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Author Topic: Turkey's Invasion of Syria  (Read 2869 times)

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Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« on: February 28, 2020, 08:22:16 PM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Turkey allows refugees from the conflict ( Afghans are 'refugees' from the conflict ... on their way westwards to EU states..

Far more kids are dying / have died in a complex,  senseless war the west could and should have prevented ..( no-fly zone)

The consequences of which will destabilise Europe, too .. and possibly draw other nations into conflict ..

Syria war: Brutal endgame in Idlib risks spilling over
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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2020, 10:03:57 AM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Idlib is in Syria, not Turkey. They shouldnt have been there backing terrorists against the legitimate government. Had they been in Turkey, they'd be OK.
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Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2020, 10:09:41 AM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Idlib is in Syria, not Turkey. They shouldnt have been there backing terrorists against the legitimate government. Had they been in Turkey, they'd be OK.

Had some gov't not made Terrorists rich, there wouldn't have been any problem either. Especially the oil-states come to mind.

Other than that, fully agree. This "uprising" is nothing else than terrorists wanting power. The turkish troups were also hiding with said terrorists if I understood al-jazeera correctly. So collateral damage.
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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2020, 10:12:25 AM »
Oh and some government officials in Turkey said they are 'ready' for war with Russia.

Yeah good luck with that. Last time they shot down one Russian fighter, their tourism business nearly went bankrupt and Erdogan had to crawl to Putin and beg forgivness.
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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2020, 10:16:27 AM »

Unless it is fake news..two Syrian planes have been downed.

ASSad is not the legitimate leader...He is simply the latest family dynasty representative and the Presidential elections were a farce.

This could be far more serious than COVID-19.

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Offline BillyB

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2020, 10:52:39 AM »

I don't blame Turkey. If 3.5 million people came into my home uninvited, I'd go back to the place they came from and clear a spot for them to relocate.

If Syria, Russia, USA or Europe doesn't want to give 3.5 million refugees a home, Turkey will have to take matters into it's own hands.
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2020, 02:45:06 PM »

Unless it is fake news..two Syrian planes have been downed.

ASSad is not the legitimate leader...He is simply the latest family dynasty representative and the Presidential elections were a farce.

This could be far more serious than COVID-19.

assad is the legitimate leader. you denying it wont change that. the only ones that can are the syrian people. they dont have enough support or assad would be gone now.
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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2020, 06:15:02 PM »
Rather ironic when you think about it - God-King Emporer Trump cleaned out the Isis infestation in the area (Syria/Iraq a.k.a. the Levant) and pulled most of our troops including allies out of that quagmire and dumped the remaining Assad/Syria/Rooskie fustercluck in Erdogan's lap after he was letting his son buy Isis truck caravans of crude oil and laundering it through Turkish pipelines.

The Euro-Natonians would not pay Erdogan enough shakedown cash so now he is dumping a new load of refugees on Greece/The Balkans and Hungary all desperate to make their ways to the Gimmecratocracies of northern and central Europastan.

That and the Corona Virus panic will make for an interesting spring and summer in Socialist Eurocommie land especially if the BJissimo grows a pair and sends all of the excess gimmestanians infesting Jolly Old Blighty back to the mainland Eurocommiestans as well while BJ grabs his crotch and tells the EU to Brexit this Beetches!


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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2020, 11:52:57 PM »
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2020, 12:23:39 AM »

assad is the legitimate leader. you denying it wont change that. the only ones that can are the syrian people. they dont have enough support or assad would be gone now.

Oh, Markje

They DID have enough support .. 

Like the 'rebels' in E,Ukraine in early August ....  ASSad was finished ... until the Kremlin came to the rescue..

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2020, 08:16:55 AM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Turkey said it downed two planes and destroyed 100 tanks in payback

If the above it's true... why then Ertogan  is going to Moscow on Thursday?

REMEMBER: iDLIP is in Syria and it's not part of what Turkey is doing there apart from invading an independent country?

None of you know the real reason why Ertogan got involved in Syria.....apart from making money for the Family stealing the Oil and selling it for huge Profits.

He simply wants to stop the Kurds creating their own independent country, which means most of the East part of Turkey will go and join the new country. There are around 25 Millions Turkey, Syria and also Iraq.........but GB and USA don't want them to create their own Nation! I suggest you read their History.

BTW are you aware that Erdogan has not deployed yet the S400 he bought from Russia, so he is asking the Americans for the Patriots.......

His ass is completely Naked............that is why he organised all these illegal immigrants to go through to Greece on the NE frontier........and apart from 100 who managed to break through and were arrested.........the rest of the 1000???? on Turkey side..... are going back to Istanbul.

