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Author Topic: The shift to alternate destinations due to Rus/Ukr: Central Asia's vantage?  (Read 8791 times)

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The shift to alternate destinations due to Rus/Ukr: Central Asia's vantage?
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2022, 07:07:54 AM »
Canadians as a whole tend to be less confrontational and more law abiding than Americans however if you made this comparison at a dinner party in Vancouver with men who've married Asian women you'd probably be asked to leave at a minimum or possibly carried out and dumped on the sidewalk.

Most adult men understand if they say something offensive enough in public
to another man that their nose will pay the price and they conduct themselves
in such a way to keep their nose from getting flattened.

However, on the internet there is no such fear.

One time years ago, Manny suggested that Andy conduct himself here
like he was in a bar talking to a 6-2 Scotsman who had a couple pints.
The advice was ignored.
FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

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In the spirit of Alternative Destinations, I am seeing a lot of Ukrainian and Russian ladies now all over the EU and in Mexico looking to get to the USA,  so the 8, 9 and 10 hardbodies have blue pill white knights galore from California, to Paris to Dubai to Phuket...

Sad darker side is the rise in Swedish prostitution linked to trafficked Ukraine women and girls by Islamist Sex traffickers and terrorists (esp Albanians) who consider these UA young women to be inhuman infidels to abuse and dispose of as they wish. - And the female PMs of Sweden and Finland want to join NATO - go figure ...  how about cleaning up their own back yards first.

EXCLUSIVE: Criminal gangs are targeting Ukrainian women fleeing the war in bid to turn them into sex slaves
More than one million people have fled Ukraine since last week's invasion
It is feared some of those escaping will become sex workers, involved in criminal activity, domestic slavery or forced labour, with many potentially in the UK
There have been reports of women and young families accepting 'free' transport into neighbouring countries, only to end up in the hands of criminal gangs 

UK Home Office said it is keeping in close contact with Ukrainian Government

PUBLISHED: 12:37 EDT, 5 March 2022 | UPDATED: 11:16 EDT, 7 March 2022

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Manny's Adverts to the right...

26 March 2022 From Odesa - how to help the Ukraine Fighters...


First Aid Trauma Kits and medications

BulletProof Vests

Drones to track Rooskies

Cash for fighters' personal expenses

Warm Sox even...

Even the AFA office in Phoenix and Odesa still communicating with UA ladies - Air Raid Siren cuts the video short....  both offices working to get emergency supplies to fighters to save Ukraine.

Online Texan77

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3) There has been no "threat" to invade Ukraine. The US invented that and fed it to a complicit media.

Online dorbradavid

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It moved away from Russia on the whole years ago and focused on Ukraine. But with Ukraine now out of the picture, the Stans are a possibility for a few, but as most bride hunters are American, much will tilt to South America I'd suggest. What remains will move to China as I predicted many years ago: Chinese Women: The New Ukraine?

What about Belarus?
Dobra David

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I do not know anything about the web site. I bet there are some real girls and also some scams using the war to make a profit off a hard luck story that is completely fake.

Tex how much do you suggest we donate to each Lady to spread the love and not look "greedy"?

Asking for a friend...

Online WestCoast

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Canadians as a whole tend to be less confrontational and more law abiding than Americans however if you made this comparison at a dinner party in Vancouver with men who've married Asian women you'd probably be asked to leave at a minimum or possibly carried out and dumped on the sidewalk.

Most adult men understand if they say something offensive enough in public
to another man that their nose will pay the price and they conduct themselves
in such a way to keep their nose from getting flattened.

However, on the internet there is no such fear.

One time years ago, Manny suggested that Andy conduct himself here
like he was in a bar talking to a 6-2 Scotsman who had a couple pints.
The advice was ignored.

I remember. Andy likes to post but rarely backs up his posts with facts.
andrewfi says ''Proximity is almost no guarantee of authority" and "in many cases, distance gives a better picture with less emotional and subjective input."

That means I'm a subject matter expert on all things Russia, Ukraine and UK.

Online B.B.

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The point still stands.

