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Author Topic: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor  (Read 17387 times)

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Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« on: December 23, 2019, 05:27:00 PM »
SC is flying up to Moscow in the wee small hours to collect her passport (and hopefully ) visas.

She has to go into the centre of Moscow of collect it, before returning for her onward journey.

Does anyone know if she can store baggage rather than going to the visa centre 'loaded'?

She will then travel to meet me for Christmas.
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2019, 10:43:49 PM »
Meeting SC on Xmas day and the plan WAS to meet in Rome, but the Italians don't seem to get 'priority' so the passport wasn't back in time for a UK Family Permit Visa .. an option for Brits exercising freedom of movement within the EU that will stop when the UK leaves..

So, it's Cologne, Germany  -if the Germans don't worry about why a Russian  is coming to DE on a IT Schengen :))

Note the 'gratis' on the cost of the visa..

The UK Family Permit Visa is free, too

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2019, 11:28:30 AM »
..and we celebrated Christmas Lunch at 120Km/h - the slowest car on the Autobhan / Autroroute in Belgium ....    Dashing for the coast ... 
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2019, 04:26:30 PM »
..and we celebrated Christmas Lunch at 120Km/h - the slowest car on the Autobhan / Autroroute in Belgium ....    Dashing for the coast ...
In Belgium roadways are referred to as A or using the EU standard as E roads. Autobahn’s do not exist in Belgium.
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2019, 12:01:05 AM »
Thank you, AvHdB,

I used the term Autoroute as well and THAT is how Walloons refer to them...

Autobahn was used as we drove from Germany and I believe that IS what they call their motorways ...☺️

PS I have  probably done more of the E40 than anyone on here ..fascinating route crossing several stans from well as Europe

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2019, 05:48:40 AM »
Sveta in French detention centre !

Some UK Border Force officials behaving like the UK left

More later!
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2019, 11:53:00 AM »
..and we celebrated Christmas Lunch at 120Km/h - the slowest car on the Autobhan / Autroroute in Belgium ....    Dashing for the coast ...

Had good sleep during the day and come here, while drinking Coffee, to wake up...and read any posts that I missed this morning.

I understand that you met your new wife, after she got an Italian Schengen Family Visa,  in Cologne Germany, and now you are driving through Belgium on the E40 motorway and then when in France then on A 16 passing near Dunkirk and going down to the Post of Calais. I have travelled countless times on this route when I was going to Belgium for cheap cigarettes......

Brain is back to normal and I can only guess that YOU probably have planned  to go though the channel on Christmas eve traffic....but you must know by now that Eir and UK are not members of the Schengen Agreement.

Don't know what time you planned to get on a boat but from my experience the only time you have some chance to get through using  your Irish Passport probably would be 3AM - 5AM GMT when the French are not around and sleep.  but the UK boys don't fall for these tricks. I know that from personal experience.

Last time I was in Corfu, I renew my Greek ID card and then in June we went over to Le Touquet, if you remember, I used only my ID card and Hanna with her British Passport had to wait for me around 10 minutes.....they are very alert.

Any how I am sure you must have read all this but if you didn't... will be nice of you to study the Schengen Agreement rules.

Migration and Home Affairs - Schengen Area

Wish you plenty of Irish luck.... and will Wait to hear your news! 

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2019, 12:06:53 PM »
Does one need a visa if importing one's Russian wife to the UK? Or does the old freedom of movement ring still work?
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2019, 01:05:40 PM »
Well now,

After a MASSIVE bust up with a lady who knows f'all about still CURRENT EU Directives...and SC being locked up for 8.5 hours we are on our way to the UK for New Years ..

SC has a Visa for six months M/E visa for six months under the Surinder Singh ruling.

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2019, 01:43:22 PM »
Does one need a visa if importing one's Russian wife to the UK? Or does the old freedom of movement ring still work?

If you are British National and Marry a Russian or 3rd world Country woman, then you have to apply for an Entrance Visa to UK.......Application coats nearly £1000.

If you have  dual Nationality, like me I had British and Greek, then I exercised my rights under the Directive 2004/38/EU (Freedom of Movement),  and my wife got a FREE visa entrance to UK and after 6 months a FREE Resident Card. After 5 years she applied for Naturalisation and Got her UK Passport at the Cost of Around £1500....  thanks to Mrs T May! I Don't know current Fees.

