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Author Topic: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer  (Read 1235 times)

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Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« on: July 02, 2022, 01:11:58 AM »
Hello everybody.

This morning,  I received the following titled email and after reading too mny pages of blurb still did not understood the meaning and purpose  of this email.

Can anybody with more technical and English Comprehersion advised me, what is it all about and what is the purpose of it?

Microsoft Services Agreement

Published: 15 June 2022What's new?
Effective: 15 August 2022
Existing Microsoft Services Agreement

Your Services Agreement made clearer 


You’re receiving this email because we are updating the Microsoft Services Agreement, which applies to one or more Microsoft products or services you use. We’re making these updates to clarify our terms and ensure that they remain transparent for you, as well as to cover new Microsoft products, services and features.
The Microsoft Services Agreement is an agreement between you and Microsoft (or one of its affiliates) that governs your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services.

Thank you in advance for any help!
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2022, 02:56:13 AM »
you got scammed and spammed hahaha :chuckle: :chuckle:

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2022, 03:47:23 AM »
you got scammed and spammed hahaha :chuckle: :chuckle:

It is obvious that you are not only a pratt but also a mentally defected personality.

Since 2004 that I bought this computer... never was spammed neither had any cirus...and it is only windows XP  and Ghrome 52......browser.

Next time do not jump and show your ignorance...... :8)
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2022, 02:59:06 AM »
hahaha you probably were infected with malware or a trojan...what is "Ghrome 52"? the distance cousin of "Chrome" hahahaaa :ROFL: :ROFL:

you got an almost 20 yr old computer which for sure doesn't have the CPU power, RAM or vid card to run anything in today's world.  how do you even browse?!

was this an Atari?AHHAHA

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2022, 03:45:20 AM »
hahaha you probably were infected with malware or a trojan...what is "Ghrome 52"? the distance cousin of "Chrome" hahahaaa :ROFL: :ROFL:

you got an almost 20 yr old computer which for sure doesn't have the CPU power, RAM or vid card to run anything in today's world.  how do you even browse?!

was this an Atari?AHHAHA

So you never make typo mistakes or learn from our comments, and you continue pestering members with your idiotic comments, like a little child.

I just wonder why the moderator did not hang you up, yet, to dry after your personal private parties that you are having, while watching the exhibits on the right side of the board!

Are you missing your friend Moby?

This board is for adults and not for infants or idiots!

Sorry I forgot to post for you a photo of my Computer......

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2022, 12:40:34 PM »
Hello everybody.

This morning,  I received the following titled email and after reading too mny pages of blurb still did not understood the meaning and purpose  of this email.

Can anybody with more technical and English Comprehersion advised me, what is it all about and what is the purpose of it?

Microsoft Services Agreement

Published: 15 June 2022What's new?
Effective: 15 August 2022
Existing Microsoft Services Agreement

Your Services Agreement made clearer 


You’re receiving this email because we are updating the Microsoft Services Agreement, which applies to one or more Microsoft products or services you use. We’re making these updates to clarify our terms and ensure that they remain transparent for you, as well as to cover new Microsoft products, services and features.
The Microsoft Services Agreement is an agreement between you and Microsoft (or one of its affiliates) that governs your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services.

Thank you in advance for any help!

It is just an update to a user agreement that you already agreed to.

It is all the stuff that limits your rights and you accepted the agreement by using any of the Microsoft services covered in the agreement. You can only opt-out by choosing not to use Microsoft products.

So, it is a standard click-through agreement over which you have no power.

Nothing to see here.
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2022, 03:19:38 PM »
Hello everybody.

This morning,  I received the following titled email and after reading too mny pages of blurb still did not understood the meaning and purpose  of this email.

Can anybody with more technical and English Comprehersion advised me, what is it all about and what is the purpose of it?