His friend Merkel... let him down and soon she will have gone, as also NATO, Trump and US Foreign Office.

So the only thing left for him..... is going to Moscow ti kiss Putins Ass.!

Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2020, 08:40:06 AM »
not the legitimate leader...

You say that about everyone you, the Guardian and the BBC don't like. Assad, Putin, Yanukovich, etc.  (:)

You Pinko lot won't be happy till there is a mixed race, transgender amputee in office in all of these places as approved by you, the BBC and the Guardian carrying out the orders of the US.
Trip Reports: Links to my travels in Russia, Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, China and the US are >>here<<

Look what the American media makes some people believe:
Putin often threatens to strike US with nuclear weapons.

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2020, 10:13:29 AM »

Unless it is fake news..two Syrian planes have been downed.

ASSad is not the legitimate leader...He is simply the latest family dynasty representative and the Presidential elections were a farce.

This could be far more serious than COVID-19.

You're absolutely off the chart when it comes to understanding current affairs. Yet again, you're on your own with some pretty outlandish and far fetched views.

Just because reality doesn't sit well with your warped version of the world, it doesn't make legitimate governments or elected politicians, rogue states. Normal folks see Turkey for what it is and what they're doing.

More far fetched leftist whining from the resident "conservative"!!  :ROFL:

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2020, 10:16:20 AM »
Rather ironic when you think about it - God-King Emporer Trump cleaned out the Isis infestation in the area (Syria/Iraq a.k.a. the Levant) and pulled most of our troops including allies out of that quagmire and dumped the remaining Assad/Syria/Rooskie fustercluck in Erdogan's lap after he was letting his son buy Isis truck caravans of crude oil and laundering it through Turkish pipelines.

The Euro-Natonians would not pay Erdogan enough shakedown cash so now he is dumping a new load of refugees on Greece/The Balkans and Hungary all desperate to make their ways to the Gimmecratocracies of northern and central Europastan.

That and the Corona Virus panic will make for an interesting spring and summer in Socialist Eurocommie land especially if the BJissimo grows a pair and sends all of the excess gimmestanians infesting Jolly Old Blighty back to the mainland Eurocommiestans as well while BJ grabs his crotch and tells the EU to Brexit this Beetches!



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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2020, 10:18:06 AM »

assad is the legitimate leader. you denying it wont change that. the only ones that can are the syrian people. they dont have enough support or assad would be gone now.

Oh, Markje

They DID have enough support .. 

Like the 'rebels' in E,Ukraine in early August ....  ASSad was finished ... until the Kremlin came to the rescue..

Talking about support, do you honestly think the anti Assad crew managed kick off and maintain an uprising all on their own?

Forget that - you probably do.  :'(

Offline BillyB

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2020, 10:52:33 AM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Turkey said it downed two planes and destroyed 100 tanks in payback

If the above it's true... why then Ertogan  is going to Moscow on Thursday?

He's going to Moscow to tell Putin his minimum objective in Syria and it's best Russia doesn't get in a war with a NATO ally. Why do you think it's always about oil? Turkey didn't invade Syria before the 3.5 million refugees overflowed into their country.
Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776. If you want to stop the war in Ukraine, fix elections, stop medical tyranny and forced vaccinations, lower inflation and make America and the world a better place, get Trump back into power. The Democrats and Republicans have shown they can't do the job. They are good at robbing us and getting people killed in non stop wars.

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2020, 02:51:43 PM »
not the legitimate leader...

You say that about everyone you, the Guardian and the BBC don't like. Assad, Putin, Yanukovich, etc.  (:)

You Pinko lot won't be happy till there is a mixed-race, transgender amputee in office in all of these places as approved by you, the BBC and the Guardian carrying out the orders of the US  er eh ahem City of London... fixed it otherwise hilarious  :smokin: :ROFL: tiphat :thumbsup:

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2020, 03:50:18 PM »
not the legitimate leader...

You say that about everyone you, the Guardian and the BBC don't like. Assad, Putin, Yanukovich, etc.  (:)

You Pinko lot won't be happy till there is a mixed race, transgender amputee in office in all of these places as approved by you, the BBC and the Guardian carrying out the orders of the US.

Stop blaming the USA. We are under control of the CFR and the Rothschild Bankers, both right there in London, U.K.  :GOUK:

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2020, 03:53:16 PM »

Unless it is fake news..two Syrian planes have been downed.

ASSad is not the legitimate leader...He is simply the latest family dynasty representative and the Presidential elections were a farce.

This could be far more serious than COVID-19.