The Problem with Mr Nobby.... is that he stated he was a Dual National, British and Irish. Last time he god married in Cyprus, claiming he was resident there too. He used the EU Directive to Bring his ex wife under a special case called the Suringer  again FREE. Of course we all know that he spends most time in the UK, except when he is travelling.

Under the Schengen Rules  the wife or children they can accompany him in any country in Europe by having a schengen Visa.......

He Married SC in Georgia and makes you wonder why?

Why didn't he married her in Cyprus like he did with V?

My guess is that he is not officially a Resident of Cyprus, so he pays no Tax in any Country! I guess that he visits Cyprus to visit his Bank account to collect some money from those infamous TV subscriptions or any other activity and business he is doing.

I am speechless and make No comments.

... looks that he Fcuked big time on his plan to import his new wife illegally in the UK. I am sure he will claim that it was all legal and above board and if he is right then he should make a legal complaint and sue the UK immigration for acting illegally! Make up your own Mind.

My wife is being held in a French
detention centre at the request of UK immigration!

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2019, 03:06:15 PM »
Dual national Irish/UK man (one Russian wife previously). Russian woman. Married in Georgia. Doesn't want to pay for UK visa. They want her to go to the UK by the back door using his EU citizenship and a treaty technicality designed for EU citizens to use 'freedom of movement'. Her using a Schengen visa from one country. She entered through another. She was headed for England via Calais in France. There was only going to be one outcome if the French and British border control are doing their job:

Yes, she is locked up in France while they check her status.

Before he deletes it, here is the video:

The French and the UKBA did their job.  :france:

This time, EU rules will force the Brits to let her in (and then she can get free healthcare, benefits and housing). After Brexit, this type of visa/immigration fraud will stop.

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2019, 04:40:50 PM »
There is nothing permanent except change.

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2019, 10:53:26 PM »
-if the Germans don't worry about why a Russian is coming to DE on a IT Schengen :))

This breaks Schengen rules.

First use of a Schengen visa should be to the country of issue. One can enter via another country if ones final destination is the issuing country.

It isn’t rigorously applied, but one isn’t allowed to enter Germany on first use of an Italian Schengen visa when ones final destination is France and onward to the UK. The Italians won’t issue her a second one in six months when they see the entry stamps.

Her next Schengen visa will have to be from another EU country. As you note, you will probably soon lose your entitlement to being able to get her a free Schengen visa using this route when we leave the EU.
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2019, 11:30:42 PM »
I am pleased to report SC is safely in the UK and I noted that our copyright images and videos had been nabbed without our permission))

The youtube video is now only visible to those with permission and the photo nabbed from Facebook is a pleasant reminder that SC trusted me to be interviewed and we were put on a later boat and upgraded to the lounge and presented with a lovely Gateaux and two bottles of Prosecco by DFDS seaways.

I make no apologies for using a route whereby I exercised my treaty rights to facilitate SC entering the UK as a visitor as and when she pleases...

We had applied for a family permit visa and she was supposed to have an interview on 19th December in Moscow, but the Italians still had her passport.

Once we found a Border Agency guy who actually knew about my treaty rights and her rights acquired, therein.. and checked that the 1/ marriage was genuine and we were a long-term item and

2/  the basis of my residency in Cyprus and income, and

3/they checked I spent dosh there in the form of day to day expenses.

( The original lady told me that SC could not be admitted and was going to put a refusal in SC's passport until I read her the riot act by quoting her obligation to facilitate our request) the visa was granted.

So... Guess what? The UK BA got to see my status in CY and income.

As always, it is 'interesting' to read the alterative realities of some of our members..and their 'expertise' on Schengen / Implementation of the 'Freedom of movement' Directives.

As someone who actually knows about Schengen rules, I expect SC to be issued future Visas without a problem as Manny assumes SC will not be spending time in IT...moretime than in DE, BE or FR !

The French were mortified at the handling of the case and gave me permission to take the paddy wagon photo.

The Brits did not understand French or Russian and ALL of the French spoke good English.

I was amazed to learn that the more senior lady ( who was clueless) was the French' boss, too.

At that time, we did not realise the time it would take to get to the interview stage .

Still, all worth it ))

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2019, 01:26:07 AM »
Thats the shit you get trying to fiddle a Visa.. why on earth would anyone wish to do this and cause problems? Why would you even want to put your other half through that sort of problem..