You are aware that you are on a site about FSU women and non-FSU men pursuing them, correct?

There is no reason why anyone in the United States needs to find a wife in another country - except that the seeker is already so socially inadequate that he is unacceptable to ALL women who can understand his speech. And, frankly, in such a situation, it does not make sense to encourage those inadequates to foist themselves on some poor foreign woman. Better to help those guys to function better in their own environment.

You're letting the mask slip a bit, there, Andrew.

Bill, who is paying women to meet him? Nobody on this thread I think. Did I miss something?

While everyone is entitled to seek happiness in his own way, was this not you, telling us your adventures, such as they may be, in "sugar" dating? *cough-cough* "Glass houses" *cough-cough*

Andy I don't know where to begin. You've insulted just about everyone with this post.

That is kind of his jam.   Nothing has  changed in your time away.  Andrew enjoys the foibles of others to make him feel better about his own inadequacies.

That was a digression indeed. Russia will achieve its objectives, likely by May the 9th, Victory Day.

There isn't much left to do.

So "declare victory" and go home?  That really might be their best option at this point.


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Online B.B.

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What about Belarus?

Belarus requires a visa for Americans although not (apparently) if you arrive and depart via Minsk airport.  There is also some info to the effect that you have to apply for a "visa on arrival" some 3-5 business days in advance, or so I read on the interwebs. 

Also, given the current difficulties in Ukraine and Belarus' involvement in it (see below image), entry/exit over a land border, even with a proper visa, will be problematic at best, and impossible at worst.


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Offline Steveboy

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I think overall the paradigm is probably shifting a bit away from Russia.

It moved away from Russia on the whole years ago and focused on Ukraine. But with Ukraine now out of the picture, the Stans are a possibility for a few, but as most bride hunters are American, much will tilt to South America I'd suggest. What remains will move to China as I predicted many years ago: Chinese Women: The New Ukraine?

No Ukraine is not out of the picture for 1000%

1. Most men never travel in any case..they just have fantasies about it.

2. The news and media is giving a huge boost to Ukrainaindating.. Guys who had no luck 10 years ago are suddenly coming back to have a second go
the thinking is "Well know one was interested in me 5/10 years ago but now Im sure they will be begging me to marry them"

3. Lots of guys suddenly think "Hey who are these Ukrainian women" They heard a few stories , they see the situation so think "I can help one of these women by marrying me.. cos no one else is interested"

4. Suddenly lots of guys from Poland want a Ukrainian wife..

Were up a big% in Ukrainaindating and once this shit is over I see it all starting over again.. Western men looking for a poor improvised Ukrainian women who has no food on the table.. it will
take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen.. 
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

Offline mitspilot

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it will take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen..
What could possibly go wrong? :D

Online 2tallbill

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The shift to alternate destinations due to Rus/Ukr: Central Asia's vantage?
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2022, 03:43:22 PM »
take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen..

Many moons ago, I was talking to an older dude who borrowed money
out of his house to go to Dnepropetrovsk. He even brought an engagement
ring with him. What could possibly go wrong?

FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

Online 2tallbill

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The shift to alternate destinations due to Rus/Ukr: Central Asia's vantage?
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2022, 03:48:01 PM »
"Well know one was interested in me 5/10 years ago but now Im sure they will be begging me to marry them"

3. Lots of guys suddenly think "Hey who are these Ukrainian women" They heard a few stories , they see the situation so think "I can help one of these women by marrying me.. cos no one else is interested"

4. Suddenly lots of guys from Poland want a Ukrainian wife..

Were up a big% in Ukrainaindating and once this shit is over I see it all starting over again.. Western men looking for a poor improvised Ukrainian women who has no food on the table.. it will
take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen..