Microsoft Services Agreement

Published: 15 June 2022What's new?
Effective: 15 August 2022
Existing Microsoft Services Agreement

Your Services Agreement made clearer 


You’re receiving this email because we are updating the Microsoft Services Agreement, which applies to one or more Microsoft products or services you use. We’re making these updates to clarify our terms and ensure that they remain transparent for you, as well as to cover new Microsoft products, services and features.
The Microsoft Services Agreement is an agreement between you and Microsoft (or one of its affiliates) that governs your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services.

Thank you in advance for any help!

It is just an update to a user agreement that you already agreed to.

It is all the stuff that limits your rights and you accepted the agreement by using any of the Microsoft services covered in the agreement. You can only opt-out by choosing not to use Microsoft products.

So, it is a standard click-through agreement over which you have no power.

Nothing to see here.

Dear Andrew

Thank you very much for your explanation. When I posted that question.... my PhD Son in LA was not available to explain to me despite that I had a vague idea of its meaning but I always ask questions.... Cost me nothing.

My standard practice is, when I receive any email and don't know the sender..... Always block the sender and ban and delete the email.

Since I start using my current XP WINDOWS PC, my son stopped AUTOMATIC UPDATES.....AND MY PC HAS  4GB memory. When he ever visits the UK  he always take care of my PC and my only responsibility is to run a couple of programs daily while drinking my coffee to clear rubbish, the register  and also spam.

Well all these years of operation I hardly had any problems, viruses etc. and my son bought me , 5 years ago a new DELL pc still in the box,

My clever wife who likes to learn and play at the Russian markets.....just bought a brand new DELL pc with the latest windows?..... I don't bother yo use it........
I am happy with my own PC, don't need glasses.......and I have my fun.

I use to drive an old Jaguar when I was working but I prefer my VW Golf GL from 1989.... Because it has been reliable and never broke on the Road. Of course every 2-3 months I take it to my Garaz man for inspection and we keep an eye! Always passed MOT.

So I do not care what the Chinese fly is posting... He just simply tries to destroy our normal debates and I wonder why he is still here?

Have a nice evening........

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2022, 06:23:23 PM »
Wiz, that you can use a 20+ year old is credit to you!

Returning to your core question, Markje/Andrew can explain better than me that Microsoft is not updating the XP OS any more. I clearly recall trying to work on my wife’s XP, it was frustrating compared to the Apple platform. The last update to XP I recall was in 2019, and it was as not directed to end users such as you. The XP platform is the primary OS of most ATM’s, that is why it is not going away soon.

I suspect Microsoft is looking for additional income streams.

My now ex dumped her XP ten years ago and purchased an Apple! 
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2022, 12:45:51 AM »
The last update to XP I recall was in 2019, and it was as not directed to end users such as you.

It was a bit older than that, support ended in 2014 for businesses, for end-users it was way earlier :)
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2022, 01:59:27 AM »
Wiz, you really should update your PC. You are missing out by not doing so. It's kinda like cutting off your toes - you can still walk, but it is much harder and a lot less fun.

And, yes, even your unused PC is probably getting a tad long in the tooth.

There's no point to be proved here, you win no prizes, and there are no benefits to running an antique. Even people who collect and use antediluvian PCs still use modern equipment for their 'real lives'.
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2022, 02:30:50 AM »
In 2017 the NHS system in UK was hacked?

When that happened the NHS closed down the computer systems using XP operating system and the UK Government paid Microsoft £ 5 Million to provide security upgrade…until all NHS and other departments systems were upgraded to a later operating program.

Well at the same time my PC security was upgraded too….and Google to keep happy their partners in crime……on their last Chrome update have inserted a line that if the Chrome version is earlier of that date then the system displays a CLOCK and a message ERR_CERT_DATE_ INALID. That happened with RUA too and I had to install Firefox and the opera browsers to be able to read and post here. It is all Manny’s fault because he moved to the latest version of servers…….LOL

For your info….The technology required to create the virus for the NHS system, appears to have been stolen by hackers from the United States National Security Agency. The spread of the virus was slowed, but not stopped, by the work of Marcus Hutchins, a 22-year-old self-taught cyber-security expert, who discovered a “kill switch” inside the virus.