Mmmmm same reason as why someone would make fraudulent visa's to enter Russia ... Not so easy for a Georgian citizen or maybe semi Russian to make a private invite to Russia just fake a business visa..

Moby likes his visa's maybe he could start his own visa company.. Why not? lots of people already have their own visa companies.. :laugh:
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2019, 02:12:33 AM »
Does one need a visa if importing one's Russian wife to the UK? Or does the old freedom of movement ring still work?

If you are British National and Marry a Russian or 3rd world Country woman, then you have to apply for an Entrance Visa to UK.......Application coats nearly £1000.

If you have  dual Nationality, like me I had British and Greek, then I exercised my rights under the Directive 2004/38/EU (Freedom of Movement),  and my wife got a FREE visa entrance to UK and after 6 months a FREE Resident Card. After 5 years she applied for Naturalisation and Got her UK Passport at the Cost of Around £1500....  thanks to Mrs T May! I Don't know current Fees.

The Problem with Mr Nobby.... is that he stated he was a Dual National, British and Irish. Last time he god married in Cyprus, claiming he was resident there too. He used the EU Directive to Bring his ex wife under a special case called the Suringer  again FREE. Of course we all know that he spends most time in the UK, except when he is travelling.

Under the Schengen Rules  the wife or children they can accompany him in any country in Europe by having a schengen Visa.......

He Married SC in Georgia and makes you wonder why?

Why didn't he married her in Cyprus like he did with V?

My guess is that he is not officially a Resident of Cyprus, so he pays no Tax in any Country! I guess that he visits Cyprus to visit his Bank account to collect some money from those infamous TV subscriptions or any other activity and business he is doing.

I am speechless and make No comments.

... looks that he Fcuked big time on his plan to import his new wife illegally in the UK. I am sure he will claim that it was all legal and above board and if he is right then he should make a legal complaint and sue the UK immigration for acting illegally! Make up your own Mind.

My wife is being held in a French
detention centre at the request of UK immigration!


If you have  dual Nationality, like me I had British and Greek, then I exercised my rights under the Directive 2004/38/EU (Freedom of Movement),  and my wife got a FREE visa entrance to UK and after

Aaaaaaaa the haze is finally clearing so now we know why Moby wants to stay in the EU for future importations.. No wonder he was campaigning so bloody hard  :laugh:

Very sneaky if you ask me..
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2019, 03:03:18 AM »
How many more targets/wives does he have to import?
Is this some kind of a business? Seems a tad low-rent to do just one at a time.
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2019, 03:05:25 AM »

Aaaaaaaa the haze is finally clearing so now we know why Moby wants to stay in the EU for future importations.. No wonder he was campaigning so bloody hard  :

Of course, Moby doesn’t  want to have to shell out £1000’s in bride importation fees. With his Oirish passport why doesn’t he just live there?

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2019, 05:18:21 AM »
It speaks volumes that a man would see his new wife locked up and made to travel all over the place before trying to sneak her in the back door, on the cheap. Taking photos of it and posting here is even worse.....classy man.

I’d be appalled and embarrassed putting my own wife through this ordeal just to save a few quid and make a point. Any self respecting woman would tell Moby to take a hike and I wonder if his new bride, fully understands who she married.

I suspect all her failed U.K. visa applications upon him trying to squeeze her through, would make the situation worse. Most of us have had disputes and frustration but none of us have had this happen.....

Sad times.

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2019, 05:20:34 AM »
How many more targets/wives does he have to import?
Is this some kind of a business? Seems a tad low-rent to do just one at a time.
It all depends what assets they have and if they are willing to sell them to keep him in style!  :-X

-if the Germans don't worry about why a Russian is coming to DE on a IT Schengen :))

This breaks Schengen rules.

First use of a Schengen visa should be to the country of issue. One can enter via another country if ones final destination is the issuing country.

It isn’t rigorously applied, but one isn’t allowed to enter Germany on first use of an Italian Schengen visa when ones final destination is France and onward to the UK. The Italians won’t issue her a second one in six months when they see the entry stamps.

Wrong … scammers will always try their luck until one day take the wrong train  :trainwreck:

Weather today is chilly and cloudy outside, her indoors not around ... so here is my take:

Don’t forget that Christmas Day and also Boxing day. Public offices don’t work and staff at the airports is reduced… because not many people travel on Xmas Day etc…..  only scammers like our friend Moby who think he can play the system for ever.

