Information & Chat > The Expatriate Life: Living in the FSU, Asia or Elsewhere
Maxx's Relocation to Tbilisi, Georgia.
--- Quote from: Volshe on July 12, 2015, 07:28:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: Maxx on July 12, 2015, 07:06:05 AM ---
About staying here after retirement. I have been observing people that are my peers and how they are doing with that. It is not a pretty site. Government is in and out of their lives constantly. If not the government directly it is institutions such as banks, schools and particulary healthcare that are complicating their lives with government mandated documentation and requests.
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Move to Eastern Europe (after retirement) - preferably to newer EU members; lets' pray we all remain in considerably good health (as our health care can't compare to yours), given that condition, i believe it's way better to spend late(r) years over here than there.
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That is exactly what I am planning to do. I leave in about 3 months. My Social Security starts in 10 days, $1,711 a month (tax free). With that and my other assets I figure I can live quite comfortably over there. I had a complete exam for my health including an expensive test for my heart (lexi-scan MRI). I check out 100% in the positive.
I am making plans to live in Tbilisi, Georgia. I have some contacts there in the expat community. I want to get aclimated living abroad. From there I am going to explore the region. My list includes, Armenia, Moldova, Albania, Monte Negro and Slovokia. I might make some trips into Romania, Poland and Ukraine. My needs are simple so I figure I can rent small apartments or stay at hostles for short visits.
Best wishes to you in your move Maxx. My apologies for flying off the handle and using un-gentlemanly language as there are ladies that read this too. It's not like me but I am so utterly infuriated with the way this country is going down the toilet.
--- Quote from: Maxx on July 12, 2015, 07:46:59 AM ---
That is exactly what I am planning to do. I leave in about 3 months. My Social Security starts in 10 days, $1,711 a month (tax free). With that and my other assets I figure I can live quite comfortably over there. I had a complete exam for my health including an expensive test for my heart (lexi-scan MRI). I check out 100% in the positive.
I am making plans to live in Tbilisi, Georgia. I have some contacts there in the expat community. I want to get aclimated living abroad. From there I am going to explore the region. My list includes, Armenia, Moldova, Albania, Monte Negro and Slovokia. I might make some trips into Romania, Poland and Ukraine. My needs are simple so I figure I can rent small apartments or stay at hostles for short visits.
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I am so glad you know expat community in Georgia! I know of that plan and there is one thing i didn't want to say, so not to be Debbie Downer: Georgian can be quite closed as a community, before you get to know them (and terribly jealous of their women, like ours.) So, i am glad you already have friends who'll introduce you around. I'll pm you my whereabouts, when you are in Monte, you must come visit, my family will be glad for you to be our guest (more so that in your political views you agree with my father, so you two will have a lot to talk about and i- as a nice Monte 'gal - will shut up and serve food :laugh:)
--- Quote from: Maxx on July 12, 2015, 08:36:02 AM ---
They are called nursing homes here. 4 years ago when my mother had a stroke she stayed in one for a few weeks. Inspite of the efforts to make them cheerful looking they are very depressing places. It is sad to see all these white haired old people all shriveled up alone and waiting to die. I could see that being me in 20 years or so. Another reason to move abroad and establish a life there and a new family.
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It won't happen, you'll have a huge Georgian family!
--- Quote from: Maxx on July 12, 2015, 08:36:02 AM ---
3 years ago my mother was told she had six months to a year to live. She lives in a rather nice and roomy 2 bedroom single level townhouse. The family including myself takes turns caring for her. She does not want to wind up in a nursing home. She has instuctions on the refrigerator door to the emergency people to not revive her if her heart finally goes. It is signed by her doctor. Also in the refrigeratior in the freezer section is her papers for her paid for cremation. Her ashes are to be interned at the Fort Snelling cemetary next to my father.
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I am so glad your mom beat what doctors said! It is sometimes difficult, like, i can't go on vacation now because mother is at a health resort and i am looking after dad (he is in good health thanks goodness, but spoiled, can't cook for himself or whatsoever (:) ) I get up very early to iron his clothes for the day, i bring him breakfast and newspapers to bed etc. - it might seem weird to someone from the west, but we are thought to look like that after our men (father, brothers, husband and sons too). I don't mind, i owe it to him :)
--- Quote from: GuppyCaptain on July 12, 2015, 09:29:05 AM ---Best wishes to you in your move Maxx. My apologies for flying off the handle and using un-gentlemanly language as there are ladies that read this too. It's not like me but I am so utterly infuriated with the way this country is going down the toilet.
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Guppy, you are a hot-blooded Hungarian gentleman, we know you and we like you :)
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