Then in 2018 no more updates were provided for the Chrome Browser by Google…. And now we have the clock and error certificate.

XP was the best system marketed by Microsoft but….Bill needed more money to buy lots of land in USA and also invest in many millions to Labs… working on antivirus vaccines etc.

Mark Thank you for advice.

Andrew you have missed the comment that My wife has bought the latest version windows 11 and of course I played with it... but I prefer driving my old WV Golf of 1989 without having to train/educate  my self again to drive Formula 1 or 3 etc. Thanks for advice.

AV I just don't like early version is getting dust.....and I prefer to use  my eyes without the help of any Glasses.....

Time to go for a service to my car.... Talk to you later!
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2022, 05:53:01 AM »
my old WV Golf of 1989

Bloody hell, have you still got that? The same one I was in about 15 years ago?
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2022, 06:08:55 AM »
my old WV Golf of 1989

Bloody hell, have you still got that? The same one I was in about 15 years ago?

Somewhere on RUA Wiz posted images of his VW Golf, in fact it is a simple and practical car. The engine is good to 350,000 to 400,000 miles. My son had one he got it 500,000 miles!
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2022, 07:58:56 AM »
my old WV Golf of 1989

Bloody hell, have you still got that? The same one I was in about 15 years ago?

Somewhere on RUA Wiz posted images of his VW Golf, in fact it is a simple and practical car. The engine is good to 350,000 to 400,000 miles. My son had one he got it 500,000 miles!

I never owned a Golf, but a few years ago, I did own a 1995 BMW 3 series sedan. I loved it, it was reliable and comfortable. I got rid of it when it was about 21 years old. But it will share some similarities with the Golf of the era. If you have a frontal accident it will chop your legs off at the knees. That's what cars of that era did. They were good for their time, but if I had a 20-year-old kid, I'd point him well away from such a vehicle, no matter the cost or its condition.

Wiz, I know that you're going to die. It's a given. As you get older, it is inevitable that you will become a less safe driver. I'd hate to think that you ended up with amputated legs or some more serious injury or death as a result of you being a cheapskate!
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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2022, 09:35:25 AM »
my old WV Golf of 1989

Bloody hell, have you still got that? The same one I was in about 15 years ago?

Yes of course I have it because it is very reliable and last time it Passed the MOT only showed 123.000 miles.......and touch wood I hope it will continue to be as it did till now, over the years and has no brocken down despite our long trips, south France, Alps, and most of the towns in the North and the west of Franch.
Today take into consideration the cost of petroll which has not stopped going up ...almost daily.

Yes of course I have it because it is very reliable and last time it Passed the MOT only showed 123.000 miles.......and touch wood I hope it will continue to be as reliable....until I kick the bucket. Hanna moans to buy a new car…. And I tell her to save money and buy one!

Take a look at:;topic=28239.0;attach=61133;image , without your and tractor driver…. In it!

Over the years and has not let me down despite our long trips, to South of France, Alps, and most of the towns in the North and west of France. Going to Callais just for he day… it has been like the house next door!

Over the years we used to go for day trips or for w/ends to France….for lunch for hers or my birthday and also for cigarettes in Belgium, etc……and during the 14+ years married, Hanna counted that we have travelled abroad on flying holidays….39 + times…. And if it wasn’t for Covid-19 we probably would have added another 3-4 trips.
As you know women don’t miss a chance to go shopping in any country, especially foreign and Hanna is an expert….spending Money!
Not bad for an old poor pensioner!

Nearly 4 years ago I had ops for a Stent and then I stopped smoking. The Belgium cigarette shop must be missing me…..but please make a small calculation 1 ½ packet a day UK Prices and I must save minimum £100 a week. I must tell you that I have 7 grandchildren and also 2 God daughters that I treat them as granddaughters…..Birthdays, Name days, Xmas, Easter etc….

