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Author Topic: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality  (Read 32603 times)

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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #275 on: December 18, 2021, 06:13:50 AM »
Was curious and did further research, this is a link from 2019. In short it states 1/3 approximately of the medical professionals in the UK are foreign. The second article details in some degree the challenges to become certified in the UK. Worth noting my ex initially trained in South Africa qualified in UK (Scotland) and practiced for 20 years in The Netherlands, she is a sort of Jason Bourne holding multiple passports, one extinct. She can still do a C Section in just over 5 minutes.
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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #276 on: December 18, 2021, 08:44:10 AM »
On the other hand that there are thousands of Greek medical professionals working in the UK is doubtful. There is a report (in Greek) on but there does not seem to be any supporting data. The medical standards of the UK are amongst the highest in the world. A Greek doctor will have to retrain a 4 to 6 year trajectory. My ex is head of a department and on some sort doctors board to a midsize hospital in the North of England, her comment yesterday no Greeks or Germans but one co from Canada.

Mr AvHdB Arlov, I must admit that I find your effort and insistence together with those of the barking ugly crock, who has openly stated that: "Being  An Asshole is All part of his Manly Essence"  I find both your insults and comments IDIOTIC, boring and waste of my time to read, as I HAVE said to Moby previously! Now, you want to be part of the idiots club… please continue.

For your info here is the the page of the Hellenic Medical Society in London for you to read:  and also the personal details of the current President: .

Obviously your ex is not aware of the Greek Doctors, who prefer to live around London, and the south for convenient to travel back to Greece The London area has more than 1/2 a million Greeks and Cypriots mostly living around the Bayswater here. At the moment a Gynaecologist doctor, a nephew of mine, with 20 year's experience is here for some new training. On the other hand the young Greek  doctors prefer to come here because of the pay and good training.

Personaly I have met a lot of Greek Doctors working here. In every hospital in Surrey that I have visited... always I met a medical person from Greece. It is very obvious that all Doctors need a lot of training so England in the main destination, due to the fact that English is taught in the Greek high schools.

Finally: Have you heart about the Pap Test for women? I was a Greek Doctor who discover it here in London!

Shalom Shalom.

BTW: here is the big Greek church Agia Sophia in Lodnon- Baywater.

Why the sun does not shine on the Ex- British Empire Anymore? Because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark!

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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #277 on: December 18, 2021, 09:27:02 AM »
On the other hand that there are thousands of Greek medical professionals working in the UK is doubtful. There is a report (in Greek) on but there does not seem to be any supporting data. The medical standards of the UK are amongst the highest in the world. A Greek doctor will have to retrain a 4 to 6 year trajectory. My ex is head of a department and on some sort doctors board to a midsize hospital in the North of England, her comment yesterday no Greeks or Germans but one co from Canada.

Mr AvHdB Arlov, I must admit that I find your effort and insistence together with those of the barking ugly crock, who has openly stated that: "Being  An Asshole is All part of his Manly Essence"  I find both your insults and comments IDIOTIC, boring and waste of my time to read, as I HAVE said to Moby previously! Now, you want to be part of the idiots club… please continue.

For your info here is the the page of the Hellenic Medical Society in London for you to read:  and also the personal details of the current President: .

Obviously your ex is not aware of the Greek Doctors, who prefer to live around London, and the south for convenient to travel back to Greece The London area has more than 1/2 a million Greeks and Cypriots mostly living around the Bayswater here. At the moment a Gynaecologist doctor, a nephew of mine, with 20 year's experience is here for some new training. On the other hand the young Greek  doctors prefer to come here because of the pay and good training.

Personaly I have met a lot of Greek Doctors working here. In every hospital in Surrey that I have visited... always I met a medical person from Greece. It is very obvious that all Doctors need a lot of training so England in the main destination, due to the fact that English is taught in the Greek high schools.

Finally: Have you heart about the Pap Test for women? I was a Greek Doctor who discover it here in London!

Shalom Shalom.


Well, lookie here. It seems all you Greek Waiters have English fanny on your mind.   (:)

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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #278 on: December 18, 2021, 09:59:49 AM »

Have you heart about the Pap Test for women? I was a Greek Doctor who discover it here in London!

Yes I am aware of the so-called Pap test. As is frequently the case with your posts it is not truthful, below is the history of cervical screening. It is worth noting that G. N. Papanikolaou never received a Nobel prize because of his economy with the truth. Further the test was developed in The United States.

Guess it is a Greek thing.

“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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« Reply #279 on: December 27, 2021, 01:06:51 PM »

Hi Wiz,

my point being that Meta is not at all new. Second-Life was similar before that, an online world/marketplace/meetingplace etc. and it failed, badly.


