Information & Chat > Russian, Ukrainian and FSU Towns & Cities
What is the least dangerous Russian city to live in today?
Hello everyone, for you, what is the city in Russia with the least crime to be able to live peacefully without fear of theft or other dangers and also with the most beautiful women? :coffeeread:
In advance thanks a lot for your response :thumbsup:
katyryk seems nice, but the weather is a bit on the cold site, so bikini shows are probably not a thing :ROFL:
This guy seems to be spam lol :ROFL: Check out his first post.
I understand your ignorance but it is not spam, I am collecting information for my trip to Russia this 2021 as soon as this pandemic ends, before saying wrong things it is better to think positively that my question can help more people who want to travel to Russia to a good city that is not dangerous and in my case looking for a good woman to marry since my businesses are purely virtual and I can work from anywhere in the world without any problem tiphat
--- Quote from: Guile on December 16, 2020, 06:15:17 AM ---This guy seems to be spam lol :ROFL: Check out his first post.
--- End quote ---
My list includes:
StP (Many Nordic/Slavic Beauties)
Moscow - Ladies from All of Russia and Stans seeking their fortunes.
Vladivostok - Wild East of Russia blend of Slavic and Asia Ladies
Sochi - Major Russian Black Sea Resort
Pyatigorsk just east of Sochi - Hot Springs Spas and a Major Russian Interpreters Uni.
Barnaul Gateway to the Altai Mtns famous for beautiful Slavic women daughters of the many mineral extraction and processing industries as Barnual and Altai were a major copper etc producing region.
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