Did Tex help you compose this?
FSUW are not for entry level daters. FSUW don't do vague FSUW like a man of action so be a man of action  If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane. There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
Get an apartment not a hotel. DON'T recycle girls

Offline Steveboy

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it will take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen..
What could possibly go wrong? :D

It is like I said! Even on this forum suddenly people are coming out of the woodwork from years ago.. it is the same with Ukrainiandating all coming out of the woodwork.. it makes no difference that it is not easy to travel to Ukraine at the moment.. MOST never left the sitting room 10 years ago so nothing changed.. A popular chat up line now is something like "Can you get to Poland? I can help you get to Poland! We can meet in Poland" Of course most will never even make it to Poland .. its just like something to chat about and make you feel great..all weird really..
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Offline Steveboy

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In the spirit of Alternative Destinations, I am seeing a lot of Ukrainian and Russian ladies now all over the EU and in Mexico looking to get to the USA,  so the 8, 9 and 10 hardbodies have blue pill white knights galore from California, to Paris to Dubai to Phuket...

Sad darker side is the rise in Swedish prostitution linked to trafficked Ukraine women and girls by Islamist Sex traffickers and terrorists (esp Albanians) who consider these UA young women to be inhuman infidels to abuse and dispose of as they wish. - And the female PMs of Sweden and Finland want to join NATO - go figure ...  how about cleaning up their own back yards first.

EXCLUSIVE: Criminal gangs are targeting Ukrainian women fleeing the war in bid to turn them into sex slaves
More than one million people have fled Ukraine since last week's invasion
It is feared some of those escaping will become sex workers, involved in criminal activity, domestic slavery or forced labour, with many potentially in the UK
There have been reports of women and young families accepting 'free' transport into neighbouring countries, only to end up in the hands of criminal gangs 

UK Home Office said it is keeping in close contact with Ukrainian Government

PUBLISHED: 12:37 EDT, 5 March 2022 | UPDATED: 11:16 EDT, 7 March 2022

domestic slavery or forced labour, That is what they are all going to be doing anyway in about 20 years time they join the EU .. cleaning floors and wiping old peoples backsides in Europe

.. As the President says some will give their lives in the war for freedom to join the EU.. for their grandchildren .. they are in for a shock!
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

Offline Steveboy

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What about Belarus?

Belarus requires a visa for Americans although not (apparently) if you arrive and depart via Minsk airport.  There is also some info to the effect that you have to apply for a "visa on arrival" some 3-5 business days in advance, or so I read on the interwebs. 

Also, given the current difficulties in Ukraine and Belarus' involvement in it (see below image), entry/exit over a land border, even with a proper visa, will be problematic at best, and impossible at worst.


Traveling to Russia is very easy now.. just arrive in Turkey and take a flight from there to Russia.. your still going to be 100 times more safer in Russia today than your home in the US..
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

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3. Lots of guys suddenly think "Hey who are these Ukrainian women" They heard a few stories , they see the situation so think "I can help one of these women by marrying me.. cos no one else is interested"...

I know I browsed  through a UK article or two that touched on the plight of the Ukrainian women these days at the hands of, or rather potential hands of, British men. I do not know if there is any truth to this, or just another media sensationalism, that UK single men are making themselves available to house Ukrainian women as a gesture of helping them out. How could it possibly anything else?

Offline Steveboy

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3. Lots of guys suddenly think "Hey who are these Ukrainian women" They heard a few stories , they see the situation so think "I can help one of these women by marrying me.. cos no one else is interested"...

I know I browsed  through a UK article or two that touched on the plight of the Ukrainian women these days at the hands of, or rather potential hands of, British men. I do not know if there is any truth to this, or just another media sensationalism, that UK single men are making themselves available to house Ukrainian women as a gesture of helping them out. How could it possibly anything else?

The UK is full of perverts..loosers and paedophiles  :laugh:   
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

Offline Jonas!

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3. Lots of guys suddenly think "Hey who are these Ukrainian women" They heard a few stories , they see the situation so think "I can help one of these women by marrying me.. cos no one else is interested"...

I know I browsed  through a UK article or two that touched on the plight of the Ukrainian women these days at the hands of, or rather potential hands of, British men. I do not know if there is any truth to this, or just another media sensationalism, that UK single men are making themselves available to house Ukrainian women as a gesture of helping them out. How could it possibly anything else?
Here are a couple options for the Brits looking to help.


Online dorbradavid

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Here are a couple options for the Brits looking to help.


lol  tiphat
Dobra David

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Traveling to Russia is very easy now.. just arrive in Turkey and take a flight from there to Russia.. your still going to be 100 times more safer in Russia today than your home in the US..

You are aware that dobradavid and I were discussing Belarus, right?  And I am aware that I can get to Russia via Turkey (and other places), however, while I do have a valid Russian visa at the moment, I don't have a particular reason to go to Russia (NTTAWWT, for those that do).

Also, I am perfectly safe in my home in the USA.  Much like anywhere else, there are safe places and not-so-safe places.  For example, so long as you stay away from left-wing, majority 'minority' cities in the USA (e.g. Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis & Baltimore), you will be incredibly safe.  Even in those cities, you would still have to go looking for trouble, or be incredibly stupid.   As I am both prosperous and White, I live in a neighborhood that is likewise prosperous and White (although approximately 19% minority, but the prosperous, non-'stabby-stabby, shooty-shooty' kind.)  So life is good.

For people who think that the USA is some sort of awful muder-pit, I will let
 Bill Whittle explain.

Saving the World, One Clue at a Time
If your religion insults my intelligence, don't be surprised when my intelligence insults your religion.

Online dorbradavid

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For people who think that the USA is some sort of awful muder-pit, I will let


lol  :8)
Dobra David

Online dorbradavid

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For people who think that the USA is some sort of awful muder-pit, I will let Bill Whittle explain


lol  :8)
Dobra David

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Traveling to Russia is very easy now.. just arrive in Turkey and take a flight from there to Russia.. your still going to be 100 times more safer in Russia today than your home in the US..

You are aware that dobradavid and I were discussing Belarus, right?  And I am aware that I can get to Russia via Turkey (and other places), however, while I do have a valid Russian visa at the moment, I don't have a particular reason to go to Russia (NTTAWWT, for those that do).

Also, I am perfectly safe in my home in the USA.  Much like anywhere else, there are safe places and not-so-safe places.  For example, so long as you stay away from left-wing, majority 'minority' cities in the USA (e.g. Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis & Baltimore), you will be incredibly safe.  Even in those cities, you would still have to go looking for trouble, or be incredibly stupid.   As I am both prosperous and White, I live in a neighborhood that is likewise prosperous and White (although approximately 19% minority, but the prosperous, non-'stabby-stabby, shooty-shooty' kind.)  So life is good.

For people who think that the USA is some sort of awful muder-pit, I will let
 Bill Whittle explain.


You are aware that dobradavid and I were discussing Belarus, right? Of course but I don't care ..I can say what I want right?  :laugh:
I support no government anywhere, ever, never. No institution, No religion!!

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4. Suddenly lots of guys from Poland want a Ukrainian wife..

I suspect that these folks have the greatest likelihood for success.  Although really, among Westerners, the more of a non-retard one is, the better the chances.

take a long time too build Ukraine up again, so the perfect time to arrive in your cargo pants, Hawaii shirt and return home after JUST 24 hours with a beauty queen..

After the war is over - and it will eventually be over - Ukraine is going to be LIT, cargo pants and Aloha shirts aside. 

Several people there are quite happy that I remember our friendship over the years.  One young lady was caught out without food or much money at the start of the war, and so I arranged for a friend of mine to drop by with provisions. 

He overdid. 

In any case, her family is all women (her, her mom and granny), and I was joking with her that they are "all on Team B/B" now, just being funny, and she told "OMG, you have no idea!  Always they tell me 'You are not to give BB any trouble!  Only bring him smiles!  I feel like I am being scolded for something I didn't do anyway!"  We had a laugh about it.  {For those worried about 'exploitation' the young lass in question was already perfectly willing to  :censored:  me to the point of exhaustion before the war.  What can I say?  She has exquisite taste.  Plus, at 6'1+, I meet her (5'11) height requirement.  Don't hate the Player, hate the Game.}

Saving the World, One Clue at a Time
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