if you didn't know? Would it matter more if it was another woman, or a bloke? Do you expect to be able to sleep with others, but not her? All good questions to know your personal answers to.
Beautiful women in the post War Slavic world were always being asked out locally. I am sure they still are by the men who are not currently serving on the frontlines. Especially now ..... since there is now a dearth of females left in Ukraine, and a sudden surplus of beautiful Ukrainian females in Europe.
I am about to land back in Europe, so about to clean my pipes for a month or so.
Ask no questions, expect no lies. Live like it's your last day, it's all we have...
Means all the more to me since my best mate had a fatal heart attack 3 days ago, just a day after we (for the last time unknowingly) spoke.

I think that's a pretty healthy attitude, kinda what I'd expect of a laid-back Aussie who is well travelled and experienced in that part of the world. The US is a bit more puritanical so attitudes may differ there.

I think the guy in general will not be having sex with anyone else ..

If it's old Hank from Idaho with little opportunity at home who is on his one-shot deal to bag a Slavic bride with his two-week holidays a year, perhaps. But for regular guys who are dating, I'd say not. I was in a period I was dating lots of girls, and I expanded it to Estonia (as I was going there anyway) and later Russia to broaden my horizons, reach and opportunities. They were all just girls I was dating on and off, just that some of them lived far away and I had to travel to see them. Eventually, one shined through all the others as potential wife material, so I focussed more on her. She could have been the Scottish Highlands one or the divorcee from Cheshire, both were close contenders, but it turned out to be the Russian one.

Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2022, 01:13:39 AM »
This is the conundrum for the men who do not travel regularly of course. Or even those that do, if his girl is highly sexed.
My personal opinion is that unless you specifically talked about being "exclusive" you can have no expectation of this in the modern Slavic world. If she is having occasional protected sex for recreational/health purposes, and not proclaiming love to others, would it really hurt you if you didn't know? Would it matter more if it was another woman, or a bloke? Do you expect to be able to sleep with others, but not her? All good questions to know your personal answers to.
Beautiful women in the post War Slavic world were always being asked out locally. I am sure they still are by the men who are not currently serving on the frontlines. Especially now ..... since there is now a dearth of females left in Ukraine, and a sudden surplus of beautiful Ukrainian females in Europe.
I am about to land back in Europe, so about to clean my pipes for a month or so.
Ask no questions, expect no lies. Live like it's your last day, it's all we have...
Means all the more to me since my best mate had a fatal heart attack 3 days ago, just a day after we (for the last time unknowingly) spoke.

I think that's a pretty healthy attitude, kinda what I'd expect of a laid-back Aussie who is well travelled and experienced in that part of the world. The US is a bit more puritanical so attitudes may differ there.

I think the guy in general will not be having sex with anyone else ..

If it's old Hank from Idaho with little opportunity at home who is on his one-shot deal to bag a Slavic bride with his two-week holidays a year, perhaps. But for regular guys who are dating, I'd say not. I was in a period I was dating lots of girls, and I expanded it to Estonia (as I was going there anyway) and later Russia to broaden my horizons, reach and opportunities. They were all just girls I was dating on and off, just that some of them lived far away and I had to travel to see them. Eventually, one shined through all the others as potential wife material, so I focussed more on her. She could have been the Scottish Highlands one or the divorcee from Cheshire, both were close contenders, but it turned out to be the Russian one.

My situation was very different .. Even if I WANTED sex.. that is not so easy living in a village in rural England with a population of 1500... the local sheep up the valley were probably a better option than the local women.. :laugh:
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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2022, 02:01:53 AM »
Jeeezzz Steve, that cracked me up and made my morning  :ROFL: Next you'll have the Kiwi's checking in and asking for photos  :biggrin:

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2022, 02:31:30 AM »
Scarcity mentality as compared to plentiful mentality.

The seemingly small but very significant difference leads to big changes in optimising our behaviour. Of course, those who hew to the plentiful mentality find it rather hard to understand the behaviour of those who think the next woman they see will be the last woman they see.
...everything ends always well; if it’s still bad, then it’s not the end!

Offline Steveboy

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2022, 05:24:25 AM »
Jeeezzz Steve, that cracked me up and made my morning  :ROFL: Next you'll have the Kiwi's checking in and asking for photos  :biggrin:

It would be impossible for you to even imagine the women in the village where I grew up...  :laugh: :nod:

But that is not the reason I landed up in Russia.. it was just a kind of coincidence and a chance opportunity..
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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2022, 02:28:49 PM »
Now you can help any young attractive fertile UA woman come to the USA on basically a 3-year visa with NO Fiancée or Wife Visa 10-year guarantee of support - A Big Phooking Deal if she turns out to be a Las Vegas bang biscuit GCG wannabee.   

So you thought STP Steve was cynical, one of my ComSci profs (Ph.D.) from Algeria once said to me privately:

There are 2 days in a woman's life that you can trust her - The day she bears you a Son - And the day she dies.

Thus the reason for the head-to-toe Black Sacks couture when their adult wives and daughters are in public in Islamic Countries...

Food for thought.

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2022, 02:36:20 PM »
Can you BUY Russian (UA) War Brides???