Facebook wasn't a new concept either, MySpace was the big deal. At least with
MySpace you could search out women or people by single or married, by age,
city, height, etc. FB has none of those helpful user features.

I'm sort of surprised that Facebook won out.
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Kiss the girl, don't ask her first.
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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #280 on: December 28, 2021, 06:27:27 AM »
“If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot

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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #281 on: December 18, 2022, 04:56:26 PM »
From: behind paywall.

Brussels taxation of CO2-emissions means jackpot for Eastern Europe.

Citizens from the European union will start to pay an extra tax at the gasstation and through their utilities bill for CO2-emissions.
The extra money is going to Eastern Europe to help fund the CO2-neutral programs there.

Despite inflation, mountain high energy pricing and vunerable competition-position of Europe, Brussel remains fixated on its climate-change plans. in 2030 CO-2 Emissions should be half of what they were in 1990.

The Dutch planning and calculations bureau said this will mean an extra 12 to 14 eurocents/litre at the gasstation pumps. Other experts stop at 10 cents. The gas-utility bill is going up 10 cents per m3. 25% of all this money is allocated to green programs within the EU, mostly eastern europe. Especially Bulgaria and Romania are going to profit.

Going green is expensive for companies that use a lot of CO2 producing products. Metallurgic smelters and bread-bakers are simply pushing the extra costs to their customers or go bankrupt.

These extra costs are also a huge boon for countries like India and China. Why produce steel and other iron products in Europe, when china and india can do that for half the price including the extra shipping costs! This is today a problem, but after this plan comes to fruitation it will become unmanageable.

To compensate for this effect, the EU is putting import-taxation on CO2 products. So countries that wish to sell to Europe will also have to pay the CO2-tax like European countries did. How pricing is established remains unknown to this reporter.

Soon, also normal households will have to pay for their CO2-emissions. From 2027 gas-powered heating and cooking is also taxed 10 eurocent per m3.

(The original article has more facts and source to back this up, but since its paywalled i m not quoting and translating it all. this is about the first 1/3 of it.)
Translation by me.

Looks like you brittish people got out just in time, I hope that whomever is in charge next will not negotiate with the EU to match this extra taxation... Madness
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Re: Democracy Delivered: Brexit is Reality
« Reply #282 on: December 20, 2022, 02:34:57 AM »
From: behind paywall.

Brussels taxation of CO2-emissions means jackpot for Eastern Europe.

Citizens from the European union will start to pay an extra tax at the gasstation and through their utilities bill for CO2-emissions.
The extra money is going to Eastern Europe to help fund the CO2-neutral programs there.

Despite inflation, mountain high energy pricing and vunerable competition-position of Europe, Brussel remains fixated on its climate-change plans. in 2030 CO-2 Emissions should be half of what they were in 1990.

The Dutch planning and calculations bureau said this will mean an extra 12 to 14 eurocents/litre at the gasstation pumps. Other experts stop at 10 cents. The gas-utility bill is going up 10 cents per m3. 25% of all this money is allocated to green programs within the EU, mostly eastern europe. Especially Bulgaria and Romania are going to profit.

Going green is expensive for companies that use a lot of CO2 producing products. Metallurgic smelters and bread-bakers are simply pushing the extra costs to their customers or go bankrupt.

These extra costs are also a huge boon for countries like India and China. Why produce steel and other iron products in Europe, when china and india can do that for half the price including the extra shipping costs! This is today a problem, but after this plan comes to fruitation it will become unmanageable.

To compensate for this effect, the EU is putting import-taxation on CO2 products. So countries that wish to sell to Europe will also have to pay the CO2-tax like European countries did. How pricing is established remains unknown to this reporter.

Soon, also normal households will have to pay for their CO2-emissions. From 2027 gas-powered heating and cooking is also taxed 10 eurocent per m3.

(The original article has more facts and source to back this up, but since its paywalled i m not quoting and translating it all. this is about the first 1/3 of it.)
Translation by me.

Looks like you brittish people got out just in time, I hope that whomever is in charge next will not negotiate with the EU to match this extra taxation... Madness

It's going to take a decade or so before we understand if Brexit was a good/bad thing but this sort of stuff is exactly why many Brits voted to leave. The Uk was no longer a sovereign country and whilst there are many benefits of being part of the EU, you are essentially just a state within their union.

The EU can decide what industry is allowed to exist and they can heavily influence policy to relocate GDP to other states, to benefit the overall union. In the Uk it felt like we paid heavily into a union that wasn't working for us.

In Spain at the weekend we did a walking tour with a local guide. He was a lovely chap but he essentially said that whilst most spaniards are happy to be in the EU, they feel that policy has relocated much of their industry elsewhere and left them as a tourist resort, heavily reliant on tourism.

During covid they were screwed finically as a result.


