Dating & Marriage With Women From Russia, Ukraine, Belarus & FSU > Dating in the FSU and Other Countries

SEX !! SEX !!! when to begin talking about it and what to include? (with a FSUW)

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When should you bring up the subject of sex with an FSUW?

What sexual subjects should you talk about ?

What sexual subjects should you avoid?

What sexual subjects should you wait to talk about later?

Do you really want to know her history?
Are you really going to talk about yours?

Are there some things that should be kept secret or private?

Please comment or explain your answers

Where's the usual option "Bill's an idiot"?

When should you bring up the subject of sex with an FSUW?

Preferably at first visit, although I have violated this rule once and it worked out fine

What sexual subjects should you talk about?


What sexual subjects should you avoid?


I think that sex is something which just comes naturally to two people who are highly attracted to each other.  It often just happens without any discussion about it whatsoever, in fact that is probably the most natural way to proceed.  Certainly one should be respectful of ones new partner and use protection.  Over time as confidence builds with each other than the questions and discussion begin.

I think when writing or skyping or calling on the phone I would not bring it up quickly. I like to just let things flow in a conversation and let it go where it may go.  I would not use the word sex personally right away if at all.  I would simply say something like I want a very passionate and romantic partner, and let things flow from there.  I would ask her what she expects in a partner.  Let her be the one to open up a bit more in a romantic fashion about specifics if she wants to.  I believe that many things can be ascertained without being too direct or graphic.  Let it happen naturally.  Build a friendship first and then see where it leads to.

I talk to the girl all about sex before I ever get on a plane. I talk about all kinds
of things, and usually have a girl laughing a number of times before I bring up
the subject. I don't launch into it on the first conversation but I bring it up after
a comfort level has been created. Usually within the 5th conversation and rarely
have gone past the 10th before I have brought it up.

If for no other reason the exchange going back and forth has me (and her I hope)
excited. If it doesn't then I need to find a girl who it does.

I talk about EVERYTHING, what kind of panties she should wear on our first visit.
My suggestion: Wear something that would look good hanging from the lamp at
my apartment.

I make jokes about it, I talk in details about it, I discuss my crazy attraction
to barefoot midget girls wearing nurses uniforms, (joking but you get my drift).
If she has a sister I always joke that she is invited. however if you are not good
at telling jokes you probably shouldn't try this one, and please send me photos
of your sisters popka! (again don't joke about this if you aren't good at it)

I discuss frequency, positions, oral, anal, fetishes, going to restaurants sans panties
el natural, the mile high club, lights on or off, shaving and grooming.  ALL before
getting on a plane.

I also talk about food, culture, movies, books, language, jokes, and more jokes,
roles in marriage, goals, future plans and life dreams. Childhood, family, hi184/84story,
politics, and everything else under the sun.

My point is that sex is a natural thing to cover with a woman you are serious about.
If she wants sex 8 times a day or 8 times a year believe me you really need to
know this.



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