You know the “Company Heritage”, which imports from Germany spare parts (original) for WV cars. Well when ever there is something I pick up the phone and order what ever… and replace the parts.
Made my choice reliability and safety and you can have a very expensive car driving with 70+ mls or more and I go with 60 mls on motorways.

Regarding the computers…. I do not run any business any more… I have plenty of time…. You and the others want to be flashy…… OK but just wonder what more you can do that I can't do with my old age.... PC?

I will stick to my old XP…… and try to find some holidays abroad........

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2022, 10:35:16 AM »
my old WV Golf of 1989

Bloody hell, have you still got that? The same one I was in about 15 years ago?

Somewhere on RUA Wiz posted images of his VW Golf, in fact it is a simple and practical car. The engine is good to 350,000 to 400,000 miles. My son had one he got it 500,000 miles!

I never owned a Golf, but a few years ago, I did own a 1995 BMW 3 series sedan. I loved it, it was reliable and comfortable. I got rid of it when it was about 21 years old. But it will share some similarities with the Golf of the era. If you have a frontal accident it will chop your legs off at the knees. That's what cars of that era did. They were good for their time, but if I had a 20-year-old kid, I'd point him well away from such a vehicle, no matter the cost or its condition.

Wiz, I know that you're going to die. It's a given. As you get older, it is inevitable that you will become a less safe driver. I'd hate to think that you ended up with amputated legs or some more serious injury or death as a result of you being a cheapskate!

My dear friend Andrew...... one day we all going to die but in comparison with you I have a youngish driver with more than 8 years of experience driving daily my she is part of the package...... Wife, House runner, shopper, and also a driver plus a few extra other talents...... LIFE IS for SHARING..... we all put our hands in your dirty barrel..... and that is what we found...... what about you?

At the moment my eyeside it's very good without glasses, and when we go out we mostly share the driving. and this Greek song is just for you.


Life without love is empty,

Who lives without love in life
he is a very unhappy man,
If he has riches, glory, and beauty,
he is essentially a dead man,
who lives without love in life
he is a very unhappy man,

Life without love is empty,
without pain, without sighs at night,
without bitterness, without tears and
caresses, life without love is empty.

Who can live without joy

that love gives us in our life,
who can live without turmoil,
it's something our soul wants,
who can live without joy
that love gives us in our life.

Life without love is empty,
without pain, without sighs at night,
without bitterness, without tears and caresses
LIFE without love it is empty!.

Sorry but that is my philosophy in life!
I hope you do not get offented with my general comments!
we are adults and make our own Decisions for our own life.

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2022, 01:12:19 PM »

Good song Wiz :thumbsup:

One of the lines from Je t’aíme is you are the waves and I am the island.

The last is simple enough, come.
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2022, 02:09:07 PM »
Not very convincing...

she sounds like a hen ... quiet waiting and praying......

for him (the cock) to make up his mind and do the bussines.........

Not very exiting....... :sick0012: :rolleye0009:
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2022, 04:06:38 PM »
Not very convincing...

she sounds like a hen ... quiet waiting and praying......

for him (the cock) to make up his mind and do the bussines.........

Not very exiting....... :sick0012: :rolleye0009:

Wiz, it is not the exiting but the entering.
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2022, 05:10:25 PM »
Not very convincing...

she sounds like a hen ... quiet waiting and praying......

for him (the cock) to make up his mind and do the bussines.........

Not very exiting....... :sick0012: :rolleye0009:

Wiz, it is not the exiting but the entering.

Very strange houmor..... Must admit, you have!  Dream on!  :'(
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2022, 05:28:26 PM »
Just for Wiz. It will expand his musical appreciation!

The Roche’s were three sisters and often were unaccompanied, but here they work with P. Glass.

“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Microsoft Services Agreement made clearer
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2022, 12:37:38 AM »
Just for Wiz. It will expand his musical appreciation!

The Roche’s were three sisters and often were unaccompanied, but here they work with P. Glass.

You continue been out of tune posting irelevant subjects and music. Don Quixote!

Crap music...stop looking the girls on the right and admiring their front assets!
go to passed the sell by day!
Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!