Well in Germany SC probably said to the Germans, she is meeting her husband and they will continue their trip to Italy… together. To do that she had to meet him and get to the checking together outside, could not use the transit area ….. (Most probably the German immigration Officer was getting ready to go home for Xmas Lunch!) ... but the newly wed decided to have a tour of Germany/Belgium and France instead! They like adventures and sightseeing.....

They had lunch in the car but not sure if they celebrated Xmas night in the car or in a room at a small accommodation…… but next day (Boxing Day) tried to get on the boat……at around midday.

In France/Calais area made a diversion to the port, where the French immigration checked their Passports and the boot of the car and said to them……. Bon Voyage! (they were living France not entering!) but no more than 50 metres, down the road the British bulldogs  were waiting
and she spent, according to Moby,
8.30 Hours in French Detention.

Sveta in French detention centre !
Some UK Border Force officials behaving like the UK left
More later!

Now you and me will never know what the UK Officials did behind his back, as the offices were closed to take advise! His scam it may comeback and bite his arse, when he applies for Resident card for Sveta, as issuing her one is not automatic, after getting into UK by braking the rules. The officials in Calais maybe did not know the Rules, as he claims, but I am sure wanted to go back home for dinner, let her get in for 6 months and probably alerted Liverpool. Getting a Resident Card is another matter.

Moby: Before disputing any of my comments, I have to remind you your experience with your previous wife and the Cyprus Government! If my memory is correct and without searching .... I remember the Cypriot were refusing to verify your residence.... and at the end probably gave you some paper because of your wedding there..... just to get rid of you!

If you move to live from the UK to any EU member state..... YOU HAVE TO REGISTER which you fail doing so you do not have to pay taxes. If I am wrong then we need to see factual evidence otherwise you are Lying as usual!

For her resident Card, he has to provide evidence of his income, as he is the sponsor and also must have a Health insurance. To get her 6 months Visa to Enter,  I do not think he has supplied the Immigration with any such info. Last time you applied for V, did the Immigration visit your home, to check and see if you are sleeping together ???

SC may be able to register with a Doctor but there is always alert staff in NHS services. I know from Personal experience but then my Bank Account and everything else were in order and I did not have to rely of my wife’s money!

Also Mrs Wiz and I still have/own our flat in Ufa and always is kept in tip top condition and have no intention of selling it!

I wonder if all of you, would like to have, like Moby did, a nice photo of your wife in detention for your wedding album and post it also on the net?

Good photo for your Album collection and do not blame me/us..
we did not posted on the net BUT YOU DID  :nod: ……
and the MP4 video is still working on my pc!

I remember very well the shit you gave to the Liverpool Officer for his behaviour towards your wife! Do you think he did the same In France?

BTW a scammer always like to brag about his escapades and all the info above… it’s openly made by him on the web Youtube/Facebook and Boards.

Do you think SC would like living in the cold North and the wilderness of Northumberland when she spent most of her time in the sun?

Oh well he likes “living by the seat of His pants” but then for how long a woman can tolerate it!

Let's see how long his 3rd marriage will last! I hope it will last for ever as he is now in the scrap yard....and will need somebody to take care of him.......  :Zzzzsleep: :evilgrin0002:
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2019, 06:01:31 AM »
There’s a very good reason, why U.K. citizens are fed up with hearing about illegals and immigrants. No, we’re not all a bunch of racists, that’s the lazy line trotted out by leftists.

Moby will import his latest bride, via the back door, without paying his dues. This is just the first step and he’s already on the take. Next, his current bride will get access to our NHS, paid for by the tax payer. I paid my own way, as did nearly all of us on here, not because we enjoyed it, but because stuff costs money. When I see others trying to circumnavigate what is right, I of course want to see this fraudulent activity shut down.

I doubt his contributions are much to sing about and hers is non existent. Yet Moby is delighted to tell us all, that’s he’s happy to steal from the state, to steal from us. This is why he’s branded a liberal moron and an EU supporter. This is why he is an unpopular bloke with no real network of friends.

Any proud Brit wouldn’t do what Moby is trying to do.

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2019, 09:00:25 AM »
It speaks volumes that a man would see his new wife locked up and made to travel all over the place before trying to sneak her in the back door, on the cheap. Taking photos of it and posting here is even worse.....classy man.

