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Author Topic: Different reaction if virus originated in Russia? Sanctions? Nuclear strike?  (Read 896 times)

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Offline Steveboy

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In todays hypercritical one rule for one and one rule for another I wonder what the reactions from the world would of been if the virus came from some Russian market?

Very very very different to the reaction towards the Chinese I bet! At the moment there is some slagging off usual a few people in the states getting a bit agitated saying a few harsh words whilst still using every day products from China  which just happens to have amongst the worst human rights on the planet.. but that does not matter they make our bloody phones so can be excused from the virus kind off and human rights..

But if it had been Russia ? As usual a totally different response .. more sanctions? A total ban on Russians gaining any visa to visit another country (A good excuse to use that one) US army would call for more troops in Europe to protect against bio war.. :laugh:  The list would go on..
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Online AvHdB

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In todays hypercritical one rule for one and one rule for another I wonder what the reactions from the world would of been if the virus came from some Russian market?

Very very very different to the reaction towards the Chinese I bet! At the moment there is some slagging off usual a few people in the states getting a bit agitated saying a few harsh words whilst still using every day products from China  which just happens to have amongst the worst human rights on the planet.. but that does not matter they make our bloody phones so can be excused from the virus kind off and human rights..

But if it had been Russia ? As usual a totally different response .. more sanctions? A total ban on Russians gaining any visa to visit another country (A good excuse to use that one) US army would call for more troops in Europe to protect against bio war.. :laugh:  The list would go on..

The list would go on & on & on.

But with just a bit to much free time presently I remember a quick read on some conspiracy oriented site the scenario that you sketch. Russian technicians gave a vial of it to a competitor in the Olympics and it was mishandled in Wuhan.

Fortunately this nonsense never gained any traction and I hope it stays that way. Some have not enough common sense and a way to fertile mind.
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Offline BillyB

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If China or any country said they have a virus running loose, whether it was found in an animal or escaped from a lab, and called on the world's experts to come help stop it, not many people or nations would make them pay a price in the end. Accidents happen. If WHO and CDC were allowed to help early on, there's a chance they could've stopped the virus. Now, we may have to live with it forever with a huge cost in lives, jobs, economies, and quality of life.
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

Online Texan77

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I do not think it matters which country the virus came from. The big outcome is globalization is going to be badly hurt by this.  When the nuclear reactors in Japan where hit my the wave we could not get parts made in Japan. We just went thru a time where we could not get parts from China. Not we are having a problem where we can not get parts from Mexico. It seem Mexico locked down letting only a few business open. We needed a motor to be able to build ventilators but the plant in Mexico was closed. The Mexican government would not open it up again and this delayed our being able to build enough ventilators.  Other parts from Mexico needed for different business including our defense department are having the same problem. Canada is having the same problem from Mexico.

All this stuff about making China pay for it just merely noise. I do not think anything is going to happen. The Chinese do not have the money to pay for all if this even if they wanted to. The chance that they want is like none. China will do what Russia would of done if it started there and that is create fake new about how it came from somewhere else. Is just Russia is better at it.

Now the Chinese are with holding vanadium off the world markets. China has one of the cheapest sources of vanadium in the world but if you rely on it you may find your country without it.  The cost of not developing mines and have your own ends up being more than the saving in the long run.
3) There has been no "threat" to invade Ukraine. The US invented that and fed it to a complicit media.

Offline Steveboy

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I do not think it matters which country the virus came from. The big outcome is globalization is going to be badly hurt by this.  When the nuclear reactors in Japan where hit my the wave we could not get parts made in Japan. We just went thru a time where we could not get parts from China. Not we are having a problem where we can not get parts from Mexico. It seem Mexico locked down letting only a few business open. We needed a motor to be able to build ventilators but the plant in Mexico was closed. The Mexican government would not open it up again and this delayed our being able to build enough ventilators.  Other parts from Mexico needed for different business including our defense department are having the same problem. Canada is having the same problem from Mexico.

All this stuff about making China pay for it just merely noise. I do not think anything is going to happen. The Chinese do not have the money to pay for all if this even if they wanted to. The chance that they want is like none. China will do what Russia would of done if it started there and that is create fake new about how it came from somewhere else. Is just Russia is better at it.

Now the Chinese are with holding vanadium off the world markets. China has one of the cheapest sources of vanadium in the world but if you rely on it you may find your country without it.  The cost of not developing mines and have your own ends up being more than the saving in the long run.

I do not think it matters which country the virus came from.. So your saying if this happened and a virus come from a Russian fish market there would be no more out cry over it than China is getting??

What about Sanctions? The US loves any excuse to chuck some more sanctions around WHEN it is CONVENIENT you do not think they would try the usual shit they try with Russia?

The US is very good at chucking out sanctions of convenience .. for example has everyone forgot what the rag heads did in Turkey?? Sent in a f****** private jet full of assassins to murder an American journalist ..

But it was not convenient to sanction the rag heads cos they buy lots of guns from them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah would be interesting to see the result..
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