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Author Topic: Propaganda, free press and the internet  (Read 2131 times)

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Online Texan77

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Propaganda, free press and the internet
« on: June 04, 2021, 10:25:31 PM »
This video is about propaganda and how Hitler used it. The trouble we have today is there is so much propaganda of all types. Just because it is not main stream and does not conform to the country leaders story line does not make it true. Even if over time the majority of the people believe it, it still does not make it true. Just because there is a lot written about the story line it does not make it true. In the 1930's Hitler was able to used fake propaganda to rise to power which he was able to convince most of the country was true. It was not main stream for a while and eventually it did become as such. It sounded good and it seem reasonable if you were German at that time. It is really interesting to see how he was able to convince most of Germany to follow him to their destruction.

There is also a problem in Mexico where the government is trying to build a cult like following where people are beginning to believe any government beside them would be disastrous for the country. It is not far from what we have with Trump and how the message the right sending to the people of the USA. 

The sad truth about it it may not be possible to govern any country with a free press any more. What Russia and China has done may have to be the new normal world wide. People do not use good judgment or should I say the ability to convince people to believe anything you want them to is too easy when you have enough money and the normalness of people to not believe government.  With foreign governments willing to spend 10 of billions of dollars to create disbelief in the USA and the the two party system now creating extremism and doing even more damage than foreign governments in the USA, The system may no longer work as we know it.

In late 2022 or 2023 I think we are headed for a financial disaster. Demographics, climate change, food shortages, inflation, debt and expectation of the population as to living standards is likely to clash. The problem will be made much worse because of this political extremism that is now on the rise. It does not matter who is the president, the damaged has already been done.

The founder of Black lives matter quit the organization because it has been so hijacked by the democratic party. Trumpism is no longer about Donald Trump but rather a cult the right is using to try take over of the country.  If Donald Trump care anything about the country he would put a end to Trumpism.
3) There has been no "threat" to invade Ukraine. The US invented that and fed it to a complicit media.

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Re: Propaganda, free press and the internet
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 12:32:20 AM »
You hillbilly RINO, what kind of propaganda does the US use?

Were you aware that part of the CIA was taken over by ex Nazi's?

You've got some nerve. You are so totally brainwashed it's pathetic.

Every hear of Operation Mockingbird? Look it up. Ever hear that the CIA invented the term, "conspiracy theorist" in order to mock people who had the courage to use their critical thinking skills and question what the government says?

Has the media come out and told the American people that LBJ fabricated the 2nd Gulf of Tonkin incident in order to take the USA to war with Viet Nam? 

Has the media apologized for calling the fact that Corona virus was created in the lab in Wuhan a conspiracy theory? It's not a conspiracy theory, neither is the fact that Fauci gave money to them to study gain of function.

Why don't you do us a favor. Study Communist propaganda and then compare how the US has been pushing political correctness, which was first developed by Soviet Communists.


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Re: Propaganda, free press and the internet
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2021, 08:35:42 AM »

Online Texan77

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Re: Propaganda, free press and the internet
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021, 11:27:28 AM »
Figure it out, Tex!

Wow their is some fake news. Biden dis qualified!!! I thought you loved the guy after the Russian summit.
3) There has been no "threat" to invade Ukraine. The US invented that and fed it to a complicit media.

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Re: Propaganda, free press and the internet
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2021, 01:08:38 PM »
Figure it out, Tex!

Wow their is some fake news. Biden dis qualified!!! I thought you loved the guy after the Russian summit.

Where did I ever write that "I loved the guy" after the Russian summit?

Get yourself to an MD who specializes in Geriatric Medicine Tex. You are truly screwed up.

And no fake news in that article, just cold hard truth. When your a useless RINO like Liz Cheney coupled with dementia, you say foolish things.

Other more astute guys like Billy and Cufflinks and others who read that article will likely agree with the vast majority of what they write.

Why not switch your party affiliation right now Tex?