I’d be appalled and embarrassed putting my own wife through this ordeal just to save a few quid and make a point. Any self respecting woman would tell Moby to take a hike and I wonder if his new bride, fully understands who she married.

I suspect all her failed U.K. visa applications upon him trying to squeeze her through, would make the situation worse. Most of us have had disputes and frustration but none of us have had this happen.....

Sad times.
It appears our Moby has a penchant for, errrr, using the back door.  :party0011:

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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2019, 09:14:53 AM »
Let's be fair to moby, it may not be entirely his fault that his newest wife ended up carried off in a paddy waggon to spend a stressful time behind bars.

From what I have seen, it might be that his current best beloved has her own administrative issues back in Russia that make it unlikely that she'd get a visa through the usual channels.

It might be that this was the only option open to moby and Sveta in this case. If my surmise is correct, it'd also be a reason for him choosing the visa entry type he chose when visiting Russia to see his snuggle bunny.

That's said, it is hard to imagine that his current best beloved was overly chuffed that he decided to photograph her and post the image across social media for all her friends and family to see. But he was clearly, from his video, upset and scared. Moby may well have not been thinking quite as well as normal.

One wonders where she'd have been deported to if the UKBA had not shown mercy to her.
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2019, 09:16:48 AM »
It speaks volumes that a man would see his new wife locked up and made to travel all over the place before trying to sneak her in the back door, on the cheap. Taking photos of it and posting here is even worse.....classy man.

I’d be appalled and embarrassed putting my own wife through this ordeal just to save a few quid and make a point. Any self respecting woman would tell Moby to take a hike and I wonder if his new bride, fully understands who she married.

I suspect all her failed U.K. visa applications upon him trying to squeeze her through, would make the situation worse. Most of us have had disputes and frustration but none of us have had this happen.....

Sad times.
It appears our Moby has a penchant for, errrr, using the back door.  :party0011:

In that case, perhaps they could've chosen to go the 'Greek' way?
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Re: Moby Tries to Sneak Another Woman Into the UK via the Backdoor
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2019, 09:38:48 AM »
I am pleased to report SC is safely in the UK and I noted that our copyright images and videos had been nabbed without our permission))

The youtube video is now only visible to those with permission and the photo nabbed from Facebook is a pleasant reminder that SC trusted me to be interviewed and we were put on a later boat and upgraded to the lounge and presented with a lovely Gateaux and two bottles of Prosecco by DFDS seaways.

I make no apologies for using a route whereby I exercised my treaty rights to facilitate SC entering the UK as a visitor as and when she pleases...

We had applied for a family permit visa and she was supposed to have an interview on 19th December in Moscow, but the Italians still had her passport.

Once we found a Border Agency guy who actually knew about my treaty rights and her rights acquired, therein.. and checked that the 1/ marriage was genuine and we were a long-term item and

2/  the basis of my residency in Cyprus and income, and

3/they checked I spent dosh there in the form of day to day expenses.

( The original lady told me that SC could not be admitted and was going to put a refusal in SC's passport until I read her the riot act by quoting her obligation to facilitate our request) the visa was granted.

So... Guess what? The UK BA got to see my status in CY and income.

As always, it is 'interesting' to read the alterative realities of some of our members..and their 'expertise' on Schengen / Implementation of the 'Freedom of movement' Directives.

As someone who actually knows about Schengen rules, I expect SC to be issued future Visas without a problem as Manny assumes SC will not be spending time in IT...moretime than in DE, BE or FR !

The French were mortified at the handling of the case and gave me permission to take the paddy wagon photo.

The Brits did not understand French or Russian and ALL of the French spoke good English.

I was amazed to learn that the more senior lady ( who was clueless) was the French' boss, too.

At that time, we did not realise the time it would take to get to the interview stage .

Still, all worth it ))

They do not do interviews anymore for Russians wanting a UK visa that finished a long time ago!!

We had applied for a family permit visa and she was supposed to have an interview on 19th December in Moscow,

Prove it and post here a scanned copy of appointment in Moscow you will have a confirmation from the visa centre  ??? Now you have a chance to show everyone you do not speak bollocks..

So we are all waiting to see confirmation from the UK visa centre posted here.. I mean you post every other thing/ So lets see confirmation from the visa centre..

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