You're absolutely off the chart when it comes to understanding current affairs. Yet again, you're on your own with some pretty outlandish and far fetched views.

Just because reality doesn't sit well with your warped version of the world, it doesn't make legitimate governments or elected politicians, rogue states. Normal folks see Turkey for what it is and what they're doing.

More far fetched leftist whining from the resident "conservative"!!  :ROFL:

Moby is about as Conservative as first ever gay presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.  :laugh:

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2020, 04:07:24 PM »

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib

Turkey said it downed two planes and destroyed 100 tanks in payback

If the above it's true... why then Ertogan  is going to Moscow on Thursday?

He's going to Moscow to tell Putin his minimum objective in Syria and it's best Russia doesn't get in a war with a NATO ally. Why do you think it's always about oil? Turkey didn't invade Syria before the 3.5 million refugees overflowed into their country.


The war in Syria has been going for almost 10 years..... and obviously you are blind and have not read who and why started this invasion of Syria.

If your memory is short may I remind you about the statements made on TV about the Arab Spring, from the US General Clark!

Who has financed the so called opposition in Syria and also ISIS?
Was it by any chance the USA?

Putin has provided support to the Syrian Leader and the legitimate army, unlike what USA together with Turkey have been doing in Syria.

DO you understand that Idlip is not in Turkey but in Syria and the US and Turkey are not invited....they are there illegally with their Mercenaries. Both countries have invaded a sovereign country!

May I remind you that when Turkey shoot down the Russian plane in Syria for invading its airspace.....for 8 seconds......Russia put a stop on Russian people going there and its economy almost collapsed.

Russia has been in Latakia/Syria for more years than the current leader is in Power, who asked Russia's help to defeat the enemies of his country.

Well I suggest to wait and see what Putin will tell Ertogan and he knows very well what shit Ertogan is and what double faced game is playing. Patience.......

Do you know who controls Gas supplies that going to Turkey and I am not talking about the last build pipe line, "Turkey stream"?

Finally the 3.5 illegal immigrants are not all Syrians.........but from many countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Uganda, etc........


Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2020, 04:45:48 PM »
Will be interesting to see if PM BJissimo will shut down the Brexited Chunnel to keep this wave of 3.5 Millions of culturally enriching Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Uganda, etc., Gimmegrants out...

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Talking about support, do you honestly think the anti Assad crew managed kick off and maintain an uprising all on their own?

Forget that - you probably do.  :'(

I confirm you - correctly -  answered your own question ..

A bit like Manny changing the title of a thread  I started ..mannyipulation - is the key ;)

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Will be interesting to see if PM BJissimo will shut down the Brexited Chunnel to keep this wave of 3.5 Millions of culturally enriching Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Uganda, etc., Gimmegrants out...


The UK had opted out of the EU Directive on 'sharing the load' in any refugee crisis .. 'Brexit' will make no difference ..

PS . Most of the Iraqis and Afghans that arrive on the French Coast are single males and could have claimed asylum in numerous EU states en route...  they would not - if caught trying to illegally enter the UK - be able to stay for that reason

I wonder what the attitude will be if the UK ends the transition period with an agreement with the EU ? ..

I have never claimed to be a Blue Beret

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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2020, 12:35:19 AM »

assad is the legitimate leader. you denying it wont change that. the only ones that can are the syrian people. they dont have enough support or assad would be gone now.

Oh, Markje

They DID have enough support .. 

Like the 'rebels' in E,Ukraine in early August ....  ASSad was finished ... until the Kremlin came to the rescue..

No they didn't. External governments who wanted assad gone funded them. Russia decided to answer Assads cry for help and helped him topple the rebels.

Also, after seeing more and more evidence coming from Syria (which is not reported here of course) , it seems that not all is right with Assad being the enemy.
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Re: Turkey's Invasion of Syria
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2020, 03:51:40 AM »

Unless it is fake news..two Syrian planes have been downed.

ASSad is not the legitimate leader...He is simply the latest family dynasty representative and the Presidential elections were a farce.

This could be far more serious than COVID-19.

You're absolutely off the chart when it comes to understanding current affairs. Yet again, you're on your own with some pretty outlandish and far fetched views.

Just because reality doesn't sit well with your warped version of the world, it doesn't make legitimate governments or elected politicians, rogue states. Normal folks see Turkey for what it is and what they're doing.

More far fetched leftist whining from the resident "conservative"!!  :ROFL:

Moby is about as Conservative as first ever gay presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.  :laugh:

I know. His claims are hilarious. I think his understanding of conservative is up there with his natural English!!