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Portland Oregon, meeting a girl who has a tourist visa
In June I wrote a pretty girl a letter on Lucky Lovers,
We talked on skype every day, I called her on the phone every day for a few months.
I was thinking of going to meet her in her city but then she said that she planned to
visit Portland Oregon of all places :o :o :o
I am sure what many of you are thinking, you are thinking Bill is walking into a scam.
That it is very difficult for a FSUW to get a visa to the USA and that I will get the frantic
call asking for visa money, or something similar.
I have heard about this a hundred times.
However I didn't get this vibe from this girl at all.
I was sure that this wasn't happening.
Best of luck Bill. I hope all goes well.
--- Quote from: Bill on November 17, 2012, 09:17:20 PM ---Best of luck Bill. I hope all goes well.
--- End quote ---
Thank you however the story has already happened I was just going to write a few things about it.
I have been working in North Dakota and part of my agreement to go to North Dakota was
that I would get a week off (with pay) every 7-8 weeks.
So I got into my car after work and drove 24 hours across the map to arrive in Portland Oregon.
During my drive I decide to give the girl a call and see how things are progressing and she says
that she was going to Oregon but didn't want to meet me. She came across an old antidate thread
about me and decided I was a sex tourist. :o >:( :o >:( :o :censored:
I am somewhere in the huge state of Montana and I pull over my car trying to explain that
I am not a sex tourist and that I could prove it.
So I call an old girl friend and ask her if she would talk to this potential new girl friend. This old
girl friend I helped on a number of occasions with questions that I posted on her behalf here and
on visa journey etc. She was reluctant at first but finally agreed that she would talk to the girl in
question. I also tried to contact the girl I visited in Georgia for another reference regarding my
I gave the Portland bound girl the phone numbers of two of my previous pursuits.
I also gave her a link to this forum here to my trip report "Trippin St Pete" so she could read for herself
what I wrote.
I continued on Westward wondering if I was making a trip for nothing. :(
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