Conor back on the ground for day 150+ updates from the UA cities of Brides (Odessa and Kiev)   :evilgrin0002:

Conor maintains right now a UA Passport is MORE valuable (for Women) than a USA Passport.

EU is actually very generous to UA Single Women and Women with Kids at the moment however with 5 Million Refugees in the EU the welcome wagon is slowing down.

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2022, 02:53:50 PM »
Its the 21st Century so you met a girl from FSU country , Went to her country or met her for a holiday.. you decide to have a relationship.. or at least you decide this and she said yes lets..

But what about when you get home and you cannot see here again for 3/4 months will she have other lovers and men whilst hanging about for you?

I would say yes most of the time..

Or what about your chatting online to some girl and making plans to meet in a few months .. you think your in love already and think you already found your wife..

Do think she will be abstaining from sex whilst waiting for you?

I tried to abstain from joining the fray, but what the heck...

I wrote my T/R (Moscow: My Twilight Zone) which seemed like eons ago. One segment of that report was when I stood outside Marriott Tverskaya waiting for my taxi to take me to the airport, when two beautiful, young devushkas walked out from the lobby, rumpled hair and all. After a short moment, we started chatting, as one asked for a light for her cigarette. Long story short, the subject of MOB came up because I shared the reason why I was in Russia.

That's when one grinned and said her friend (one of the gal) was actually waiting for her K-1 approval her fiancee filed, then qualified herself by saying she hasn't yet made her decision but was leaning towards a gent from the Netherlands herself..

Crazy stuff, really. I also still remember a member from the ol' RWG named 'Flying Finn'. LMAO. He and his GF made a living out of foreign blokes' generosity towards his GF's hospitality & accommodation when they come for a romantic visit and love in their eyes.

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2022, 07:41:01 PM »
You can't worry about this shit.  You can't 100% know (although often there are signs) and you can't do anything about it from wherever you are.  The problem, for men, is the uncertainty of paternity - a woman knows the baby is hers, the man must have faith.  Modern DNA testing - which should be required, in my view, before a man signs the birth certificate - takes a lot of the guesswork out of it.  If a girl gets knocked up, and it's not hubby's knock?  That's a problem.

I follow this policy: I don't worry about other men, I let other men worry about me.  If one has abundance, rather than scarcity, then it's not really such an issue.  If a woman is concerned about losing you, she will curate her activities accordingly.  To wit, I have dated bisexual women, about whom I have another policy: sex with another woman is not cheating (although this does seem to be the minority view, from what girls tell me (sample size 3; two I was banging and one I was not).  So if a girl wants to go do so, she can freely, without guilt, or "asking me" first (for some reason they seem to offer this).  Two of them texted me anyway for "permission" just in case I had changed my mind.  I assured them I had not.  Never mind I would have had no way of knowing that the events in question had transpired. 

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2022, 08:25:54 PM »
You can't worry about this shit.  You can't 100% know (although often there are signs) and you can't do anything about it from wherever you are.  The problem, for men, is the uncertainty of paternity - a woman knows the baby is hers, the man must have faith.  Modern DNA testing - which should be required, in my view, before a man signs the birth certificate - takes a lot of the guesswork out of it.  If a girl gets knocked up, and it's not hubby's knock?  That's a problem.

I follow this policy: I don't worry about other men, I let other men worry about me.  If one has abundance, rather than scarcity, then it's not really such an issue.  If a woman is concerned about losing you, she will curate her activities accordingly.  To wit, I have dated bisexual women, about whom I have another policy: sex with another woman is not cheating (although this does seem to be the minority view, from what girls tell me (sample size 3; two I was banging and one I was not).  So if a girl wants to go do so, she can freely, without guilt, or "asking me" first (for some reason they seem to offer this).  Two of them texted me anyway for "permission" just in case I had changed my mind.  I assured them I had not.  Never mind I would have had no way of knowing that the events in question had transpired. 


Will those two lesbos be your nurses when you're walking with a walker at the nursing home and needing a morning enema?  :chuckle:

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2022, 08:49:44 AM »
Will those two lesbos be your nurses when you're walking with a walker at the nursing home and needing a morning enema?  :chuckle:

Nah, I'm going to die with one of them riding me in cowgirl.  :cowboy:

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2022, 03:24:42 AM »
Will those two lesbos be your nurses when you're walking with a walker at the nursing home and needing a morning enema?  :chuckle:

Nah, I'm going to die with one of them riding me in cowgirl.  :cowboy:


That's seems a bit sad and rather an empty prospect.
...everything ends always well; if it’s still bad, then it’s not the end!

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2022, 05:40:57 AM »
Will those two lesbos be your nurses when you're walking with a walker at the nursing home and needing a morning enema?  :chuckle:

Nah, I'm going to die with one of them riding me in cowgirl.  :cowboy:


 :ROFL:  :8)

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Re: Is your Girlfriend having sex with other men?
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2022, 05:52:44 AM »
A somewhat wealthy Spanish guy I have known for many years expressed a similar plan. He had become fed up with the inconstancy of his pattern of having much younger girlfriends.

He decided to go down the long term rental route and said he could always afford to hire 'friendly' nurses when he was of advanced years.

Even at the time, a few years ago, I suggested that it was a rather empty sort of a vision of the future and that he deserved better.
...everything ends always well; if it’s still bad, then it’s not the end!