I must admit that reading your comments I fell on the floor laughing of your naivety. You appear not to have a clue about politics and economics. Don’t understand that whatever happens today in your country is the result of the Capitalistic System you love to have. Have you not understood that your Capitalist system is working only for very few and very rich persons while the rest of your population is paying a high price in its effort to survive?

Was it the poor workers who asked their owners to transfer production to China from were you re-import the products designed in USA and are produced in China? Obviously your do understand that your country cannot compete with China anymore, a Communistic Country playing with Capitalistic rules, and you don’t like it! I suggest you read your own history about the Unions and your working class. You are just A Nation of Gangsters and nothing more but if you have taken the same approach like China you still would remain the No 1 Empire.
Now the world it’s not a US Monopoly, but a multi polar world.The USA since the WWII has based it’s economy on your Defence industries. Have created 900 + bases around the world, to control almost every nation, and have invaded and destroyed too many countries killing also too many innocent people and now your country is fast going down rapidly and you react like a person dying who start kicking in desperation.
In England they say….
“What is good for the Goose it’s good for the gander too”.The fact of the matter is simple. China with a population 4 times larger than yours, have expanded quietly all over the world and the USA has helped them to do it, because of your few rich people greediness to make larger profits by producing their products in China.
All the accusations you make against China and Huawei the US has been doing it for years,
Google, Face Book, Telephone, Satellites etc including CIA, NSA and every other electronic media or otherwise US entity without paying any taxes to our countries. Simply your cry wolf because you have been fcuked from the astute and silent China.
The more I read the more I am convinced that was the US who instigated paying the Whuan Laboratory to create this terrible Virus and in 2015 you stop your co-operation, took your product and last years planted in the fish Market…..so to accuse the Chinese but it backfired as your gangster President took no measurements to protect your people. Look the numbers daily!
I expect you have watched the US Videos I have posted. If you haven’t just watch them, you will be educated.
What is your National Debt today…… over 23 Trillions……..same like the number mentioned by your president he will ask China to pay as compensation!
BTW Manny is a trader..... and he makes money dealing with China but not with USA.
Manny I expect is paying taxes in this country so I hope the party in Power should enact a Law and charge Taxes to all Foreign companies trading electronically or other ways in the UK and NOt paying any taxes...... like your Billionaire Bezos, Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc.