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Author Topic: MEMORIAL DAY  (Read 862 times)

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Offline BillyB

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« on: May 31, 2021, 02:23:42 AM »

Kamala Harris tweeted out "Enjoy the long weekend" doing her part to erase the importance of Memorial Day weekend.

A warriors pledge video with Reagan giving the speech is a great tribute to those who sacrificed for our country.

Today's war requires citizens to save the country. Although many of you think you got the media figured out, if you don't know that you're needed to stop the coup and radical changes in America, they got you figured out.

Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

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« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2021, 09:32:24 AM »

Kamala Harris tweeted out "Enjoy the long weekend" doing her part to erase the importance of Memorial Day weekend.

A warriors pledge video with Reagan giving the speech is a great tribute to those who sacrificed for our country.

Today's war requires citizens to save the country. Although many of you think you got the media figured out, if you don't know that you're needed to stop the coup and radical changes in America, they got you figured out.

Happy Memorial Day to all Veterans.

Saturday I was going to go to brunch and noticed the local VFW was doing a chicken Bar-B-Q which smelled great.

I pulled in there and a guy came up and asked me if I was a Veteran. Yes, I said. Here he said and he explained he was a local real estate agent who had a great year. He gave me a coupon which paid for my half chicken and a side.

To say it was delicious is an understatement. Anyway Billy drive by the local VFW if you're in the mood for lunch. They might have the grill going.

Offline BillyB

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« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2021, 10:07:17 AM »

Spending time with family at my parents house. In the future, I suspect will spend more time at the local VFW.

I hope more citizens join in the fight. It's our turn. We don't know them all but we own them all.
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

Offline BillyB

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« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2021, 10:35:28 AM »

Another great speech by Reagan honoring the military. I was a teenager when Reagan gave his speeches so I didn't pay attention back them but after reviewing his work and listening to his speeches I would never think there would be a better president in my lifetime until Trump came along.

Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

Offline BillyB

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« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2021, 11:44:24 AM »

The Minstrel Boy"The%20Minstrel%20Boy"%20is%20an,Moreen%2C%20an%20old%20Irish%20air.&text=The%20melody%20is%20frequently%20played,or%20been%20killed%20in%20service.

Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

Offline Manny

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« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2021, 05:50:28 AM »
I pulled in there and a guy came up and asked me if I was a Veteran. Yes, I said. Here he said and he explained he was a local real estate agent who had a great year. He gave me a coupon which paid for my half chicken and a side.

What a nice gesture.

The respect for veterans isn't as noticeable here, although it is still there but to a lesser extent than in the US. 

I was once in the US for Veterans Day in November, and there was all kinds of stuff going on and locals keen to explain to the Limey their views on veterans and the patriotism that goes hand in hand with the respect those in the US have for vets. It was quite instructive and also nice to see that genuine side to human nature.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

Offline BillyB

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« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2021, 09:32:48 AM »

Local restaurants give out discount or free meals on Memorial and Veterans Day. This year not so many participated and those that participated who gave free meals last year only gave discounted meals this year. Seems like the limited occupancy mandated by government and bad year last year prevented them from being so generous this year.
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.


